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[Live] Ragnarok Transcendence Bug Report Station

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#1 VModCinnamon



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Posted 18 December 2019 - 09:13 AM

Ragnarok Transcendence

Bug Reports

Welcome to Ragnarok Transcendence Bug Report station.
To report a bug or an issue with RT, please follow the format below.

Server is now live, some lingering issues still persist, while other got fixed. Thank you for your support and understanding.

There will be zero tolerance to off topic and drama postings.
Small discussion will be tolerated in means to correct or add information of value, other than that please keep it to report posts only.


Duplicate reports will be removed unless they contain additional info, so please do not take it personally if your post is removed from this thread :)
RT Patch notes section:
Reporting format:
Name of item/skill/NPC with issue:
Location (if applicable): For accuracy type /where in game.
Type of Issue (choose): Effect, sprite, description, function.
Describe the issue:
​Screenshots/replay of issue (if applicable):
Notable Updates:

  • Improved Homunculus and Pet system including Auto Feed and Pet Evolution.
  • New UI to ALT+V menu.
  • Improved Navigation system.
  • Improved Rodex system.
  • New feature Daily Login Rewards system.
  • ALT+Right-Click to move items to Storage.
  • Some update to vending system.
  • Offline Vending.
  • Refinement new UI.

More will be documented as they .come.
Important Links:


Edited by VModCinnamon, 03 February 2020 - 08:33 AM.

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#2 VModCinnamon



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Posted 18 December 2019 - 09:34 AM

Reported Issues:

  • [Investigating] Issue with monster EXP scaling, reported too low at earlier levels.
  • [Investigating] Navigation system is using Renewal monster distribution, it doesn't match the actual server's.
  • ALT+V "N/New" icon does not toggle OFF when opening inventory through a key binding, manually opening the inventory removes the "N/New" icon. [Report Link].
  • Base and Job Experience text formatting issue, missing spaces.

