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[kRO Devnote] War of Emperium Revitalization

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#51 SeikenDensetsu


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Posted 01 September 2017 - 08:41 PM

Please post your thoughts on the announcement. I can take this feedback to the director next time we meet. Which should be next week.


Camp, after all that effort to get a 1.0 the chance to lose it totally is crazy and unacceptable.


Name me a 1.0 god item that hasn't been in someway superceded?


The need for items is based on their functionality e.g. abusive robes are hot now cos they are top of the line for many things at the moment, but when something stronger comes, their prices and demand will drop.

"Buffing" 1.0s by giving a 5% chance of increasing 5% of its function is bull-_-tery cos the odds are losing the item, failing and losing billions of zeny not to mention the effort taken to make the things in the first place.


Fix iRO castle drops, allow 1.0s to not be destroyed on attempts, add a kafra component to it even if its stupid expensive otherwise it's gonna be major guild domination again, just like WOE animosity, and demeris for bio4 leveling. It's not that they are bad its just they are so dominant everyone else just gets tornado-ed into the sea.


The bio5 hats are already boring as heck to do, has a ludicrous chance of success, current instances are boring. So WOE needs fixing.


Improve the drop rates. Castle rotations are good. Force economy wipes every X weeks/months to level the playing field a bit and to encourage people to be active.


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#52 Icarus05


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Posted 02 September 2017 - 12:22 AM

I don't know how to read Korean, so these are just what I can gather from google translating. If anyone wants to come along and provide a better translation, it would be appreciated. Until then, here is a rundown of the changes:

  • All WoEs will be 1 hour long.  It isn't clear on what when they will take place (?).
  • The number of castles is being reduced. 15 for 1.0, 5 for 2.0, and 5 for TE. The castles opened will be on rotation (From what I can understand). 
  • WoE ____ set equipment will now be purchasable directly from an NPC for cheap. They can be upgraded easily with unique upgrade items that exist only for these gears. The items will drop via castle treasures, or from the guild dungeons.
  • Players will no longer instantly respawn when they die inside of a castle. Similar to PVP, players will now have the chance to be resurrected by any res skills (It doesn't mention anything about Tokens). If a player dies again after already being ressed, they will then respawn.
  • God Items will be slottable with a chance of failure when slotting. If the slotting attempt fails, the god item is permanently lost. (There is also something about enchanting, but it specifically says a hat? Not sure entirely on this part)
  • Each castle will have their own exclusive Guild Dungeons 1 & 2. The guild leader that owns the castle can invest into an NPC to increase the spawns within the dungeon. GD1 will contain monsters below level 100, GD2 contains monsters above level 100. Hall of Abyss dungeons are still shared between all the castles in the realm. (It also says something about castle owners allowing the public to enter their castle's dungeon for an admission fee?)
  • The seal quests are being revamped. EXP rewards are being redone, and now all seals will be opened at the same time. The limit of 100 completions per seal still remains, and once all are closed a god item can be made.
There are also 2 changes that kRO already implemented:
  • Unique castle drops have been put back in.
  • Alliance members can now use the castle flags of other guilds in their alliance. (It also mentions some new flag features in an image table, so I can't see what it says)
It would be nice if this topic could stay in the community chat section so it can be seen by more people who care about WoE's future.
Adding to the first post so more people see it:


Legend: Blue is very interesting

              Orange: This is what i've been waiting for!!!


Since the only reason why i play thor is because of WOE and WOE is life. I'm happy that finally we have WOE Revitilization (PLEASE GET IT IRO!!!)


1.Having 1 hour of woe will be very challenging but fine. in fact, i prefer around 1hr-1.5hours since 2 hours really strains the supply so bad especially during Guild alliance clashes. I can't wait to panic


2. Thank you?


3. getting resurrected inside the castle?....uhm.... (idk how to react about this)no, I prefer the old way which we have 1 chance of living inside the castle. i'm telling you, it will be messy as hell. (like bodies lying around and you don't know what are you clicking at. maybe this is what i don't want to happen.but on the flip side, AB can use their Redemptio :heh:)​





5. I'm ok now with Slotted gods :heh: (At least give us the success rate so of it)



note: Please add some rewards for us guild members who are wasting their lives and rations for getting a single castle . thanks

Edited by Icarus05, 02 September 2017 - 03:57 PM.

