Known Warrior Issues
Posted 23 August 2010 - 04:10 PM
If you have an issue with class balance, please post it here.
A skill which you feel could be better? please post it here.
A known bug or issue with the class? please post it here.
We want to make sure we have as much information as possible come our open beta launch, so for this we need your help and input. Lets try to keep all information regarding Warriors in this thread and information regarding other classes also remain in their respective threads/sections.
When launch does finally arrive, many of these issues may already be resolved (due to updates we will be getting) however we would still like your feedback.
Posted 23 August 2010 - 04:12 PM
Posted 23 August 2010 - 06:27 PM
And only mildly off-topic here, would it be possible to have a general thread of known issues not related to specific classes? For instance I know there are several spells in the game which hit an enemy multiple times but don't say so, such as a monk/acolytes Gravity spell. I'd like to know that information when I put points into a skill. There are a few other issues, but I won't distract more from the warrior thread.
Posted 23 August 2010 - 07:30 PM
From what I hear Myrmidons need a bit more speed in their basic attacks, however they do a ton of damage with casts anyway.
Overall, with the exception of Paladin's damage, i`m satisfied with the Warrior class. PvP and PvE.
Edit: Also, one other thing; in the other versions of Dragonica, Knights have a skill with a rotating kick. It proves VERY useful in both PvP and PvE, If its not too much, could you announce whether or not that skill is avalable for NA Paladins when the data is received?
~Thank you very much for reading
Edited by BloodyRuby, 23 August 2010 - 07:32 PM.
Posted 23 August 2010 - 11:14 PM
Edit: Also, one other thing; in the other versions of Dragonica, Knights have a skill with a rotating kick. It proves VERY useful in both PvP and PvE, If its not too much, could you announce whether or not that skill is avalable for NA Paladins when the data is received?
it's called Spin It Bear! and it comes in one of the later updates/patches.
bug question - is it intended for targets hit by weapon suspension to be un-launchable for the duration of the debuff?
Edited by xandiel, 23 August 2010 - 11:18 PM.
Posted 24 August 2010 - 05:56 AM
Posted 24 August 2010 - 05:11 PM
Posted 24 August 2010 - 09:22 PM

by the way, Sword Dance effect is knocking back the enemy
Posted 24 August 2010 - 09:25 PM
i have to say, that the skill that ruin playing pvp with a Knight/paladin, is impervion, why? becouse that skill make them like a boss, no flip, no knock back, no nothing
and the skill sword dance has a huge glicth, when sword dance hit an enemy the enemy start to run like a ghost and ruin the combo
by the way, Sword Dance effect is knocking back the enemy
Not much of a glitch but a lag issue. I hope lag issues will be significantly
better once gravity takes over. PvP is barely playable against certain people
who lag.
Posted 24 August 2010 - 11:48 PM
i have to say, that the skill that ruin playing pvp with a Knight/paladin, is impervion, why? becouse that skill make them like a boss, no flip, no knock back, no nothing
stun/debuff still work even when impervious is active, each class has 1 or more of these.
Posted 25 August 2010 - 01:03 AM
Of course, all jobs have a stun debuff right granadiers? but still, that's not the point, the fact is if a harlaquin fight against a paladin, of course it may stun with rocket punch, this would be followed by a final decision? would be the best choice but to continue the combo should make him knock back, wich it doesnt by impervion,ok otherwise Ninja vs Paladin, in this case would be a little equal, but if the ninja throws daggers next what will see is a sword dance by the paladin becouse that daggers will make you not knock back, otherwise Myrmidon vs Paladin, here would basically sword dance vs sword dance which, if the Myrmidon does make the blow did not cause any reacts by impervion followed that the sword dance of the paladin will be as effective as in other clases.stun/debuff still work even when impervious is active, each class has 1 or more of these.
