Upcoming Skill Changes(Pt. 3); Warrior, Berserker, and Warlord - Page 3 - Bartuk Plains - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Upcoming Skill Changes(Pt. 3); Warrior, Berserker, and Warlord

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#51 Viole


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Posted 14 May 2014 - 07:49 AM

Oh I'm well aware of the resurgence of defis, it's mainly due to clamor nerf that they've become "semi-popular" again (at least in terms of the population I guess).


Like I said, and I agree with you 1) people build squishy to maximize DPS, this results in a disparity in pvp where you can hit 2k-2.7k on cap given the correct circumstances, but you die in 5-8 seconds, unless you happen to be a very buffed mystic on both totems (I literally count the seconds per target so...) 2) some classes like Druids or commies have a slightly better overall stats spread when invested in +30, because of the skills strength and item mall involved. 


Personally, I've never known people that were actually serious about pvp that didn't try to find the balance between DPS/survivability in any other game.


I've played defi, did well with defi, I know Terms of Service can be strong if it's gotten off. But I also know that people can just walk out of it too if you placed it a certain angle and they happen to be at the edge of it. Or they can just charge out. But, at least with clamor not being completely useless, you'll have a way to keep casters in check for a bit, now you can't really unless a commie wants to ruin their day lol.



Edited by Viole, 14 May 2014 - 07:53 AM.

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#52 xSweetDreamsx


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Posted 14 May 2014 - 07:52 AM

You are the one accusing and calling me 'blind idiot'.
I made myself clear with arguments - lvl 60 skill With 14 secs stun duration, 84% and 10m range. No other Class has a stun anyway near to it.


Spy gave his opinion, same as anyone can, get your knickers out that twist. Defiler is top of rankings because it has always been a popular class and ofc it has aoes so easier to get high kill rate. Terms of Service isnt so bad but id like to know a defiler who can cast Terms of Service with full cast time cause i see all of them running and casting (ty hackreq)


Imo, WLs are fine, they already had a knock back after the recent nerf.

Zerk shouldnt be able to chain someone with stuns, fears and w/e else, some skills need more cooldown.

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#53 WhateverHeSaid


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Posted 14 May 2014 - 10:46 AM

Almost of defilers are old players with a lot of "player's skill" (that one which money/mall don't buy) like Leash and Lithi, some others have +30 items (not my case, but I can kill more than die). From other side, have that one who use hacks, and it's equal to all classes (more speed, less cast/attack time, attack through walls). And yeah, defilers have a good skill set to do PvP and PvE (but to pve has better classes).
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#54 Vulcano


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Posted 14 May 2014 - 11:04 AM

kept on topic plox


change root to aoe fear , dam it !

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#55 Helium


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Posted 14 May 2014 - 12:16 PM

Here are some of my thoughts on Warriors and their 2nd Jobs (posting while I read up on the thread).