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#53 ShinobiEX3


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Posted 02 September 2017 - 07:34 AM

I see you guys still love going around in circles and live in hope Kro will ever give a rat's rear end about this community's feedback.
I should steal you bacon so you learn your lesson!!!

I don't eat bacon. You can have it
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#54 Hissis


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Posted 02 September 2017 - 07:35 AM

Does Masq even have a fix cast? I assume no because many SCs achived instant Masq (ie no cast bar, no skill name appeared). If Masq doesnt have a fix cast, maybe they should add some. Not seeing a cast is just ridiculous. Disclaimer: not that I struggle if SC can achieve instant Masq or use Auto Masq. I just think this will help some ir not most people's struggles.


It's not going to fix anything,especially if we receive the fixed cast time costume enchant.


The game needs a heavy balance,not only adding fixed cast time for some skills or making x,y reduceable.


Sura is not OP because it has absurd damage (rebel would be op if that's the reason),it's op cause it has everything and you are not punished if you play bad. + Sura is not broken if you compare to dorams :heh:  ,doram's are even worse.


Anyway,WoE should reward everysingle member and not only guild leaders 

Edited by Hissis, 02 September 2017 - 07:36 AM.

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#55 ChakriGuard



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Posted 02 September 2017 - 08:29 AM

It's not going to fix anything,especially if we receive the fixed cast time costume enchant.

The game needs a heavy balance,not only adding fixed cast time for some skills or making x,y reduceable.

Sura is not OP because it has absurd damage (rebel would be op if that's the reason),it's op cause it has everything and you are not punished if you play bad. + Sura is not broken if you compare to dorams :heh: ,doram's are even worse.

Anyway,WoE should reward everysingle member and not only guild leaders

For me, Dorams in WoE arr as irrelevant as as Genetics. Sura are still far more OP than Dorams.

Edited by ChakriGuard, 02 September 2017 - 08:30 AM.

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#56 Hirumminho


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Posted 02 September 2017 - 08:30 AM


Anyway,WoE should reward everysingle member and not only guild leaders 



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#57 CadburyChocolate


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Posted 02 September 2017 - 09:33 AM

Class rebalance for WoE, GX cant kill a thing despite their lore, they're even not hard compared to others


Status effect immunity changes as well

Edited by CadburyChocolate, 02 September 2017 - 09:35 AM.

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#58 Hissis


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Posted 02 September 2017 - 01:29 PM

For me, Dorams in WoE arr as irrelevant as as Genetics. Sura are still far more OP than Dorams.


Because you have DA  :p_devil:

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#59 ChakriGuard



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Posted 02 September 2017 - 02:40 PM

Because you have DA :p_devil:

Nope it's because ...

Dorams are not as mobile as Suras.
Dorams cant one shot well geared players. Sura can.
Dorams don't do as well as Suras in mutilple enemies situation.

The best thing Dorams can do is to Lope? (which is slower than Snap) and Stoop to tank a bit just to stay still to get Masq'ed like an idiot xD

Dorams are BJJ fighters who specializes in 1-1 combat
Sura are Mixed martial fighters who are good in any combat situations


SCs are street fighters who don't mind going after the groin or he eyes to disable but are too weak to actually fight like professionals hahaha

RGs are Muay Thai falcon knee masters which will become useless if you can put three down in the ground (assuming that you don't get KO'ed in a short range first)


Hard to balance classes. Assume you can eliminate all bias and preferences, people still have different ideas and perspectives.

Edited by ChakriGuard, 02 September 2017 - 02:44 PM.

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#60 WarlockFier


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Posted 02 September 2017 - 06:28 PM

WoE should reward everysingle member and not only guild leaders 


I'm in agreement with this but just saying that isn't going to help the GMs, try and be more elaborated with ideas and suggestion, as well as how to come up with a way to deter multi accounting/ alting to benefit from it? This is something easy to say, but difficult to implement.