What I mean is that the Paladins have too many advantages for a pvp, either 1 vs 1, 5 vs 5 even 1 vs 3, with the amount of HP that far exceeds that of any job including mymidon, Revenge reflecting damage, the highest amount of defense, blocking blows about 50% (I'm not sure if it is 50%) and the easiest stunlock combo in the game, makes it impossible to escape from a paladin unless you lucky that the sword dance make the lag effect, I really do not complain about the stunlock and the hp/def and block most appreciable becouse they dont really have a lot of damage and they need those they are tankers, but the impervion is the one that made imposible to scape from them, and made them mostly like bosses of the game. Ah and i almost forgot they can regenerate HP when they are hurt, so tell me if that doesn´t sound unfair

Edited by Malevolet, 25 August 2010 - 01:06 AM.
Posted 25 August 2010 - 01:37 AM
Just as invis sleep log is looked down upon, stunlock and revenge are in 1 v 1 as well. Revenge is generally looked down upon, unless used strategically (?). Block is only ~35%, not 50%. Level 5 anyways. And you'll start to complain about their damage postpatch, and the fact that they also acquire a new air infinite along with the old ground infinite.
Posted 25 August 2010 - 03:32 AM
I really do not complain about the stunlock and the hp/def and block most appreciable becouse they dont really have a lot of damage and they need those they are tankers, but the impervion is the one that made imposible to scape from them, and made them mostly like bosses of the game. Ah and i almost forgot they can regenerate HP when they are hurt, so tell me if that doesn´t sound unfair
impervious is easy to counter.
all u need to do is figure out the skill level in order to determine the skill duration and cooldown time. from there u just need to familiarize urself with the skill animation and much clock-watch while u dodge/evade until u know the timers down, its not that hard.
Revenge is generally looked down upon, unless used strategically (?).
1-hit KO neenja's who open with PS when naked? or more strategically, to land a finishing blow.
Edited by xandiel, 25 August 2010 - 03:38 AM.
Posted 25 August 2010 - 06:03 AM
Posted 25 August 2010 - 10:50 AM
Kazra: Don't fight a Pally 1 v 1 if you don't know how
make me lol
Kazra: Myrmidons, why would you charge at the Pally when they're using Impervious?
yes, paladins are spartans so don`t even try a pvp
Kazra: At most catch with stumblebum if you must, then gust and cancel and run until it's
seriously? this the best that anyone can do fighting a paladin? 1 hit 1 run: of course no, when u get close to kill them using this method they just have to use heal aura...and by the way you can`t use stumblebum + gust slash, no knock back with gust remember and both skill has cooldown, so what? running 30sec after 1 hit??
just pick any paladin and see him/her wins and defeats.
sorry if this post looks so nub, but im not a forum guy, but i really like this game and i would like a few balances changes.
Posted 25 August 2010 - 10:56 AM
Posted 25 August 2010 - 11:17 AM

I'm a paladin and the new slow heal is pretty cheap and I haven't heard of the 52% block rate thats ridiculous!
Posted 25 August 2010 - 11:50 AM
granadeirs flash bags is useless and is not a stun, same lag issues as sword dance, harlequins would probably get killed after a rocket punch, burrow will have a 10sec cooldown, myrmidons have to been in a close range to stun = dead.
Kazra: Don't fight a Pally 1 v 1 if you don't know how
make me lol
Kazra: Myrmidons, why would you charge at the Pally when they're using Impervious?
yes, paladins are spartans so don`t even try a pvp
Kazra: At most catch with stumblebum if you must, then gust and cancel and run until it's
seriously? this the best that anyone can do fighting a paladin? 1 hit 1 run: of course no, when u get close to kill them using this method they just have to use heal aura...and by the way you can`t use stumblebum + gust slash, no knock back with gust remember and both skill has cooldown, so what? running 30sec after 1 hit??
just pick any paladin and see him/her wins and defeats.
sorry if this post looks so nub, but im not a forum guy, but i really like this game and i would like a few balances changes.
make me lol
Posted 25 August 2010 - 12:42 PM
I only have 30,585 HP in PvP [lvl 49] and I've met a lot of War Mages and Myrmidons who Health stack and pass my HP.