Skill NameSkill DescriptionJobNotes
ChargeCharge into an enemy to inflict great damage.WarriorI would ask the question: Whether or not to have instant movement (like charge, dash, advance, retreat, escaping etc.) skills in the 1st Job or move them to 2nd Job? I can also imagine having instant movement skills for the 1st Job but having separate instant movement skills for the 2nd Job and add DNA for the 2nd Job versions only. DNA offers a variety of ways to modify an instant movement skill like Charge with anything from additional damage, state changes (like movement speed/slow, stun, sleep, etc.), area of effect damage or area of effect state changes, various immunities, or reflects, among many others.
Armor BreakerAttack the target to inflict additional damage and decrease its short range defense power for a set duration.WarriorWarriors do not generally do Long Range damage but since it would be beneficial to a allies in battle, if this skill belonged to Warlords it would seem fitting to then add Long Range Defense to the debuff. But, instead it should probably be considered for Shout of Ferocious Tiger later on Warlord skills.
Extended Fighting WillIncreases duration of Fighting Will.WarriorI want to replace this (and all other DNA that extends duration on a self target only buff) with something more useful. If the skill is a self target only buff with a short duration, like Quick Attack for instance, then the duration would simply be increased on the skill, not with DNA. No more DNA making self buffs last longer taking up space! Keep in mind this would exclude extension to duration of debuffs, damage over time, and buffs that target party members or other players.
Extended CourageIncreases duration of Courage.WarriorI want to replace this (and all other DNA that extends duration on a self target only buff) with something more useful. If the skill is a self target only buff with a short duration, like Quick Attack for instance, then the duration would simply be increased on the skill, not with DNA. No more DNA making self buffs last longer taking up space! Keep in mind this would exclude extension to duration of debuffs, damage over time, and buffs that target party members or other players.
Reckless AttackTemporarily increase your Attack Speed at the cost of decreasing Physical Defense Power.BerserkerConsider changing the attribute that is decreased. As a counterpart to Wrath Awakening, perhaps Accuracy?
Hyper ModeIncreases short range Attack Power by changing to hyper mode for a set duration.BerserkerHyper Mode needs something to make it more relevent, no? Perhaps a movement speed bonus?
Extended Reckless AttackIncrease duration of Reckless AttackBerserkerI want to replace this (and all other DNA that extends duration on a self target only buff) with something more useful. If the skill is a self target only buff with a short duration, like Quick Attack for instance, then the duration would simply be increased on the skill, not with DNA. No more DNA making self buffs last longer taking up space! Keep in mind this would exclude extension to duration of debuffs, damage over time, and buffs that target party members or other players.
Feast of BloodMercilessly attack the target and enemies in its vicinity to increase their hostility toward you.WarlordNot sure what the point of having a taunt on Warlord is. Even if it were on Berserker, it seems out of place. Perhaps the hostility effect could be dropped and something else put in its place.
Shout of Ferocious Tiger Yell out a battle cry to decrease surrounding enemies' short range Physical Defense Power.WarlordAs a Warlord, effecting multiple enemies with multiple debuffs is a good strategy. Adding Long Range Defense to the debuff can be considered.
Overbearing ClamorMake surrounding enemies slow & disable magic skills with loud cry.WarlordWe can consider giving back a small increase to the duration, and making it increase with level again, to make the recent change to this skill less painful, but keep the intended balance of the change.
Shocking CryGet surrounding enemies paralyzed for a certain period with great fear, when shouting a loud cry.WarlordThis really seems more like a Berserker skill to me, not to shock anyone.

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#56 Cleffy


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Posted 14 May 2014 - 01:39 PM

Shocking Cry is a Druid Skill not a Warlord Skill. If Warlord's had that skill they would be the greatest class under heaven. Overbearing Clamour was overpowered for just disabling magic, Shocking Cry also prevents movement, and attacks.


I don't think the changes you propose will make any sort of actual impact. The real core issue with Armor Reduction skills is that even reducing armor 50% has no effect on a lot of classes. With Radiant and Protector buffs, a Warlord subtracting 50% of the total armor still sticks them at capped armor. Only 3 classes use long range attacks.


If you increase the duration of Overbearing Clamour, I suggest decreasing the range. The results will be the same if it has the same number of targets and range.


Feast of Blood, I am pretty sure the hostility generation was removed years ago.


Hyper mode is intended as a 1 hit wonder skill. You activate it, charge in, and whack someone for 7k+ damage. It doesn't really need a buff, if you want one probably duration would help or increasing its physical damage effect.


Finally, Charge type skills are the quintessential skill for any melee class. Melee will no longer exist in this game if you move all the instant move skills to the second tree or remove them. Melee need a skill that gets them to a ranged target or else they will never reach that target. This should be a 1st class job skill because Warriors compete in PVP.


Edited by Cleffy, 14 May 2014 - 01:41 PM.

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#57 Vulcano


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Posted 14 May 2014 - 02:10 PM

do not touch charge!


its fine the way it is now 

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#58 Helium


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Posted 14 May 2014 - 02:30 PM

Shocking Cry is a Druid Skill not a Warlord Skill. If Warlord's had that skill they would be the greatest class under heaven. Overbearing Clamour was overpowered for just disabling magic, Shocking Cry also prevents movement, and attacks.


I don't think the changes you propose will make any sort of actual impact. The real core issue with Armor Reduction skills is that even reducing armor 50% has no effect on a lot of classes. With Radiant and Protector buffs, a Warlord subtracting 50% of the total armor still sticks them at capped armor. Only 3 classes use long range attacks.


