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Best Class AoE

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#51 Famous


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Posted 05 November 2010 - 07:29 AM

my point here in this post is, can you do AoE dmg in as early as lvl 50-60??? i have still have to study the skills of a Mystic..... :P

never played mystic or defi but i heard that defi has hard(er) time to aoe cos they get Terms of Service at lvl 60 and even then it misses a lot

easiest solo aoe even at mid 50s char by far would be tempest, sleep and lr and godly heal only thing is that you lack a bit aoe power untill lvl 60
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#52 Commander


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Posted 05 November 2010 - 08:45 AM

Mystic gets a pretty good AoE at 50 and the other at 60. Once you have these 2 it's AoE heaven.
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#53 Spieler09


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Posted 18 November 2010 - 04:59 AM

i vote tempest there are thefastes in prem.
then defi, then mystic

mhhh in js, defi get everytime the stuns...
and yes from time to time a good mystic get some stuns too
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#54 Insanita


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Posted 18 November 2010 - 05:25 AM

I lol'd. Have yet to see a mystic who will outaggro me in JS....

GodsReject probably could, but wrong server ><

Edit: well if this was 2 months ago at least, not sure with skill changes since then since he's stopped playing lol.

Edited by Insanita, 18 November 2010 - 05:26 AM.

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#55 Famous


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Posted 18 November 2010 - 08:20 AM

ive seen mildly geared not capped mystics out agro capped well geared defis.

when they place their totems right at begining and pull some mobs they generate lots of agro quickly so might get stunned during first stun round (if mobs ever survive to second round of stuns) then maybe defi will gain more agro idk.

also if i get lucky with my crits i sometimes get stuns over good defis and mystics.

but tbh all treat this as some kind of epeen contest who gets more stuns = biggest epeen, i dont care get stunned and die if you want to :p_devil:
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#56 TigerNinja


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Posted 18 November 2010 - 11:06 AM

ive seen mildly geared not capped mystics out agro capped well geared defis.

when they place their totems right at begining and pull some mobs they generate lots of agro quickly so might get stunned during first stun round (if mobs ever survive to second round of stuns) then maybe defi will gain more agro idk.

also if i get lucky with my crits i sometimes get stuns over good defis and mystics.

but tbh all treat this as some kind of epeen contest who gets more stuns = biggest epeen, i dont care get stunned and die if you want to :p_devil:

After these dna changes... yea, mystics get aggro. After I die from stuns, then die AGAIN because for some reason even using aed will keep mobs aggro'd to you.
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#57 XRay


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Posted 18 November 2010 - 11:20 AM

After these dna changes... yea, mystics get aggro. After I die from stuns, then die AGAIN because for some reason even using aed will keep mobs aggro'd to you.

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#58 Zuru


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Posted 18 November 2010 - 04:58 PM

After these dna changes... yea, mystics get aggro. After I die from stuns, then die AGAIN because for some reason even using aed will keep mobs aggro'd to you.

Im saddened for my class that there are apparently so many trash mystics out there. I Pull aggro in just about every hunt lol. You guys need better mystics over there. I Pull aggro on purpose. Use all my atks & heals = 100% aggro unless there are more mobs then my AOEs can atk then those few straglers will atk whatever did hit them.
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#59 XRay


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Posted 18 November 2010 - 09:39 PM

Im saddened for my class that there are apparently so many trash mystics out there. I Pull aggro in just about every hunt lol. You guys need better mystics over there. I Pull aggro on purpose. Use all my atks & heals = 100% aggro unless there are more mobs then my AOEs can atk then those few straglers will atk whatever did hit them.

Tiger is hammy, go grind with him. And srsly Zuru, ur statement "silly ray thinking he can outaggro mystics" is is pretty dumb since well, I could give my left nut that I could outaggro the "pro" hammy mystics including you.

also did it ever occur to you that u don't have better mystics but bad defis? xD

Edited by XRay, 18 November 2010 - 09:46 PM.

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#60 EvilClaws


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Posted 18 November 2010 - 09:40 PM

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#61 Coors


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Posted 18 November 2010 - 09:46 PM

I would think after the new dna for defilers the extra aoe duration will put defilers pulling agro much much easier. Pretty sure even over the competent mystics now. Mystics got duration dna for one of their aoes too but I doubt many will take it or not many points at least since most till still take max dura and BL dna.