    Renewal used the following format:
  • Duplicate monster name: Picky #1049 and #1050, different ingame model. This is causing an issue with Battle Basics - Swordman quest from training ground as it doesn't specify which Picky to kill. Would it be possible to adjust the name of #1050?
  • ★ Navigation Find function while in active mode stops working sometimes. [Report].
  •  Evolving some pets does not work as intended, returns "unknown error". Check Report #2 for listing. [Report 1] [Report 2]
  •  Diabolic Pet does not provide the intended effect, it is possible the one in testing is #9036 and not #9097, please check. [Report].
  • Alt+U Quest List Episode tab shows Renewal related updates, currently it is showing EP 14.1 Mora Village update. Same for the rest of the tabs; Local, and New.
  •  Monster Sting #1207 incorrect stats, still using Renewal's.
  •  Monster Amon Ra #4236 possibly is using Renewal slave mobs.
  •  Monster Joker #1131 incorrect stats, still using Renewal's.
  • Vend a shop/Clone shops created though Part-Time vouchers have their window buttons (Cancel and Close) cover the shop expiry date. Increasing the size of the vend shop shows Cancel button as floating instead of being attached next to Close.
  • Pet performance, dialogue and buffs issues listing [Report]
  •  Issues with monsters instant re-spawn phenomena, possibly due to short respawn delay(?) [Report 1][Report 2].
  • Item World Moving Ticket earned from Daily Logins cannot be used, missing NPC for the moving service [NPC: 월드이동권] located at Prontera (149, 230). [Reference]
  • Missing quest log entries for a number of quests, for the listing check report link. [Report]
  •  Selective ETC items cannot be sold to NPC, this setting was carried over from Renewal. Is this intended on this server? [Report 1] [Report 2]
  • moc_fild13 cannot be memoed along with other surrounding maps.
  • Weapon and Armor dealers do not have Sell option.
  • Level 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Trainer NPC Trainer Brutus (e.g Level 1 Trainer) text inconsistency. When choosing What monsters are there? the listing is not accurate to what the spawns are. Currently, all training ground levels have the exact spawn of mobs. Please fix the chatter or make it behave as channel switch option.
  • ★ Desert wolf, Kobold Archers and soldier skeleton hit like a truck (?).
  •  World map is not using correct map allocation, some maps are missing.  [Report].
    Mod Note: Currently, the ingame map is using Renewal, many maps in renewal were removed so they were phased out. However in this server it is possible to access them however they do not show up on world map.
  • Pet evolution window is not properly localized, name of pets is in gibberish, click on report for screenshot. [Report]
  • NPC Fastidious-Looking Guy Cyon is missing from um_in 152,125, part of The Sign Quest. Please check the rest of the quest script for possible missing or relocated NPCs. [Report].
    Mod Edit: The ingame navigation is incorrect, the NPC is found at /navi um_in 152/125. Also the quest can be completed.
  •  Skeleton General #1290 monster stats and level, may be too high.
  •  Mental Sensing #307 skill doesn't increase EXP as intended.
  • Map gef_fild12 is teleport disabled.
  • Cyclone [2] #13152 dropped by Firelock Soldier #1403 does not come with options, the mob supposedly is level 88.
    Mod Note: It is possible the tier for that level is not yet implemented.
  • Raydric, Baphomet, Stormy Knight HIT requirement is too high, intended?
  • Legacy of Dragon #1559 cannot be worn by priest class.
  •  Missing number of Morroc quest NPCs, for listing click here.
  •  NPC Minister is missing from prt_castle 76,164, part of Archer Training Quest.
  • In Kunlun Battle Arena after defeating the mobs, exit portal doesn't spawn.
  •  NPC Charles Orleans is missing from prt_castle 43, 30 (Cooking Quest).
  •  NPC Madeleine Chu is missing from prt_castle 45, 35 (Cooking Quest).
  •  NPC Child with Cat is missing from prt_castle 45, 28 (Cooking Quest).
  •  NPC Servant is missing from payon 209, 127 (Cooking Quest).
  • Portal at c_tower4 75,156 doesn't function.
  •  Navigation system doesn't seem to work properly in Izlude, possibly due to using old map gat. Such as when using navi code e.g /navi izlude_in 175/130 it leads to the middle of the map, which is wrong. [Report].
  • Named pet eggs do not come with 'Beloved' on the item's name as it used to be, this could be troublesome when buying named Eggs from vendors, as the user cannot decide incase inappropriate name is being used. [Report].
  • Khalitzburg #1132 spawn rate in gl_knt02 is scarce, can this be changed to match Renewal's?
  • "Smokie Hunt" achievement doesn't unlock with successfully killing the right amount, it seems this achievement trigger for the wrong kind of mob. Mob: Sidewinder.
  • Little Poring tame Little Unripe Apple #12846 doesn't drop on this server, supposedly it is part of Renewal training grounds Criatura academy. Is it possible to make it drop as well as Criatura Academy Hat [1] #18730?
  • ★★★NPC Wedding Guide Arcobaleno located at Lasagna 335, 248, still doesn't recognize VIP and/or Marriage Covenant. It should give the user the option to choose between being VIP and Marriage Covenant, currently it doesn't.
  • Very often mobs spawn and items drop in dead cells at gl_in01, can you please make them accessible? See screenshots. [Report 1] [Report 2].
  • ★★★Costume Evil Druid Cross has no sprite when worn.
    Mod Edit: The staff are still waiting an update from the developers on the missing files.
  • Costume Hair Ribbon Wig doesn't overlay properly with top headgear as advertised. See screenshots in [Report]
    Mod Edit: Supposedly, there's a fix that addresses all hair overlay with top headgear, and probably garment, we do not have this fix yet.
  • Item givers Gift Boxes still open into the same item.
  • The following Offline Vending envelops can be traded/vended and put into guild storage. Due to how the time is generated, it may cause issues on the receiver end.
    Item ID:
    • 23359
    • 23357
    • 23356
    • 23354
    • 23347
    • 23346
    • 23345
    • 23344
    • 23343
    • 23342​
  • Safety Wall no longer blocks elemental short-ranged physical attacks, is this intended?

