General Ninja Guide [Updated on July 02th. Kage/Oboro guide soon]
Posted 12 March 2013 - 08:51 AM
Posted 12 March 2013 - 01:33 PM
Posted 13 March 2013 - 05:15 PM
Edited by Facekiller, 13 March 2013 - 05:16 PM.
Posted 19 March 2013 - 01:56 PM
Posted 05 May 2013 - 07:53 AM
this is my current skill build. No second profession on my server yet. what to learn for the rest? raise Freezing Spear (lvl 5 maybe) or learn at least 1 or 2 level of Throw Kunai?
Posted 05 May 2013 - 09:24 AM
There are quite a few fire monsters out there worth fighting. I always prefered a higher level of Freezing Spear over maxing the wind tree
Edited by kijanta, 05 May 2013 - 09:25 AM.
Posted 05 May 2013 - 09:44 AM
Posted 05 May 2013 - 02:28 PM
Posted 06 May 2013 - 07:33 AM
Posted 10 May 2013 - 03:04 PM
Posted 29 May 2013 - 01:53 AM
Posted 29 May 2013 - 07:57 AM
Posted 29 May 2013 - 04:06 PM
Posted 03 July 2013 - 08:34 AM
As I'm currently working on Kage/Oboro Guides on Melee/Magic/Kunai/Hybrid build, I updated out-dated pictures and some information on stats accordingly to current situation. As I'm collecting various gears and hunting spot for guide, it is taking more than what I was thinking time wise, and gear wise. Please bare with me until I could proudly post and update guide for kage/oboro.
Posted 03 July 2013 - 09:50 AM
OR.... ninja newbies can feel free to come find me in the general Amatsu area (or another member of the Blue Lotus Clan) and i can walk you through making ninja/kagerou/oboro step by step..
Posted 21 July 2013 - 11:51 PM
Have any clue wether or not they intend on releasing better gear and better skill damage improving gear for Ninja class? I understand they just came out, but aside being number 1 in status effect manipulation (Ninja spell) they may be able to freeze, combust, deep sleep, boost the power of elemental weapons with that but their general skills are lacking in damage.
for one their AoE magic is so bad, its not even worth using aside from blazing shield since they decided to make it so that charms do not increase the spell power of AoE magic.
As someone who has a bad tendancy to SPEND zeny instead of using it in skills I have no interest in Rapid throwing. too costly and as Facekiller said, it has too many variables that simply ruin the skill. You can have so much and yet do so little compared to other classes equipped with the exact same set of gear.
now as for the whole issue of a pure throw build or a pure magic build. I recomend neither one. Pure magic build is okay but you give up any really powerful AoE. Pure Throw you basically give up any really strong single target skill since the nerf on throw Kunai. there are no winners anymore on pure builds!
I recomend Hybrid for both Kagerou and Oboro no matter what. I just don't really see a pure build working unless they put throw kunai back to renewal status and fix the issue with the incompitency of magic build prior to High Ninja classes.
I'll be honest, people would rather be what they wanna be and still be effective! Especially with a class supposedly as diverse as Ninja!
Posted 22 July 2013 - 09:15 AM
ive found several viable builds so far... im still trying to learn what each is capable when using various skills (cant test on sakkray now) ... but even custom building ninja is possible... figure out what you want to do and which skills will help you the most... ninja is the perfect class for doing this since in the end all builds have about the same power...
Posted 22 July 2013 - 09:33 AM
Have any clue wether or not they intend on releasing better gear and better skill damage improving gear for Ninja class? I understand they just came out, but aside being number 1 in status effect manipulation (Ninja spell) they may be able to freeze, combust, deep sleep, boost the power of elemental weapons with that but their general skills are lacking in damage.
for one their AoE magic is so bad, its not even worth using aside from blazing shield since they decided to make it so that charms do not increase the spell power of AoE magic.
As someone who has a bad tendancy to SPEND zeny instead of using it in skills I have no interest in Rapid throwing. too costly and as Facekiller said, it has too many variables that simply ruin the skill. You can have so much and yet do so little compared to other classes equipped with the exact same set of gear.
now as for the whole issue of a pure throw build or a pure magic build. I recomend neither one. Pure magic build is okay but you give up any really powerful AoE. Pure Throw you basically give up any really strong single target skill since the nerf on throw Kunai. there are no winners anymore on pure builds!
I recomend Hybrid for both Kagerou and Oboro no matter what. I just don't really see a pure build working unless they put throw kunai back to renewal status and fix the issue with the incompitency of magic build prior to High Ninja classes.
I'll be honest, people would rather be what they wanna be and still be effective! Especially with a class supposedly as diverse as Ninja!
I assume that you're question is just first part of your post. I can answer you that. Right now, iRo is still missing few gears that were supposedly offered in Kafra shop(not rental gears) such would help ninja get more HP.
Fire Charm only effects Flaming Petal and i don't think its intended that this doesnt affects many other skill. Since you're question is rather pvp oriented, I'd say KS is better choice now since RT will get another nerf(half damage to demi-human), its seems best to rely on KS. KE can deal massive damage but apart from utility skill, NInja can't really aim anything with 3x3 ground targeting skill so thats out of question for sure. I've seen insta casting petal with 1 dex so it is still visible to hitlock certain enemy but i doubt that casting oriented gearing set up is effective. (at least for me with limited budget) pure throw build worked for me as i either tank to cast or cicada to cast with good timing. soloing high ti was pretty fun to me while getting up to 150 with Kunai Explosion.