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#61 Hissis


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Posted 02 September 2017 - 09:20 PM

Dorams cant one shot well geared players. Sura can.


:heh:  :heh:  :heh:  :heh:  :heh:  :heh:  :heh:  :heh:  :heh:  :heh:





Block alts(like any decent game),im not really going to elaborate this cause i know nothing is going to be done,people already gave 894899484 suggestions during the past years,they ignored it and came up with the nice idea of ress inside WoE.



Just let it be a PVM game like everyone asked for(and bring more jRO gears).

Edited by Hissis, 02 September 2017 - 09:29 PM.

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#62 walkingdoods


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Posted 02 September 2017 - 10:56 PM

back then i think i remember soul linkers can use esma estin estun and other skills in pvp woe? why now it is not working? i like soul linkers

i think i suggest to have a cards or equips to defense against harmful skills and status effects like masqie/manhole/DDfreeze/deepsleep/cursecircle/and many other OP skills/effect .., especially manhole it annoys me a lot

Edited by walkingdoods, 02 September 2017 - 11:01 PM.

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#63 Demeris


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Posted 03 September 2017 - 07:10 AM

The more I think about this, the more of a realization I believe this change isn't really for Chaos. These changes in WoE are for RE:Start players.

Why would kRO care about chaos renewal now? kRO is where their focus is and I think it's important to look at these chsnges as an improvement for RE:Start
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#64 Bohem


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Posted 03 September 2017 - 07:31 AM

i saw KRO's schedule for WOE... everyone is hating it lol

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#65 Sigma1


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Posted 03 September 2017 - 08:00 AM

i saw KRO's schedule for WOE... everyone is hating it lol

Sure. :heh:

I wonder if Gravity want to revive WoE or repel the remaining WoE players.

Edit : removed WoE schedule.

Edited by Sigma1, 03 September 2017 - 11:36 AM.

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#66 Toxn


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Posted 03 September 2017 - 08:02 AM

The more I think about this, the more of a realization I believe this change isn't really for Chaos. These changes in WoE are for RE:Start players.

Why would kRO care about chaos renewal now? kRO is where their focus is and I think it's important to look at these chsnges as an improvement for RE:Start

The only changes kRO has made that could transfer over to Revo Classic servers would be alliance flags, two lives, and seal quest changes.
kRO's woe times, the castle rotations, WoE gear being more accessible, god item slotting and enchanting, and GD changes make no difference for Revo Classic servers. All Revo Classic servers have scheduled their woes, WoE gear won't apply for many years, God Item changes would be a bad overpowering addition for several years, and GDs are still stuck in 2004.
So no, these changes aren't for RE:Start or other Revo Classic servers. 
Not to mention kRO doesn't even have a Revo Classic server to begin with. So to say "kRO is where their focus is" doesn't even apply. Revo Classic is where their focus is, sure. But WoE changes right now won't have any affect on Revo Classic for years to come.

Edited by Toxn, 03 September 2017 - 08:03 AM.

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#67 Demeris


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Posted 03 September 2017 - 08:31 AM

The only changes kRO has made that could transfer over to Revo Classic servers would be alliance flags, two lives, and seal quest changes.
kRO's woe times, the castle rotations, WoE gear being more accessible, god item slotting and enchanting, and GD changes make no difference for Revo Classic servers. All Revo Classic servers have scheduled their woes, WoE gear won't apply for many years, God Item changes would be a bad overpowering addition for several years, and GDs are still stuck in 2004.
So no, these changes aren't for RE:Start or other Revo Classic servers. 
Not to mention kRO doesn't even have a Revo Classic server to begin with. So to say "kRO is where their focus is" doesn't even apply. Revo Classic is where their focus is, sure. But WoE changes right now won't have any affect on Revo Classic for years to come.


Warp Portal isn't going to go with the same route when it comes to WoE. This game has been around long enough to realize that the old system just doesn't work in this current time period. Switching from 2 hours to 1 hour makes a huge difference for those wanting to defend castles. That change is welcoming for many players I know.