Fixed Issues:

  • [Fixed] Missing Falcon breeder NPC for Hunter Class.
    Mod Note: Till this is fixed you can buy Falcon Flute from merchant in Hunter/Archer Guild (payon).
    Falcon Pipe Trader NPC fixed and placed in Archer Village (pay_arche 91 134).
  • [Fixed] Blacksmith change job NPC Bismarc is missing.
  • [Intended] Disconnecting at Bijou's dance stage for the test returns the user to their save spot.
  • [Intended] Portals to Airship are disabled (Izlude, Juno).
  • [Intended] Homunculus doesn't attack unless user Alt+Right-Click the target.
  • [Fixed] Cannot delete characters, returns system error. This is a known issue, supposedly characters boosted through Level UP test NPC causes this.
  • [Fixed] Pet Taini/J_TAINI missing in-game egg sprite and description [Report Link].
  • [Fixed] Gym Pass NPC missing.
  • [Fixed] Daily Login Calendar has unknown items with apple sprite [Report].
  • [Fixed] A global announcement is being broadcast when successfully refining an equipment.
  • [Fixed] Item [1 Day] Premium Subscription Box can be mailed through Rodex, is this intended?
    Mod Note: VIP box item is now vendable and tradable.
  • [Fixed] Premium Subscription Box (VIP item) Expand Storage buff is not working (?), default storage space on iRO for non VIP account supposedly is 600. With this buff (+300) it should go up to 900, that or originally the storage for non VIP is 300. Please check.
    Mod Note: Because this option doesn't work on our server version, the text part was removed from the buff icon.
  • [Intended] Equipment obtained through Steal skill do not come with enchant options [Report].
    Mod Note: It is unknown if this is an intended behavior or not, it will be checked with the developers, for now the options are for item drop only.
  • [Fixed] New Refinement UI missing wave files, see report for full error message [Report 1][Report 2]
    Mod Note: A temporary solution is available, disable Effect from sound configuration in game.
  • [Fixed] Pet eggs item description need proofing [Report].
  • [Fixed] Guild Storage NPCs are missing.
  • [Fixed] Duplicate NPCs at Novice Training grounds, e.g Brade at new_1-3.
  • [Fixed] Valkyrie Realm (prt_gld) missing portals, no access out once entered. Possibly other WoE realms maps are affected. [Report].
  • [Fixed] NPC Turtle Island Scholar by Alberta docks is taking a bath [Report Link].
  • [Fixed] NPC A voyage log by Alberta docks is submerged in water [Report Link].
  • [Fixed] Monsters spawn allocation, they are not where they should be [Report Link].
    Mod Note: Possibly intended, the issue is that the ingame map with monster allocation is incorrect.
  • [Fixed] NPC Pharmacist is missing from alberta_in.
  • [Intended] Vend system now comes with a tax, is this intended? [Report].
  • [Fixed] Dinorah Lacostt NPC is missing, used for clothes dye.
  • [Fixed] Crimson weapons dropping, supposedly not intended.
  • [Fixed] NPC Java Dullihan (Dye Maker) is missing from morocc_in.
  • [Fixed] Item Jur [3] #1251 dropped by Martin doesn't come with the new enchantment system.
  • [Fixed] Izlude map and Izlude mini map, possibly is using old/new to the actual location of the NPCs. Some NPCs are located incorrectly or submerged under water [Report 1] [Report 2].
  • [Fixed] Discount and Haggle skills do not work on Weapon and Armor dealers, the items cannot be discounted.
  • [Intended] Equipment obtained through Gank skill do not come with enchant options.
  • [Intended] Equipment forged through blacksmith skills do not come with enchant options.
    Mod Note: In a future update this will be possible.
