Here's me using all my nukes Rake nail/Bloody Arrow/Attack of Curse, Elf Invisible arrow > 3 secs stun. Now he casts Rage of bugs(1.5 secs) after that elf comes up close to me in Doom Guard form and right as the first stun runs out,elf uses staggering shout(instant cast/ lasts 6 secs) then elf gets out of Doom Guard form and casts a crap load of other offensive skills. Staggering shout expires, elf either goes back in Doom Guard and use heavy blow(another instant cast stun which lasts for 3 secs).
By then I'm either dead or saved by my team and the elf is far far far away cause he knows how to use approach + DNA in cool down which makes it spammable after every 5 secs and healed up cause they have 3 heals from the battle magician tree.
God mighty elves, you're all pros.
EDIT: P.S Did you guys know that Doom Guard is immune to all stuns? (Sarcasm at best)
Edited by xShadowGigx, 16 July 2014 - 08:44 PM.