God item slotting is important for Re:start as well because it will eventually lead to a farm fest when the player population drops. The random god item boxes were a bandaid attempt at trying to fix the farming 1-2 dominants guilds had on a certain fort. Now in order to bring out the maximum potential of a God item, bigger guilds will risk losing megs which leads to less being available on the server. kRO/iRO just doesn't want to deal with the same problem again.


We'll see how it goes though. I'm suspicious of what kRO will bring to iRO, if anything.

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#68 Andini


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Posted 03 September 2017 - 09:55 AM

amazing changes, see you all in woe in 2020

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#69 LordYggdrasill


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Posted 03 September 2017 - 10:40 AM

I fail to see how reducing the number of castles will help with WOE, anyone elaborate why it is a good idea?

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#70 Demeris


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Posted 03 September 2017 - 10:53 AM

I fail to see how reducing the number of castles will help with WOE, anyone elaborate why it is a good idea?


Depends on how you want to see it. Some guilds prefer constant fights and find fun in pvping. Others do it for the loot and just try and break as many castles during the last 15 minutes.

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#71 Toxn


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Posted 03 September 2017 - 11:01 AM

Doesn't really change much for higher end guilds, as they all pile on a single castle for the most of woe anyways.


For smaller guilds looking for fights, it sure does cut down the amount of castles they need to search through, so that's a plus.


But when it comes end woe, smaller guilds stand less of a chance at getting end forts, which can in turn demotivate them from even woeing in the first place. So that's a negative. Even if they could implement a castle limit per guild, larger guilds could still split in half and prevent smaller guilds from getting castles.


Personally, I think it's a bad idea reducing it to a single realm of 5 castles.

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#72 Myzery


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Posted 03 September 2017 - 03:30 PM

I read this as "Korean death note" and pictured some guy eating a potato chip as he wrote war of emperium in his notebook.

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#73 Nirvanna21


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Posted 03 September 2017 - 03:41 PM

I read this as "Korean death note" and pictured some guy eating a potato chip as he wrote war of emperium in his notebook.


I needed this, thank you good sir.

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#74 Icarus05


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Posted 03 September 2017 - 08:14 PM

The more I think about this, the more of a realization I believe this change isn't really for Chaos. These changes in WoE are for RE:Start players.

Why would kRO care about chaos renewal now? kRO is where their focus is and I think it's important to look at these chsnges as an improvement for RE:Start


Doesn't really change much for higher end guilds, as they all pile on a single castle for the most of woe anyways.


For smaller guilds looking for fights, it sure does cut down the amount of castles they need to search through, so that's a plus.


But when it comes end woe, smaller guilds stand less of a chance at getting end forts, which can in turn demotivate them from even woeing in the first place. So that's a negative. Even if they could implement a castle limit per guild, larger guilds could still split in half and prevent smaller guilds from getting castles.


Personally, I think it's a bad idea reducing it to a single realm of 5 castles.

Personally, I'm agree on this. to be honest, in thor, smaller guilds merges to the huge guilds and huge guilds merges into one single Mega Alliance in order to create gods more efficiently as well as we can help defending the castle of the guild holding a high eco castle. We got three factions  (actually its two factions) we're these guilds is composes of smaller guilds who wants to be benefited. this system of ours compose of several minutes of burning emps then we will go to clash to get the high eco castle in order to create gods. We still got smaller guild playing in the neutral side which is reguis that luckily, this guild always have an emp, especially today were they get an allied after some issues arises from one of the factions (idk why this thing happens to us) 


now, reducing it into one single realm is really...REALLY a bad idea, you will not just sealed the death of woe in chaos but you also kill the woe of thor. players will get demotivated to play woe and will left thor. so please don't get this. for the sake of both thor and chaos.

The more I think about this, the more of a realization I believe this change isn't really for Chaos. These changes in WoE are for RE:Start players.

Why would kRO care about chaos renewal now? kRO is where their focus is and I think it's important to look at these chsnges as an improvement for RE:Start

me: *pats Thor* its ok m8, trust me, iRO still cares us! DON'T LOSE HOPE, GRAVITY STILL CARES US *cries autistically*


(just kidding xD. i just put some ice breaker xD)

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#75 Hopscotches


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Posted 03 September 2017 - 09:45 PM

This revitalization is too late. They can't fix what they broke.
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