  • [Fixed] NPC Tool Dealer in alberta_in 182,97 does not sell item Geek Glasses #2243.
    Mod Note: Added Geek Glasses sale NPC in the same building.
  • [Fixed] NPC Catalogue Magician is missing from Prontera 99/64.
    Mod Note: Added Shopping Catalog NPC to allow searching for items currently being vended. More info about the feature can be found here.
  • [Fixed] Monster Dracula #1389 doesn't spawn in gef_dun01, was the spawn disabled?
  • [Fixed] Sleeper is not dropping damascus [2], instead they are dropping main gauche [4].
  • [Fixed] Bathory #1102 monster doesn't spawn in alde_dun04, the current map has Anolian.
    Mod Note: Bathory should now spawn in cloned map of alde_dun04, to enter use the signboard just before the entry NPC to the dungeon.
  • [FixedNPC Hat Girl is missing from comodo 236,164. Used to create Hair Brush headgear.
  • [Fixed] Training Ground (new_1-1) Bulletin Board NPC by 66,115 is misplaced, currently sitting underground.
  • [Fixed] Vend a shop/Clone shop created though Part-Time vouchers contains text anomalies. chcek, selll, ¡Ø symbol.
  • [Fixed] Spelling Issues for daily login rewards, should be something like "Your Day 3 Login Reward has arrived!" see screenshot in link [Report].
  • [Fixed] Mobs get stuck in dead cells in gef_fild06, see report for screenshot. [Report 1] [Report 2]
  • [Fixed] NPC Assassin Clan Merchant in in_moc_16  is not selling Venom Knife #1771, used for Venom Knife assassin skill.
  • [Fixed] NPC Myu is missing from gef_fild05 79,149. Used to create Catfoot Hairpin headgear.
  • [Fixed] Sale list of Wedding Shop Dealer located at prt_in 211,169 is empty. Items required for wedding quest.
  • [Fixed] Sapha's Cloth [1] #15038 can be obtained from monster Loli Ruri #1505, this not intended. [Report].
  • [Fixed] Mora Items may exist on this server as a drop, please check.
  • [Fixed] Martin #1145 monster drops item Jur [3] #1251 with Tier 1 options, being a level 39 it should really drop options from Tier 2, can you please check
  • [Fixed] Marionette #1143 monster drops Flail [2] #1510 instead of Chain [3] #1520. It should be dropping Chain [3].
  • [IntendedItem Lunatic Brooch [1] #2718 drops from Loli Rure #1505, is this intended?
  • [Fixed] Shopping Catalog NPC window Search option does the opposite to what it says, please change Search Exact to loose Search or something similar.
  • [Fixed] Bathory #1102 monster drops Staff [3] #1608 instead of Arc wand [2], it should drop Arc Wand [2] #1611.
    Mod Note: Need to check old holders of Crimson Weapons.
  • [Fixed] Marriage NPC still asks for Zeny even if the user provides item Marriage Covenant.
    Mod Note: How it is known to work is that the item supposedly optional for VIP users and required for NON-VIP, but it doesn't work like that, the NPC still asks for Zeny.
  • [Fixed] Merchant with discount level 10 cannot see item Silver Arrow at Weapon Dealers.
  • [Fixed] Wild Rose #1261 monster seems to be missing from world fields.
    Mod Note: Now they spawn at um_fild04.
  • [FixedHigh Orc pet talk is in gibberish, other pets may have the same issue [Report].
  • [Fixed] NPC Con-Chliina Crewman is missing from izlude 195,213, used to teleport to Lasagna (needed for same sex marriages). The current location may not be accessible, please look into a suitable relocation coords.
    Mode Note: NPC is now relocated to Izlude 123, 146.
  • [FixedDamascus sprite is missing when worn.[Report 1] [Report 2]
  • [FixedPayon field 5 (pay_fil05) and Payon field 11 (pay_fil11) are accessible with teleport disabled, the map was removed in Renewal, please check. List of removed fields that may need to be checked in game based on fanmade wiki page can be found here: https://irowiki.org/...on/Removed_Maps
