A stun is fine, i rather see that then being able to dispell buffs.
You must see this game as a whole, not for a single class, Knights can take (tank) bourgs, arti's, raiders, scouts, champs, if this damage from muse classes is way to strong then there should be a counter for that class individualy, not a skill who give a negative effect on all classes. This either can be done in a Mdef boost (also the right gears towards these classes would do significantly changes).
Dispell skills are just way overdone no mather which class it would have.
About raiders, it was the all combined part where i was talking about, already in buffs they gain a nerf aswell as other classes,on top of that they gain an extra nerf on accuracy and attack speed. On top of that hawkers are the only class who also got their defensive rates (dodge) lowered, where all other classes remain their defensive rates (def/mdef).
About the dispell, I guess it could be a debate to have.
In my answer, if knight have dispell it's because it's a class magic-related. On Compendium "Endowed with the power of holiness, Knights have the strongest Defense Power of any job and are ideal at fighting battles at the front lines and protecting their comrades".
Every class has his strenght and weakenesses. The dispell is not used to try to survive to a mage, but to help his mates. (i had never see a knight running after a mage to dispell him). Dispell is here to counter a bit the buff system in a way more powerfull than debuff but not everyone have dispell and the CD is fine to avoid the spam of it (you really have to choose the good target and the good time and not just "Oh a ennemy, let's debuff him right now huehuehue").
About raiders, i really don't know much about them. I'm not playing one, and in PvP this is not the class which annoy me. I let the squichy classes debate of this nerf.
Edit: I'm not against a nerf of dispell. I'm against is deleting. I thnik we could fine a fair nerf of it like purify.
Edit 2:
Imo dispell is and Always will be overpowered, u missing the point that when you rebuff in a war you will miss the additional charm clerics put on before buffing. In 1on1 there is no one te rebuff you at all.
How about having this skill do a negative effect on stats (or 2 stats at the time) for 5 seconds, that wil be an whole different scenario.
The dispell has a fair CD, you can't spam it. For knights, you can 1 v 1 if you want, but a tanky knight is not here to dps, hard to kill, but that's not him who will kill you. I never 1 v 1, I'll try to see what can i do but i don't think 1 v 1 as kinght is fun.
There are a lot of spells who are "OP" in 1 v 1. And the notion of counter class is too much present. I don't think this kind of pvp should give the direction of the updates about skills and classes.
Edited by Infinity49, 28 April 2014 - 05:27 AM.