If you increase the duration of Overbearing Clamour, I suggest decreasing the range. The results will be the same if it has the same number of targets and range.


Feast of Blood, I am pretty sure the hostility generation was removed years ago.


Hyper mode is intended as a 1 hit wonder skill. You activate it, charge in, and whack someone for 7k+ damage. It doesn't really need a buff, if you want one probably duration would help or increasing its physical damage effect.


Finally, Charge type skills are the quintessential skill for any melee class. Melee will no longer exist in this game if you move all the instant move skills to the second tree or remove them. Melee need a skill that gets them to a ranged target or else they will never reach that target. This should be a 1st class job skill because Warriors compete in PVP.



do not touch charge!


its fine the way it is now 


On instant movements, I was thinking more along the lines of moving them to 1st jobs and making 2nd job versions of them that have added benefits, not unlike some of them are now (like burning dash and brutal scud).


On Shocking Cry, what the hell, I knew something did not feel right about that. I will have to be more careful, ha ha ha.


My comments here are for the most part to reassure that changes will not 'nerf' the class.

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#59 sleepyTown


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Posted 14 May 2014 - 03:31 PM

oh i love to see hypermode with speedbuff...that will help a lot specially in escaping multiple enemies..and Helium pls bring back the old skull crusher 3 secs stun at level 10 and DNA should be accessible only above level 69 5 -DNA will increase the duration of the stun to 5 secs..so basically 5 secs stun should not be accessible to level 69 but to 70 and above...


and if you didnt leveled a warrior zerk above level 69 you would not know how it sucks really at lvl 90...great damage yeah if no rad/prot buff otherwise you just dead...

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#60 Viole


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Posted 14 May 2014 - 04:46 PM

oh i love to see hypermode with speedbuff...that will help a lot specially in escaping multiple enemies..and Helium pls bring back the old skull crusher 3 secs stun at level 10 and DNA should be accessible only above level 69 5 -DNA will increase the duration of the stun to 5 secs..so basically 5 secs stun should not be accessible to level 69 but to 70 and above...


and if you didnt leveled a warrior zerk above level 69 you would not know how it sucks really at lvl 90...great damage yeah if no rad/prot buff otherwise you just dead...


It's even worse when you're SS and have more CAD than SCAD because of the way armors work ;;


But yeah, hypermode should really give you a reason to FEAR serks when they are buffed with it. Most serks coming at you are literally just meat. Too bad stuff like AM would  and can only define commanders because of the caster outlash at melee being more "OP", but an immunity to everything except stuns would be neat.

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#61 sleepyTown


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Posted 14 May 2014 - 05:57 PM

one more....when zerk buff counterattack he cant also attack because of the animation of reflecting skills back to the attacker...this should be corrected...

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#62 AngelicPretty


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Posted 14 May 2014 - 06:38 PM

charge is stun lock game play is silly currently. run /charge/run charge over and over.

remove some of the dna for potens charge so charge has and extra 5 secs cooldown. Or extend the base skills cooldown by 5 secs .

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#63 Viole


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Posted 14 May 2014 - 07:10 PM

lol charge doesn't need to be changed, there are plenty of other classes than can effectively lock a single target down.

It's probably the most counterable "lock" if the warrior-based class doesn't slow, root, or fear you.

Edited by Viole, 14 May 2014 - 07:10 PM.

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#64 Cleffy


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Posted 14 May 2014 - 08:36 PM

Charge Stun lock is a pretty poor method to stun lock, and is easily counter-able by most classes. Charge stuns 1 second, has a cool down of 2 seconds, and requires the Warrior to get at least 5m from the target. Only effective verse a couple melee classes. You will be un-stunned in time to unleash an attack on the Warrior if you have any sort of range, and can probably counter it with melee by moving towards the warrior attempting it.

BTW, Skull Crasher- instead of stun, hush target for 8 seconds.

Edited by Cleffy, 14 May 2014 - 08:37 PM.

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#65 SidZSpY


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Posted 14 May 2014 - 11:32 PM

charge is stun lock game play is silly currently. run /charge/run charge over and over.

remove some of the dna for potens charge so charge has and extra 5 secs cooldown. Or extend the base skills cooldown by 5 secs .


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#66 W1lliam


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Posted 15 May 2014 - 12:16 AM

Hi guys,


"Charge stun lock". Good one.