  • [FixedSkill Blast Mine #122 catalyst requires 2 traps instead of 1, supposedly it should be 1 [Report].
    Mod note: seems to be intended as per kRo Zero (reference). The skill description will need to be fixed.
  • [FixedStatus Icons (buff icons); Expand StorageIncrease Drop RateExp Up obtained through using item [1 Day] Premium Subscription Box (VIP item) is mistranslated, it should be Hours instead of Time. Check linked report for sample screenshots [Report].
  • [FixedEvolving Lunatic pet is not possible, missing item Leaf Lunatic Card from server. The card is a drop from Leaf Lunatic which spawns in Lasagna (doram map). Both do not exist.
  • [FixedMonster Yao Jun #1512 does not drop Yao Jun Hat [1] headgear #5367 used to evolve Bongun pet, can you please add it instead of one of the apples with an appropriate rate?
  • [FixedMonster Tamer NPC in aldeba_in 168,175 offers Cute Pet Equipment creation is using item DB name in the dialogue.
    STAR_DUST should be changed to Stellar #2294 in the NPC's dialogue. [Screenshot]
  • [FixedPurchasing Team NPC is missing from Alberta alberta_in 58,52, this is for Open Buy Store quest and licences sale.
  • [Fixed] Pet Mastering is not turning to Loyal. [Report]
    Mod Note: Possibly intended. It is mentioned evolved pets take a long while to get to loyal status. But it will be looked into. Edit: User reported for getting it to loyal and turning it into Angeling.
  • [FixedRodex new buttons (Delete All, Receive All, Left, Right) are slightly positioned off.
  • [Fixed] Same sex marriage is not available as an option in RT marriage system.
  • [Fixed] New Refinement UI Back and Try Again buttons sizes issue. The probability chance on Try Again button can be barely seen if Refine succeeded.
  • [Intended] No portal available yuno_fild03 <> yuno_fild06.
  • [Fixed] Login announcement doesn't show VIP item effects, is it possible to remove the VIP Bonus portion then?
  • [Fixed] Evolving pet Bongun to Yao Jun doesn't work, it now requires Bongun Hat #5046, but the evolution doesn't happen even when providing all the ingredients. Also the evolution window doesn't reflect the change with the hat. [Screenshot].
  • [Fixed] anthell01 has ice wall skill enabled, it should be disabled to avoid abuse since it has MvP spawn.
  • [Intended] Anubis #1098 no longer spawn due to its stats, can this be looked into?
  • [Intended] Sage skill Hocus-pocus ID 290 is disabled.
  • [Fixed] NPC Cart Tuner Galijo located at Prontera 164 196 doesn't recognize new VIP item.
  • [FixedAbnormal base EXP value for Monster Sage Worm or SAGEWORM with ID #1281. [Report].
  • [FixedNPC Cart Tuner Galijo dialogue is not updated for RT server, it still mentions requiring 50 Eden Merit Badges, this item doesn't exist on RT. Please adjust the text.
  • [FixedDancer Job changeBijou Quiz, when selecting the answer to "What is the exact name of the Kafra in Comodo?" the user gets disconnected. [Report].
  • NPC Wedding Guide Arcobaleno located at Lasagna 335, 248, doesn't recognize VIP and/or Marriage Covenant.
    Mod Note: Currently, non-VIP = uses marriage covenant, VIP = uses Zeny
  • [FixedHeirozoist Card part of the Merchant set seems to have been disabled completely, deactivating the set bonus. This is not intended.
  • [FixedFrenzy maps have Snatch enabled, either make the champion spawn immune to annoyance spells or disable Snatch in said maps.
  • [FixedItem Coat [1] dropped from Frenzy Maps doesn't come with options.
  • [FixedItem Halter Lead (mounts) works in WoE map/castle.
