i actually wish i could come back to CD but seems my cleric is weak in there cause:
1st - i would die easly n ppl mostly call noob <--- worst word i heard from players even they call noob to a cleric wich made me pissed
2nd - for i try to hang a group without die many times might would need 1 more cleric or 2, also i dont have yet my charm endowed set (left gloves, top n shoes) wich could gimme a lil advantage in CD, need peos stones
3rd - the system is totally changed also if ppl know we are loosing mutch most of them will leave CD n made others players dont get honor (i need some honor for my pvp set for my champion ;c)
thats all i can say for nw, but mostly is about my set cause lasts times wen i did with my cm i could do easly, wen i hited like 1m healing damaged or w/e i always got 100 points/200 points (with premium) wich was gd, but since is all changed is like need 4/7m of healing damage for get all the points :\
Ironic thing is,there are some people who complained that he doesnt do CD enough to qualify to comment while these people themselves wasnt very active in CD as well . They are not even active enough in the forums , they just came to flame the topic by degrading whatever discussion effort we are trying to have here.
Dats ultra true my friend valakas, most of ppl just come here for complain + nerf wole classes for better CD, but as we see, dats such a big lie wat i can say is
more nerf in classes = less CD n more sucks is becoming the game (i didnt wanted to say sucks but is being true, many ppl leaving the game n here's already less FS clerics wich made CD unplayable or w/e <--- dont know if this word exist LOL) and i already told in one of my posts, we should all acept the classes as they are, ofc there need to be changed somethings but totally nerf classes is weak, how can i explain, mades players more upset about they know they nerfed the class
Players who dont are active in forum should know about that, not ignoring most of posts, if they just care about them fine, than the active players in forum should ignore the non-active players
Last few days wen was focus in dgs for get pvm skills (will spend the points i have in a valor set for my pvm mage), i always made an group with my friend/friends, wich we could do clearly the DG n was more fun than we all rage/call names to others/leave DG in others :\