You need to be at 10m from your target to charge again. Since the stun is only one second it means you need at least 3 sec to get away to a distance that would allow you to dash again.

Even with that, cooldown is 4.8secs.

Generally during these 5 secs I take a stun, a Terms of Service, a sleep or anything else you want.


So charge stun lock... Is that your best argument ?


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#67 AngelicPretty


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Posted 15 May 2014 - 02:14 AM

huhu i do charge stun lock all time on my Zerk. it naked only has sword. 

As with all stuns. there is an extra 1 or 2 secs  when other person cant use a skill.

add in lags etc. it np np.


i play naked zerk just to show how stupid class is. naked can win npnp cus its 3 stuns and fear. throw a shackle to trololol.


Bartuk is game in easy mode. 

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#68 WhateverHeSaid


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Posted 15 May 2014 - 09:31 AM

I don't think it's OP, buuuuuuut, your survive is depends from how much mall you can expend.

Just do right:
- Charge (1 sec stun - 4.8 sec CD with DNA);
- Skull crasher (up to 3 sec with DNA - 13 sec CD);
- run aray and burning dash (1 sec stun - 30 sec CD);
- run away and charge again (more 1 sec stun);
- terror (up to 15 sec, just need wait more 6 seconds to skull crasher's cd ends after next charge or wait 15 to refresh some skill CD - 28.8 sec CD);
- charge (1 sec);
- skull crasher (3 sec);
- if the target isn't died and he can kill you, use shackle, run away and start all again (after refresh CD);
- if he cannot kill you, just keep attacking.

While each steps, AA/SS + damage skills/buffs (armor break, wrath, reckless, soul of berzerker, hyper mode, SRDDD lvl 5, and all from that "big niggas").

If well timmed, no one survive.

At last, this "chart" is not considering the lag and the skill delay, believe, that delay benefits the stun lock.
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#69 SidZSpY


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Posted 15 May 2014 - 09:33 AM

In a way if you see the charge isnt 1second stun,its almost 2 seconds since the animation has its own count,but i would say zerks are ok the way they are since they are killable 1vs1,but wl..not even get to fight unless we get blessed with 1 miss charge all wls are just .dash,halt dash attack dash attack.


Not to forget they are game changer class,1 skill and people 22m around him gets halt instantly for 17seconds and soon when OC comes back they will be like the old times.


Requiem team are very easily convinced,like 1 person rage the hell out in forums and they like...OKOK we will do as you want.


Helium i would suggest you play the game rather than loooking over theory of people or looking into your records or w.e. the game is totally different when you play it.

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#70 SidZSpY


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Posted 15 May 2014 - 09:34 AM

how much time it takes to go 10m? they just charge and the person is stun for around 1.5~2seconds seconds,thats more than enuf time to run and take the stance


Edit: stop overe exaggerating about the range of charge,taking 10m is like 1.5second walk(since our movement speed is 5.5~5.6m/sec)

Edited by SidZSpY, 15 May 2014 - 09:39 AM.

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#71 WhateverHeSaid


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Posted 15 May 2014 - 09:48 AM

how much time it takes to go 10m? they just charge and the person is stun for around 1.5~2seconds seconds,thats more than enuf time to run and take the stance
Edit: stop overe exaggerating about the range of charge,taking 10m is like 1.5second walk(since our movement speed is 5.5~5.6m/sec)

It's less, since weapons have a "little range" (if I'm not wrong, all melee attacks have 4 meters range) you don't need run 10 meters (Pauli exclusion principle, "two solid objects cannot be in the same place at the same time"). But, some variables need be used, like: was you, or your target, running before charge? Sometimes you stun the target and pass through him. I think you need run between 6 - 8 meters most of times, sometimes less.

Edited by WhateverHeSaid, 15 May 2014 - 09:50 AM.

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#72 SidZSpY


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Posted 15 May 2014 - 10:13 AM

thanks for the details explanation^^ anyways its the same as i want to say :)

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#73 WhateverHeSaid


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Posted 15 May 2014 - 10:17 AM

thanks for the details explanation^^ anyways its the same as i want to say :)

Sure, just confirming.