  • [FixedCostume Spore Hat gives Vit + 1. This is missing from the item description, or the effect is not intended for this server. Please check.
  • [FixedVery often mobs spawn in dead cells at um_fild04, can you please make them accessible. See screenshot here. [Report 1]
  • [FixedNPC Honeymoon Helper located at izlude 180,224 is missing. This is part of Jawaii Island update.
  • [FixedNPC Hat Store Girl located at alberta 136,79 uses DB name Star_Sparkling for Wizard Hat, please fix the text to show Wizard Hat.
  • [FixedStrouf #1065 spawn rate in iz_dun04 is scarce, can this be changed to match Renewal's?
  • [IntendedThe owner gains 10% less from a mob when Homunculus is out, is this intended?
  • [Fixed] Item givers (OPB, OBB, OCA, Gift Boxes (?) still open into the same item.
  • [Fixed] Guild dungeons have PVP disabled.
  • [FixedGuild dungeons mobs levels are too high.
  • [FixedGuild dungeons drop loot table is not properly set.
  • [FixedOffline Shopper Envelope can be put in Guild Storage and Merchant Cart, is also tradable outside the VIP box. Due to how the timer is generated, it may cause issues. Is this intended?
  • [FixedOffline Consignment Merchant Envelope can be put in Guild Storage and Merchant Cart. Due to how the timer is generated, it may cause issues. Is this intended?
  • [FixedSpecific Castle Treasures armors do not come with options, see listing below. Is this intended?
    • Tights[1] from Luina 5
    • Formal suit[1] from Luina 3
    • Thief clothes[1] from Balder 1
    • Ninja suit[1] from Balder 3
    • Robe of cast[1] from Brit 3
    • Legion plate[1] from Valk 1
  • [FixedMorroc Inn Save/Rest NPC is missing.
  • [FixedNPC at Lasagna 205, 325 teleports the user to blocked area in Izlude. Current spawn location is set at 193, 209, this need to be changed as it's a blocked area. See report here for screenshot. Relogging the character should fix it incase a user runs into this issue.
  • [FixedCotton Tufts #25233 Pet food is missing from Juno/Yuno Pet Groomer. Is it possible to replicate Prontera Pet Groomer listing to every other NPC of the same?
  • [FixedNo portal available prt_castle <> prt_gld. User can move from prt_castle to prt_gld but there is no way back.
  • [FixedItems tagged as [Event] can be put in guild storage. Example: #12521.
  • [FixedSpecific Undead option is not clear as such it may be needed to clarify race and property.
  • [FixedGrand Cross skill tool tip 'The damage is doubled with a two-handed spear' should be removed. It doesn't apply to this skill.
  • [FixedFixes to options table, the + should be changed to -, this is a reduction option.
  • [FixedPoints vendor NPCs are missing, used for Sage endow. E.g Scarlet Point.
  • [FixedSam Status located in Payon and used to reset stats still asks users from Lv1 to Lv40 to provide a Magical Stone. The intended behavior is to reset for free from Lv 1 to Lv40.
  • [FixedThe following Performer skills are missing their buff icons post re-balance update:
    • Slow Grace (Please Don't Forget Me)
    • Lady's Luck (Fortune's Kiss)
    • Gypsy's Kiss (Service For You)
    • Mental Sensing (Mr. Kim A Rich Man)
    • Focus Ballet (Humming)
    • Hip Shaker (Ugly Dance)
    • Acoustic Rhythm (Invulnerable Siegfried)
    • Battle Theme (A Drum on the Battlefield)
    • Classical Pluck (Loki's Veil)
    • Down Tempo (Eternal Chaos)
    • Harmonic Lick (The Ring of Nibelungen)
    • Lullaby (Lullaby)
    • Power Cord (Into the Abyss)
    • Impressive Riff(Assassin Cross of Sunset)
    • Magic Strings(A Poem of Bragi)
    • Perfect Tablature (A Whistle)
    • Song of Lutie (Apple of Idun)
    • Unchained Serenade(Dissonance)