At 74 i'd have 2 aoes ticking away for 20 secs each and with 55% crit...mystics lost their dps crown.
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#62 Scel


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Posted 18 November 2010 - 10:59 PM

also did it ever occur to you that u don't have better mystics but bad defis? xD

Is that so..... http://forums.warppo...tyle_emoticons/default/014.gif
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#63 XRay


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Posted 18 November 2010 - 11:13 PM

you don't grind xD
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#64 Zuru


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Posted 19 November 2010 - 12:54 AM

Tiger is hammy, go grind with him. And srsly Zuru, ur statement "silly ray thinking he can outaggro mystics" is is pretty dumb since well, I could give my left nut that I could outaggro the "pro" hammy mystics including you.

also did it ever occur to you that u don't have better mystics but bad defis? xD

Come hunt with me see how much aggro ur class pulls. Honestly not sure what mystics u hunt with but with the gear u listed there is no way in hell ud pull aggro over me. Suck ur own Epeen but dream on about getting aggro over me lol. Tru teaching Valdes mystics how to hunt better & u'll see mystics pulling more aggro as they should be.
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#65 XRay


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Posted 19 November 2010 - 03:25 AM

so ur saying that I, who am better geared than 90% of defilers out there, can't outaggro you who is wearing what s1 flame? lold. know ur limits.
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#66 Hugh


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Posted 19 November 2010 - 05:27 AM

I would think after the new dna for defilers the extra aoe duration will put defilers pulling agro much much easier. Pretty sure even over the competent mystics now. Mystics got duration dna for one of their aoes too but I doubt many will take it or not many points at least since most till still take max dura and BL dna.

At 74 i'd have 2 aoes ticking away for 20 secs each and with 55% crit...mystics lost their dps crown.

But a mystic will also have 2 aoes ticking away for the same time with more crit..

I'd say mystic/defiler are fairly even now, curse mastery will be more effective as you get higher magic damage while BL doesn't give as much of a damage boost.

And yes mystic could really do with more DNA..but defilers could do so you can get good dps + good VT.
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#67 Coors


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Posted 19 November 2010 - 05:32 AM

I dunno, i'd have to test with one of the good mystics that ate stuns for me and see if they still could. Then again I gave my wand away so I wouldn't be able if I wanted to.
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#68 Hugh


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Posted 19 November 2010 - 06:04 AM

I dunno, i'd have to test with one of the good mystics that ate stuns for me and see if they still could. Then again I gave my wand away so I wouldn't be able if I wanted to.

Well even though I think they are fairly even, mystic has to recast fire rain so there will be a break in damage.. while with defiler the break is at the end of the downtime so defiler is more likely to get stuns imo even if damage over time is the same.

Edited by Hugh, 19 November 2010 - 06:09 AM.

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#69 stratlover


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Posted 19 November 2010 - 06:35 AM

why do you consider aggro as an indicator really? i can pull aggro from any tank if i decide to be an ass and spam burning hell every cooldown. its almost as powerful as taunting cry in terms of innate aggro. there is no limit to it if you are trying to be an aggro-_-. Put healing totem before initial pull and spam burning hell every cd- congratulations- you are the tank.

In terms of raw firepower I belive Defilers have the upper edge then mystics and lastly tempests. myst-temp is pretty close though. This is considering they are equally geared and played.
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#70 Loyalty1


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Posted 19 November 2010 - 07:32 AM

Tiger is hammy, go grind with him. And srsly Zuru, ur statement "silly ray thinking he can outaggro mystics" is is pretty dumb since well, I could give my left nut that I could outaggro the "pro" hammy mystics including you.

also did it ever occur to you that u don't have better mystics but bad defis? xD

''i dont wanna grind unless we got 4 defilers cuz im not very good 2 time my Terms of Service''

Yes I did get that a few times. :p_devil:
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#71 XRay


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Posted 19 November 2010 - 07:40 AM

I don't get defi's who can't time their Terms of Service....... I can get into the room late if I'm 2nd Terms of Service and from the skills the defi with the first Terms of Service is using at that time deduce when to lay my Terms of Service down perfectly.... but honestly it's really not hard -.-'
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#72 Zuru


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Posted 19 November 2010 - 05:29 PM

so ur saying that I, who am better geared than 90% of defilers out there, can't outaggro you who is wearing what s1 flame? lold. know ur limits.

lol Flame set? I was unaware that I was using that set lol. Thanks wise old Ray for informing me on my own gear!
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#73 XRay


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Posted 19 November 2010 - 09:02 PM

was a question inside a question about what ur wearing fyi... Posted Image
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#74 TigerNinja


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Posted 19 November 2010 - 09:31 PM

I <3 these threads. They make my day.
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#75 Spieler09


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Posted 20 November 2010 - 10:41 AM

this topics are better then look comedy.
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