At last, I love waste my time procrastinating :heh:

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#74 Vulcano


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Posted 15 May 2014 - 10:49 PM

charge miss like 90% of time...due of dash bug our rool back , if u people try it u will see its so dam annoying...


and i still think its great plan if hyper mode adds way more DMG if the berseker have less 10% HP , like the ideia is the people should be scared of bersekers not think " oh look free kill incoming"...


and we dont talk about mana warriors have.....dont give me a talk about get "mana equips" cmon -_-

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#75 sleepyTown


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Posted 17 May 2014 - 10:13 PM

Here are some of my thoughts on Warriors and their 2nd Jobs (posting while I read up on the thread).

Skill NameSkill DescriptionJobNotesChargeCharge into an enemy to inflict great damage.WarriorI would ask the question: Whether or not to have instant movement (like charge, dash, advance, retreat, escaping etc.) skills in the 1st Job or move them to 2nd Job? I can also imagine having instant movement skills for the 1st Job but having separate instant movement skills for the 2nd Job and add DNA for the 2nd Job versions only. DNA offers a variety of ways to modify an instant movement skill like Charge with anything from additional damage, state changes (like movement speed/slow, stun, sleep, etc.), area of effect damage or area of effect state changes, various immunities, or reflects, among many others.Armor BreakerAttack the target to inflict additional damage and decrease its short range defense power for a set duration.WarriorWarriors do not generally do Long Range damage but since it would be beneficial to a allies in battle, if this skill belonged to Warlords it would seem fitting to then add Long Range Defense to the debuff. But, instead it should probably be considered for Shout of Ferocious Tiger later on Warlord skills.Extended Fighting WillIncreases duration of Fighting Will.WarriorI want to replace this (and all other DNA that extends duration on a self target only buff) with something more useful. If the skill is a self target only buff with a short duration, like Quick Attack for instance, then the duration would simply be increased on the skill, not with DNA. No more DNA making self buffs last longer taking up space! Keep in mind this would exclude extension to duration of debuffs, damage over time, and buffs that target party members or other players.Extended CourageIncreases duration of Courage.WarriorI want to replace this (and all other DNA that extends duration on a self target only buff) with something more useful. If the skill is a self target only buff with a short duration, like Quick Attack for instance, then the duration would simply be increased on the skill, not with DNA. No more DNA making self buffs last longer taking up space! Keep in mind this would exclude extension to duration of debuffs, damage over time, and buffs that target party members or other players.Reckless AttackTemporarily increase your Attack Speed at the cost of decreasing Physical Defense Power.BerserkerConsider changing the attribute that is decreased. As a counterpart to Wrath Awakening, perhaps Accuracy?Hyper ModeIncreases short range Attack Power by changing to hyper mode for a set duration.BerserkerHyper Mode needs something to make it more relevent, no? Perhaps a movement speed bonus?Extended Reckless AttackIncrease duration of Reckless AttackBerserkerI want to replace this (and all other DNA that extends duration on a self target only buff) with something more useful. If the skill is a self target only buff with a short duration, like Quick Attack for instance, then the duration would simply be increased on the skill, not with DNA. No more DNA making self buffs last longer taking up space! Keep in mind this would exclude extension to duration of debuffs, damage over time, and buffs that target party members or other players.Feast of BloodMercilessly attack the target and enemies in its vicinity to increase their hostility toward you.WarlordNot sure what the point of having a taunt on Warlord is. Even if it were on Berserker, it seems out of place. Perhaps the hostility effect could be dropped and something else put in its place.Shout of Ferocious Tiger Yell out a battle cry to decrease surrounding enemies' short range Physical Defense Power.WarlordAs a Warlord, effecting multiple enemies with multiple debuffs is a good strategy. Adding Long Range Defense to the debuff can be considered.Overbearing ClamorMake surrounding enemies slow & disable magic skills with loud cry.WarlordWe can consider giving back a small increase to the duration, and making it increase with level again, to make the recent change to this skill less painful, but keep the intended balance of the change.Shocking CryGet surrounding enemies paralyzed for a certain period with great fear, when shouting a loud cry.WarlordThis really seems more like a Berserker skill to me, not to shock anyone.

if u like to add charge added effect in the 2nd job thru dna imo slowing the attack speed of both skill and auto attack will be a lot better like biskra double skill
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