Shadow Chaser
Posted 01 November 2010 - 02:50 PM
What skills are fine, need tweaking?
Posted 01 November 2010 - 02:53 PM
Shadow form is castable in PvM... even on non party members. Meaning you can grab a nasty mob, take off your gear and walk over to someone and kill them instantly. This one has no use in PvM and should be disabled on non pvp/WoE maps.
Chaos panic does not need to be castable in towns... this DOES have uses in PvM though so please DO NOT disable it on pvm maps.
Same goes for manhole.(Was removed from being castable in town)
Same goes for dimension door.(Was removed from being castable in town)
Posted 01 November 2010 - 03:30 PM
My guild leader and I were playing around in PvP, and he couldn't manhole me if I was moving on my RK, I moved way to fast for his poor little cast time bar to finish.
By putting in on the ground it could allow them to use it and based on their cast bar give us a better chance to hit the spot with it.
Posted 01 November 2010 - 05:31 PM
I think characters on a PecoPeco should automatically get their PecoPeco back when Masquerade Gloomy ends rather than having to go back to the NPC to get it back.
Shadow Form needs a cast time similar to Sacrifice since they are virtually impossible to kill.
Posted 01 November 2010 - 06:18 PM
Mount stripping goes a bit too far, methinks. Going to repair gear is one thing, as I can carry multiple armors and what not on me at the same time, but I have to go back to get my ride EVERY SINGLE TIME it's stripped, and there is only the one in Prontera. Either get rid of this skill altogether or have the ride come back once Gloomy has run out, the player has died or the player has relogged.
Posted 01 November 2010 - 06:24 PM
Manhole is castable under a target and is not supposed to be. It can also be spammed indefinitely to keep a player trapped.
Mount stripping goes a bit too far, methinks. Going to repair gear is one thing, as I can carry multiple armors and what not on me at the same time, but I have to go back to get my ride EVERY SINGLE TIME it's stripped, and there is only the one in Prontera. Either get rid of this skill altogether or have the ride come back once Gloomy has run out, the player has died or the player has relogged.
Another solution for Gloomy would be to put Peco rentals in the WoE kafra NPCs, while there, put Mado rentals as well. If they can make the mount come back after Gloomy that'd be the optimal solution, but if that's not possible, put the rental option in the WoE kafra NPCs.
Posted 01 November 2010 - 06:26 PM
Another solution for Gloomy would be to put Peco rentals in the WoE kafra NPCs, while there, put Mado rentals as well. If they can make the mount come back after Gloomy that'd be the optimal solution, but if that's not possible, put the rental option in the WoE kafra NPCs.
Valkyrie doesn't have those, sadly. An NPC in every town might be a good replacement.
Posted 01 November 2010 - 06:47 PM
Posted 01 November 2010 - 07:19 PM
Shadow Form needs to have a serious cooldown as well.
I disagree. Once in Shadow Form, you can't use any pots or further skills until you're out of Shadow Form. There are many ways to counter a Shadow Form SC:
- Don't attack SCs until they're vulnerable! If your whole guild is focus firing on one SC, then that SC will be able to kill your whole guild. Be aware of who you're attacking! If you're a one shot kill class, let's say a Sura for example, don't start casting Gfist on a SC who's just standing there. You have no idea how many times Suras try to Gfist me, only to get Shadow Formed because of their instincts to kill everything.
- Put a high aspd low dmg class on the SC. A Maestro with a Bezerk Guitar, for instance, does insanely low damage, at insanely high aspd, rendering Shadow Form useless as you'll be eating through the hits constantly.
- Soul Syphon. Once Shadow Form runs out the SC will have to spam blues in order to have enough sp to Shadow Form again, since he can't do that while in Shadow Form.
Any of these 3 counters works against Shadow Form, if you combine all three, it won't be an issue, but even just two of the above fixes the problem for ya. The best way to kill a Shadow Form SC, is to put them into Burning status with a couple of Fire Traps. Once in Burning they'll burn away their HP, as long as nobody's hitting them, they'll die to burning since they can't pot.
If your guild is having trouble with SCs, ask your members if they're paying attention to what they're doing during WoE, of if they're all just blindly attacking anything they can kill.
A good example of a smart guild dealing with SCs is Insurrection. We rushed their Juno1 a couple of times to get some action in, and when I Shadow Formed their members, I couldn't only get hit by AoE attacks after that. Their entire guild stopped targetting me, and I was reduced to a semi-transparent sprite that was watching his SP bar tick away every second. Whereas there are other guilds during that same WoE, that I tried the same thing, and I was able to single handedly wipe huge portions of enemy guilds because the guilds were full of people who weren't thinking about what they were doing as they killed off their members.
Shadow Form doesn't need to be nerfed. Players just need to be smarter about how they approach SCs.
Edited by Pred, 01 November 2010 - 07:19 PM.