Edited by Xealot, 01 June 2020 - 01:12 PM.

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#3 Vavalore


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Posted 18 December 2019 - 06:09 PM

Baphomet Jr. doesn't have auto feed option. 

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#4 AzhraDenetos


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Posted 18 December 2019 - 06:14 PM

Name of item/skill/NPC with issue: Egg of Tiny

Type of Issue (choose): Sprite, Name

Describe the issue: When testing the "egg of tiny" from the Pet Egg Tester npc, he'll give you an "Unknown Item" with the icon of an apple. It can still be used with the Pet Incubator.

​Screenshots/replay of issue (if applicable): https://imgur.com/a/4OG7e6E

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#5 Ashuckel


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Posted 18 December 2019 - 06:38 PM

only evolved pets can be autofed

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#6 minipeco


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Posted 18 December 2019 - 08:53 PM

Name of item/skill/NPC with issue: Lvling
Location (if applicable): orcsduns01/02
Type of Issue (choose): XP
Describe the issue: this mobs are giving a low exp in lv 47:


​Screenshots/replay of issue (if applicable):


orc zombie LV 24



orc skeleton LV28



zenorc LV 31



orcsdun lv map 50 60



Edited by minipeco, 18 December 2019 - 09:22 PM.

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#7 rioos


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Posted 18 December 2019 - 09:01 PM

Name of item/skill/NPC with issue: Turtle Island Schoolar
Location (if applicable): Check screenshot
Type of Issue (choose): Missing sprite or missplaced
Describe the issue: The NPC seems to be invisible.
​Screenshots/replay of issue (if applicable):

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#8 rioos


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Posted 18 December 2019 - 09:02 PM

Name of item/skill/NPC with issue: Job exp gain
Location (if applicable): N/a
Type of Issue (choose): Misc
Describe the issue: Job experience seems to be leveling a bit slow, not sure if it's intended but I was 32/19 as a novice, yesterday they were quite the same speed.

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#9 isded


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Posted 19 December 2019 - 01:06 AM

Name of item/skill/NPC with issue: Monster Location
Location (if applicable): multi maps
Type of Issue (choose): 
Describe the issue: Monster spawn not where their supposed to be.  ex. south morroc: have ant hill mob.

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#10 rioos


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Posted 19 December 2019 - 03:30 AM

Name of item/skill/NPC with issue: Monster Location
Location (if applicable): multi maps
Type of Issue (choose): 
Describe the issue: Monster spawn not where their supposed to be.  ex. south morroc: have ant hill mob.


It`s actually a pretty old build, not sure the episode. It would be great if they provide us a proper database to check if things are in the correct place.

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#11 Ashuckel


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Posted 19 December 2019 - 03:58 AM

It`s actually a pretty old build, not sure the episode. It would be great if they provide us a proper database to check if things are in the correct place.

use the ruRO revo classic db
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#12 VModCinnamon



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Posted 19 December 2019 - 04:06 AM

Falcon seller being missing should have been resolved, but it seems the fix did not go live.

For the time being, you can buy Falcon Flute from the merchant in Hunter/Archer Guild. See user's post here.

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#13 8352130504050603983


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Posted 19 December 2019 - 04:27 AM

Some issues i've fount so far:

Spoiler UI


Name of item/skill/NPC with issue: Pets listed below
Type of Issue (choose): Function
Describe the issue: Some pets can't be auto-fed (there is no button in pet-menu to do it). I've listed them below


Spoiler Pets which can't be auto-fed


Spoiler Also there is some issues in novice center

Edited by 8352130504050603983, 19 December 2019 - 04:34 AM.

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#14 Willtcg


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Posted 19 December 2019 - 04:37 AM

Name of item/skill/NPC with issue: Pet Egg Tester
Location (if applicable): 158/190
Type of Issue (choose): Duplicated Egg and Unknown Item
Describe the issue: Green Maiden Egg is duplicated as Chung E Egg; and Egg of Tiny appears as Unknown Item, but the pet can still be normally hatched, but I dont know the stats it should add.
​Screenshots/replay of issue (if applicable):

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#15 VModCinnamon



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Posted 19 December 2019 - 04:38 AM

Name of item/skill/NPC with issue: Lvling
Location (if applicable): orcsduns01/02
Type of Issue (choose): XP
Describe the issue: this mobs are giving a low exp in lv 47:


​Screenshots/replay of issue (if applicable):


orc zombie LV 24



orc skeleton LV28



zenorc LV 31



orcsdun lv map 50 60



The current in-game map with monster allocation/level is using Renewal's. You may want to use a fanmade db for now, something like https://rurowiki.ru/revoclassic can work.