It's always good to recommend certain things but disregarding what other people pursue isn't really productive way to approach certain thing. I've seen many oboro who 150'd had really sweet time with their AoE's such as 30k from blazing shield and 20~30k form exploding dragon. Just to make sure that other than Ranger, There are not many class that could one shot killing at Scaraba. So you need a lot of gear set up before hand to actually do some damage. keep it in mind that if you choose leveling spot wisely, you can hunt easily with oboro with low cost gear set up.
P.S. I actually disagree with putting back Throw Kunai to way it was before the nerf. dealing 100k~200k(200k~400k lexed) damage with non casting (almost no after delay with string) is quite op.
Posted 23 July 2013 - 12:07 PM
maybe i can help a bit for doing magic ninja to k/o fast i made at about a day (its count 24 hour less)
i'll try to explaint with bad english
skills :
1. ninja mastery (usefull for sp regen as ninja) put 1 point at first till got flaming petal and max it later if you got exploding dragon
2. flaming petal (really good skill as far i use both mvp and pvp in kagerou with 16th night and fire charm) but put it at low point first to get exploding dragon and blaze shield
3. chicada skin (max) you know how it work, make at lvl 2 first and go to blaze shield and max it after max blaze
4. blaze shield (really help for fun leveling) max it and go to exploding dragon
5. exloding dragon (max it good for mob) blaze shiled mob and bur it with exploding dragon
6. ninja aura (max)
7. freezing spear is as spare of flaming petal at kagerou but you need to cast 10 charm to make it good
8. lightning jolt is spamable but only do little dammage (optional for make you fun)
9. watery evasion is optional, but i see ppl do that in ti for leveling and much help but dont max it
10. put spare point for any usefull skill like flip tatami
that was my building skill...
this is for leveling spot and scenario
12 - ??? do spore at payon till you got exploding dragon
??? - 45 go to ant hell... if you reach max blaze shield this is the trick : cast blaze shield drop any junk at your inventory and cast blaze again do fly wing tilll you got good spot for mobbing (chicada on)
45 - 56 go to papuchita forest kill grove there... use same trick as ant hell mob... cast blaze and drop junk
56 do maneater quest... if you dont have much money to do it go to comodo cave at top map or any leveling spot who have any mob level +60
71 - 99 you can do TI, go get puller so they can bring all mobs to your blaze shield to burn that all....
that was i do till i reach lvl 100
for info.. if you are vip and do ti (at kagerou)... spend all your bonus reward from ti to your job... choose it jobs exp only... and get charm, 16th night and pure soul...
if you get lvl 100 you can use any helpfull ninja gear..
and if you get 16th max, pure soul max, and charm... you can do et with your lovelly guildie... you can kill lot mvp as a killer... spam flaming petal or freezing spear... and you will kill evil lord snake fast there...with tank of chourse....
at pvp arena... spam flaming petal to sura fast as you can till they absorb your charm... and make a range to shadow chaser too..
that what i do as lvl 110 kagerou not even a week... thank maybe you can add more advice for me
Posted 27 July 2013 - 09:10 AM
Thanks Quaddie. Ein_fild09 is a good spot, man
Posted 31 July 2013 - 04:48 AM
ah another spot for leveling fast leveling up from 50 to 70 is orc dungeon and orc field... balze shield... you can rent spearman mercenaries to make it more easy...
Posted 08 August 2013 - 08:26 PM
Sweet. I'm getting up there already anyways man and I needed something ^^"
Posted 07 September 2013 - 12:58 AM
Hi guys i have a hybrid oboro cuz i read on this forum that pure Magic/throwing have many downsides, i plan her on PvM, MvP and a little pvp purposes. Shes 99/13 now and im using a blaze huuma shuriken with my main skill swirling petals and here is my skill build when she reach job50 As you can see i have a excess 14 skill points. What skill could be benificial to me? I have plan getting rapid throw(for pvp) or shadow hiding (to replace smokie with better card). Thx for those who will help.
Edited by digz, 07 September 2013 - 05:37 AM.
Posted 13 September 2013 - 04:44 PM
hey im new to this forum stuff but i wanna say i would like all th extended classes to be uhh able to have a 3rd class and only 3 classes but i feel like that cuhz the ninja class will take long and i wanna look forward to another class change all my life i wanted a game where ninja advance like every class has there most valuable thing they wanna get bu playing with a ninja till lvl 99nwith only get so boring im being honest cuhz as i play as thief i am looking forward to that job lvl 0 and choosing to be this or that we don't get that choice so why not get a choice where we can get a 3rd class up grade you know what i mean i love the ninja class feel like it need more work to it idk about anybody else im only speaking for me
ps what are yall planing to do for the gunslinger that class can be more
Posted 13 September 2013 - 04:51 PM
hey im new to this forum stuff but i wanna say i would like all th extended classes to be uhh able to have a 3rd class and only 3 classes but i feel like that cuhz the ninja class will take long and i wanna look forward to another class change all my life i wanted a game where ninja advance like every class has there most valuable thing they wanna get bu playing with a ninja till lvl 99nwith only get so boring im being honest cuhz as i play as thief i am looking forward to that job lvl 0 and choosing to be this or that we don't get that choice so why not get a choice where we can get a 3rd class up grade you know what i mean i love the ninja class feel like it need more work to it idk about anybody else im only speaking for me
ps what are yall planing to do for the gunslinger that class can be more
Eh.... Ninja have its 3rd class. Its called Kagerou and Oboro, and if you're talking about other extended classes, Gunslinger have 3rd class in kRO, and 3rd class for Taekwon class and linkers will be introduced in 2014.
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