[to Kazra] Block rate is 32%, 15% from mastery and 17% from Parry.
and like Yurai said, if you know HOW to kill a paladin then its a bit different. There is a Path Finder in Dekard [either Krus or Kurs, lvl 54] beat me 1v1 with Revenge and then beat me with out revenge and no AAS spam [both times 5-0]. Its about strategy instead of pointless attacking / stun locking.
We already have a good block rate considering Paladins cant really stack evade. If Paladin block rate gets increased, 52% is way too much; Maybe a max of 40%
Edited by BloodyRuby, 25 August 2010 - 12:50 PM.
Posted 25 August 2010 - 01:26 PM
granadeirs flash bags is useless and is not a stun, same lag issues as sword dance, harlequins would probably get killed after a rocket punch, burrow will have a 10sec cooldown, myrmidons have to been in a close range to stun = dead.
it turns ur opponents screen white for 2-3 seconds in which they can't move or attack, so they are effectively stunned.
seriously? this the best that anyone can do fighting a paladin? 1 hit 1 run: of course no, when u get close to kill them using this method they just have to use heal aura...and by the way you can`t use stumblebum + gust slash, no knock back with gust remember and both skill has cooldown, so what? running 30sec after 1 hit??
there is no passive regeneration in pvp, so the increase to regeneration from the heal aura doesn't work in pvp, unless you are talking about the slow heal from barricade?
impervious duration is 10-18 seconds and the cooldown is 20-36 seconds respectively, 30 seconds is a harsh over-exaggeration.
stumblebum + gust slash wasn't implied for the knock-down, but to land hits on the target during impervious without getting hit back.
Posted 25 August 2010 - 01:28 PM
Like I said, you don't have to go face to face against impervious. They can only have it on 50% of the time anyways, and rarely is anyone cheap enough to use it over and over. And those that do, are easily countered and only rely on their impervious status to win. Flashbang doesn't always cause them to lagwalk, and you can just camo for the duration like I said earlier. Myrm's stumblebum is in a circular AoE around your character, so... get them diagonally with it? Harlequins can just burrow or run? Besides you'd have crazy soul at masquerader that lets you escape 30% of the time. Well, if you want to PvP Pallies 1 on 1 then it's your problem. Sorry uh, stumble > Gust works obviously, I said cancel? Then you can run. And no, I don't mean that you just do that over and over. Either do that or just run, while impervious is up. I don't get why everyone just wants to charge straight in and ignore the fact that impervious is on, then QQ about it. Then you actually go in for the combo when impervious is off, learn to watch time/count? Yes, paladins are OP in 1 v 1 and very high tier in group too, but it's not impossible to beat them.
Point is, there's more than one approach to PvPing. Just charging forward and forward isn't going to work very well against certain classes, so... l2pvp?
Krus is level 55. Dekard PvP is lollame so...
Posted 25 August 2010 - 01:31 PM
But the main issue I have witht he Paladins and the Warriors is their no teching skills.
Sword Dance, Broom Jab, and all of the moves that cause knock down that can't be teched out of.
If they were to fix sword dance so it cannot be action canceled, and actually matched its animation that would be a step in the right direction.
That and if there were a way to give them a catching skill without it being on a cool down that's so low.
All in all it's the untechable knock down skills and the skills that lock on even after I am out of the AoE.
Posted 25 August 2010 - 05:52 PM
If you have an issue with class balance, please post it here.
A skill which you feel could be better? please post it here.
A known bug or issue with the class? please post it here.
no to start a fight with @Malevsoklsdjflj2lazytoscrollup
i have my points and sure you guys has yours buts something is clearly sure: paladins need to be balanced at leats on pvp.
Posted 25 August 2010 - 06:12 PM
Posted 25 August 2010 - 06:46 PM
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