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[Balance, Design, Appeal] Monks Really Need To Get Attention~

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#176 Rukaroa


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Posted 23 September 2013 - 10:56 AM

I prefer GF to not miss. There are plenty of bosses (the main use for it) that have effectively 0% defense (which is why the Def% debuffs don't work on them).

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#177 Meconopsis


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Posted 23 September 2013 - 06:35 PM

A never missing G-Fist would be amazing. The full penetration defense ignore would make the skill instantly very good in colo. Hm...

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#178 DatMONKey


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Posted 23 September 2013 - 10:02 PM

We need to be impervious to CC while casting GF. It's extremely annoying for the minute CD to be interrupted more reliably on bosses than it actually landing.

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#179 Vanillarox


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Posted 24 September 2013 - 04:42 AM

Having G-Fist ignore defenses might not be bad. Something about piercing an enemy's soul.

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#180 HunkSurvivor


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Posted 24 September 2013 - 07:50 AM

maybe asura strike might have a longer cooldown in exchange of ignore flee-defense like the original RO1 one

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#181 Vanillarox


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Posted 24 September 2013 - 08:24 AM

maybe asura strike might have a longer cooldown in exchange of ignore flee-defense like the original RO1 one


I'd give Asura a 120 second cooldown for defense ignore and never missing. Just raise the ATK power percentage past 150%. I don't get why a Rogue's Moonlight Dance has a stronger modifier. I thought Asura Strike was the end all, final stand of the Monk class. Why is a Rogue able to do something stronger than our last time at a third (at the moment) of our cool down?

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#182 AhinaReyoh


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Posted 24 September 2013 - 08:52 AM

I'd give Asura a 120 second cooldown for defense ignore and never missing. Just raise the ATK power percentage past 150%. I don't get why a Rogue's Moonlight Dance has a stronger modifier. I thought Asura Strike was the end all, final stand of the Monk class. Why is a Rogue able to do something stronger than our last time at a third (at the moment) of our cool down?


At least it's not Shield Cannon damage bad. Moonlight Drive isn't without its disadvantages too, and is on a class with no gap closer skill.


Is a harder hit with a really long cooldown worth it though? You'd be doing a bit more damage then a Sorcerer, but they hit from a distance with a fraction of the cooldown. I'd rather Asura just hit faster and that Monk had more utility in other skills instead.

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#183 TatsuyaKeith


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Posted 24 September 2013 - 09:07 AM

Uhm... Well, how about that Asura hit faster and be an unavoidable attack but do not ignore defense?

Also, I was thinking that if someday we get AGI on our gears, maybe Evasion should be changed to be a passive skill that gives out like 20% of extra Dogde (stat, not Dodge Rate)... That's just my opinion.

Edited by TatsuyaKeith, 24 September 2013 - 09:12 AM.

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#184 Vanillarox


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Posted 24 September 2013 - 09:30 AM

I have an entire topic dedicated to what I think Asura should be like. Let me paraphase.


  1. Faster
  2. Stronger
  3. Consume Spheres for various effects, including more power and range (think Deadly Blow, consuming combo points for a stronger effect)
  4. When I see Asura do 1400 damage, I want to cry.
  5. When I see Asura do 6.8k, I smile.
  6. I prefer to smile.

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#185 HunkSurvivor


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Posted 24 September 2013 - 09:37 AM


I have an entire topic dedicated to what I think Asura should be like. Let me paraphase.


  1. Faster
  2. Stronger
  3. Consume Spheres for various effects, including more power and range (think Deadly Blow, consuming combo points for a stronger effect)
  4. When I see Asura do 1400 damage, I want to cry.
  5. When I see Asura do 6.8k, I smile.
  6. I prefer to smile.



When i see asura do 800 dmg, i want to uninstall.

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#186 Leinzan


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Posted 24 September 2013 - 09:39 AM

then you better dont see my 243 asura ._.

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#187 ChopChopz


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Posted 24 September 2013 - 09:42 AM

A hit rate bonus and extra ATK would be good.