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#16 MegaEdge


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Posted 19 December 2019 - 05:29 AM


Reported Issues:

  • [Intended] Portals to Airship are disabled (Izlude, Juno).


Is there another way to get to Hugel? Since the Airships are disabled.

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#17 506170507193739880


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Posted 19 December 2019 - 06:04 AM

Name of item/skill/NPC with issue: Portals
Location: Any guild war zone
Type of Issue: function
Describe the issue:
Hello, some portals are desactivaded. (i believe this is intented to noone enter guild war zone, but you still can, and your char can be stucked there if you don't have butterfly wings
Also, the navigation system recommends path where portals are disable

​Screenshots/replay of issue (if applicable):

Edited by 506170507193739880, 19 December 2019 - 06:06 AM.

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#18 506170507193739880


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Posted 19 December 2019 - 06:26 AM

Name of item/skill/NPC with issue: Sprite
Location (if applicable): Check screenshot
Type of Issue (choose): Missing sprite
Describe the issue: The sprite for damascus is missing, looks the user don't have any dagger equipped
​Screenshots/replay of issue (if applicable):

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#19 VModCinnamon



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Posted 19 December 2019 - 06:35 AM

Is there another way to get to Hugel? Since the Airships are disabled.


Not currently.

Anything specific you are looking for?

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#20 ninJedi


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Posted 19 December 2019 - 07:00 AM

I'll try and explain what's going on for these two:

Name of item/skill/NPC with issue: Pets listed below
Type of Issue (choose): Function
Describe the issue: Some pets can't be auto-fed (there is no button in pet-menu to do it). I've listed them below

Spoiler Pets which can't be auto-fed

Only evolved pets have access to auto-feeding in this early build of the pet system iirc.

Spoiler Picky Quest

This is because they are actually two different monsters according to the game's classification.
Picky (with Eggshell) - Monster Id 1050
Picky (without Eggshell) - Monster Id 1049

Picky with eggshell evolves from Peco Peco Egg, the same way Pupa turn into Creamy.
In the same manner, Picky with eggshell "evolves" into Picky without eggshell via "Metamorphose" monster skill.

For a fix for the quest, just replace the Picky with eggshell form with the one without so players won't be affected by monster evolution when trying to gain quest counts. This means for both the monster in the quest itself and the spawn area.

Note: This same restriction means that the Picky with eggshell also can't be tamed using "Earthworm the Dude" Picky tamer.

Edited by ninJedi, 19 December 2019 - 07:18 AM.

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#21 MegaEdge


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Posted 19 December 2019 - 07:21 AM

Not currently.

Anything specific you are looking for?


I wanted to buy some Mastela Fruits, they cost more than White Pots, but they weight less, heh.

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#22 506170507193739880


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Posted 19 December 2019 - 07:44 AM

Name of item/skill/NPC with issue: None
Location (if applicable): In_Sphinx
Type of Issue (choose):  function
Describe the issue: 

The navigation system stop working if your current step is in another sub-section of the map, for instance in the map in_sphinx, where you have multiple portals in the same map to advance to next map.


In thoses screenshots bellow i used fly wing, and gone to another part of the path, and it couldn't find the path, After I come back to "current" navigation sub-section, it worked again.

​Screenshots/replay of issue (if applicable):


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#23 VModCinnamon



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Posted 19 December 2019 - 08:16 AM

Screenshots/replay of issue (if applicable):


Can you please describe steps taken to reproduce the issue?

Currently it seems to lock properly.

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#24 Ashuckel


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Posted 19 December 2019 - 08:30 AM

I wanted to buy some Mastela Fruits, they cost more than White Pots, but they weight less, heh.

The npc selling pet stuff in mid pront also has mastellas, as they are used in one of the pet evolution requirements.
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#25 rioos


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Posted 19 December 2019 - 03:25 PM

The current in-game map with monster allocation/level is using Renewal's. You may want to use a fanmade db for now, something like https://rurowiki.ru/revoclassic can work.


But there's still something strange about the experience in that area. It's giving less than wolves.

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