Posted 01 November 2010 - 09:27 PM
Posted 01 November 2010 - 09:35 PM
Try getting a counter to gloomy. Divest wears off with time, gloomy is permanent. Either put a mount rental in the kafras in the woe map, or on the woe map itself, or as the others suggested above, give it a wear off time so that the mount comes back after a set amount of time.
Manhole for the most part, in woe, is fine, since 3 targets is not a problem in larger scale battles... In pvp though, consider disabling it or changing it so that you cannot permanently disable a single target. Though my suggestion is give it a additional 1 second fixed cast time.
Has the divest accessories/shadow form others on pvm maps/manhole-ing people in town been fixed yet?
Posted 01 November 2010 - 11:31 PM
Posted 02 November 2010 - 05:40 AM
Shadow Form is fine as is. imo
Pretty much I'm just agreeing to those, I haven't explored the other skills enough.
Posted 02 November 2010 - 10:32 AM
I think Manhole certainly is powerful, but as for overpowered it isn't the skill I would delete for being "too strong". Same goes for the masqs, all of them actually. It strips a mount, while certainly strong (and annoying!), serves as a counter to the currently-non-reductive dragon breath.
Posted 02 November 2010 - 11:19 AM
Posted 02 November 2010 - 11:26 AM
Posted 02 November 2010 - 12:07 PM
He's still contributing in a way that he's making his enemies be very wary of using AoE skills. Especially since SF is instant cast, even if a Shadow Chaser is not in SF, people would still be reluctant to use their AoE skills since the chaser can pop it any time. This becomes a big deal when you're in GvG fights since once things start to get chaotic, that Shadow Chaser is bound to kill someone, no matter how careful everyone is.Shadowform, in my opinion, is just a counter to bad players. If you ignore the SC when he has SF'd, he has already been dealt with (he can't do anything). Sure he can't die, but realistically he is already dead. He is out of the fight, and is no longer contributing.
Posted 02 November 2010 - 12:17 PM
Very true, but I think maelstrom will, or should, provide a larger influence in AoE fights. Even still, I don't find redirection of AoE damage (typically weak in nature) to be a strong point of the skill as compared to spike damage (the main use of the skill). Also having the stalker a counter to blind AoE cluster-_-s is a good thing in my opinion.He's still contributing in a way that he's making his enemies be very wary of using AoE skills. Especially since SF is instant cast, even if a Shadow Chaser is not in SF, people would still be reluctant to use their AoE skills since the chaser can pop it any time. This becomes a big deal when you're in GvG fights since once things start to get chaotic, that Shadow Chaser is bound to kill someone, no matter how careful everyone is.
Edited by Kokotewa, 02 November 2010 - 12:21 PM.
Posted 02 November 2010 - 06:14 PM
a ) spamming it becomes more difficult once people start putting fast-hitting low damage skills on you like firewall or high aspd melee.
b ) it becomes more visible and obvious when an SC is shadow forming people, since I don't think the visual effect shows when you have /effect off.
On gloomy masquerade: one skill description I found said that it can be resisted based on level and stats, but it's not clear what stats those are, or if that's even true.
Mount rental NPC's should be put in WoE Kafras. That's no doubt the quickest and most feasible solution for the iRO team to implement.
Edited by Amor, 02 November 2010 - 06:15 PM.
Posted 03 November 2010 - 09:22 PM
Manhole should not be castable on PvM maps. I can't even count the number of times certain players have exploited it to warp my buff slaves out or to prevent me from competing at a high-end MVPs. Apparently it's not even skill abuse, because GMs won't e-mail me back on the issue or take any sort of action, allowing people to continue abusing such a dumb skill.
Posted 03 November 2010 - 10:37 PM

Edited by yoon, 03 November 2010 - 10:38 PM.
Posted 03 November 2010 - 10:53 PM
Posted 04 November 2010 - 03:33 AM
I seriously hope that the GMs aren't taking their biased opinions into consideration.
Spinzaku is a tear machine. I expect flash flood warnings in this thread as time goes on.
Posted 04 November 2010 - 09:46 AM
people need to realize that those masq strips are to counter other 3rd skills. Stop trying to nerf everything kRO developers WANT the class to do in the first place.
exactly. in addition, there are certain skills that pretty much make a shadow chaser ineffective to do all the things mentioned in this thread. figure it out. a shadow chaser is supposed to disable well. that's the job of it, whether it be to disable other classes or another shadow chaser.
Posted 04 November 2010 - 09:58 AM
Only peco classes in this thread complaining.
I seriously hope that the GMs aren't taking their biased opinions into consideration.
Spinzaku is a tear machine. I expect flash flood warnings in this thread as time goes on.
i don't even know who you are and i doubt you matter at all, go troll somewhere else.
peco classes do get screwed pretty hard by masq gloomy but it wouldn't be that bad if they just allowed WoE kafras to have a mount option. masq ignorance is way, way worse to get hit with imo. weakness probably shouldn't strip weapon/shield off people who are coated either. that's about it for those skills though.
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