If Asura ignore defense and dodge, it becomes anti-tank skill, a nightmare of monk themselves....

Edited by ChopChopz, 24 September 2013 - 09:42 AM.

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#188 HunkSurvivor


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Posted 24 September 2013 - 10:03 AM

A hit rate bonus and extra ATK would be good.

If Asura ignore defense and dodge, it becomes anti-tank skill, a nightmare of monk themselves....


implying monks attack themselves.


the Code monk states that rofl

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#189 Lukiner


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Posted 24 September 2013 - 10:11 AM

I'd give Asura a 120 second cooldown for defense ignore and never missing.


the only skill that allows Monk getting kills in colo suddenly have 120 second CD... is this a joke?

long cd for ultimate skill

uber long cd for SSS




so maybe lets just close Colo for monks ok?


or better


let's make separate Colo just for monks so they can do their silly slap fights (RG->RG->RG->Tackle->repeat sequence)


without worrying about that other classes will nuke (KS) their targets suddenly without any problems


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#190 Vanillarox


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Posted 24 September 2013 - 10:32 AM

the only skill that allows Monk getting kills in colo suddenly have 120 second CD... is this a joke?

long cd for ultimate skill

uber long cd for SSS




so maybe lets just close Colo for monks ok?


or better


let's make separate Colo just for monks so they can do their silly slap fights (RG->RG->RG->Tackle->repeat sequence)


without worrying about that other classes will nuke (KS) their targets suddenly without any problems


How much do you do with Asura to an enemy? I know I do anywhere from 5k to 9k with a crit. If I could do that on a player? Hell yeah.

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#191 Meconopsis


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Posted 24 September 2013 - 05:27 PM






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#192 Gamdol


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Posted 25 September 2013 - 11:23 PM

I want to bump this thread, to hopefully continue discussions for things that would reasonably improve the Monk class to be competitive, without making it broken. Even if some people on the forums don't have faith in WP addressing these issues, it doesn't mean we can't discuss them and hopefully be seen and heard.


One of the biggest problems with Monk in any duel scenario vs range, and when trying to catch someone in Colo/WoE, is the complete lack of a slow. The entire Monk playstyle vs range is built around the opponent making a mistake kiting you and using a minimum 2 minute cooldown to double-GFist them and hope that's enough. If it isn't, they can quickly generate distance again, and at that point you're largely screwed. I think a great way to remedy this would be to revamp one of our other skills vs range to serve a dual purpose, Lightning Walk.


Currently, unless you're trying to finish someone off, the best case scenario when using Lightning Walk is that it glitches and doesn't attack, and doesn't go on cooldown. This means you can gap close repeatedly, and many classes can't handle this in quick succession. Lightning Walk isn't even that effective a lot of the time, due to the fact that there's a delay between Lightning Walk completing and being able to use another skill. While it's possible to predict which way the opponent is moving and get a followup melee attack, it's unlikely, and equally possible the target anticipates the LW and uses a distance generating skill immediately. There are two parts to a fix that would make this skill much better, and solve a lot of issues for the Monk.


1) Change LW from a 5 point skill to a 3 point skill. 40/30/20 second cooldown. There's no reason that Lightning Walk should be such an extremely long cooldown unless you pour points into it, this would allow the same final result with a much lower point investment. This would still leave the issue of it not "doing" anything effective though, so that's the second change.


2) Fix whatever bug makes LW not attack. On hit, LW should apply a 5 second 30% slow. This can still be avoided (an issue that's wholly separate), but will give the Monk a window to continue attacking their target or re-close the distance if the target teleports or backflips away. At 100% hit rate (unlikely) this would still only be 25% uptime without SSS, which is plenty reasonable for the CC durations possible from other classes, especially considering it isn't a hard-CC effect.

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#193 Vanillarox


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Posted 26 September 2013 - 08:06 PM

I too agree that Lightning walk being five points, at a maximum of 20 second cooldown, is a bit much. While I myself maxed it, I can see it being a pain at even higher CDs. If we don't get a slow down ability, we should get a viable stun. G-Fist is not that great of a stun because it starts at the start of the animation. But let's think of the purpose of G-Fist.


It is meant to be a Monk's end all finisher. A Monks raw, destructive energy focused into a single punch. Ideally it is a finisher. Why stun a target with a move you intend to end the battle with? Personally I think Lightning Walk should have the stun and not G-Fist. G-Fist is supposed to be the high damage skill ideally used around the end of a combo chain.


In colo I use G-Fist only around the end of my target's lifespan. Even if the stun was fixed, it does no good to me. Does anyone else agree?


EDIT: If Dodge was a passive skill that added 20% dodge, it'd be a bit broken. I recommend Dodge become either a passive that at max level adds 10% raw dodge, or change it into a party buff which gives all allies +10% dodge. No other class, as far as I know, has a buff that directly targets dodge (Ranger's Agility buff can be debated to do this, but let's be honest. Agility is more than dodge).

Edited by Vanillarox, 26 September 2013 - 08:08 PM.

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#194 Leinzan


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Posted 27 September 2013 - 11:01 AM

*Bumps extending my hand to my Monk friends*


Hum, as an Rogue and Sin who at some point had maxed «Mark of Genocide» which we all know gives the wooping 2% Crit gotta say that 10% Dodge is way too much too =/


For one AGI buff from Rangers is a +10% AGI, which needs to be at least 230 base in order to beat the 2% Crit from «Mark of Death»

So to beat a 2% Dodge buff the char should have 460 base AGI...


Yup, if anything, it would be a 2% Dodge buff .___.


Following this logic, why does Soulmakers has a +10% ATK buff then >____>?!

Edited by Leinzan, 27 September 2013 - 11:01 AM.

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#195 Lukiner


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Posted 27 September 2013 - 12:37 PM

Yup, if anything, it would be a 2% Dodge buff .___.


I guess that almost no monk would pick/max this buff for only 2% dodge... since after all they don't have tons of dodge because "SURPRISE"... monk gear don't give us AGI .... <facepalm>


maybe if Gravity change WIS into AGI in gear then this type of buff would be nice... also I'm still jelly so hard that SM got "Imposito
Manus"... it would be so nice buff for monks

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#196 Gamdol


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Posted 27 September 2013 - 01:11 PM

I would much prefer a party DEF buff than a party Dodge buff, Dodge in general is such an unreliable mechanic and annoying to fight against, and I'd rather not increase it any more than it already exists.


With a flat 2-4% DEF buff, maybe slightly higher, I would definitely go for that (at least, once pets are addressed and tanking exists again).

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#197 noobslayer48


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Posted 27 September 2013 - 01:39 PM

I would much prefer a party DEF buff than a party Dodge buff, Dodge in general is such an unreliable mechanic and annoying to fight against, and I'd rather not increase it any more than it already exists.


With a flat 2-4% DEF buff, maybe slightly higher, I would definitely go for that (at least, once pets are addressed and tanking exists again).


...a sorc?

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#198 Gamdol


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Posted 27 September 2013 - 02:10 PM

I still don't know why Sorcs have DEF buff :(

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#199 Leinzan


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Posted 27 September 2013 - 03:12 PM

Sorcs DEF buff is not falt =/


its your DEF + your DEF * 0.2

so if you have 20% and a sorc uses «Earth Shield» 5/5 you only get to 24% :/

Edited by Leinzan, 27 September 2013 - 03:13 PM.

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#200 Meconopsis


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Posted 27 September 2013 - 03:18 PM

I still don't know why Sorcs have DEF buff :(

Best part too is that sorc's def buff is significantly weaker when used on a monk than say a knight because it doesn't count our defensive multipliers. Take away all forms of our percent defensive skills and add 20% of that and it's like around a pitiful increase, because monk's gear is pretty terrible number-wise.

I think a Vigor buff would be neat.
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