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Anyone for Pegasus?

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#126 Filipito98


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 09:49 AM

i actually wish i could come back to CD but seems my cleric is weak in there cause:

1st - i would die easly n ppl mostly call noob <--- worst word i heard from players even they call noob to a cleric wich made me pissed

2nd - for i try to hang a group without die many times might would need 1 more cleric or 2, also i dont have yet my charm endowed set (left gloves, top n shoes) wich could gimme a lil advantage in CD, need peos stones

3rd - the system is totally changed also if ppl know we are loosing mutch most of them will leave CD n made others players dont get honor (i need some honor for my pvp set for my champion ;c)

thats all i can say for nw, but mostly is about my set cause lasts times wen i did with my cm i could do easly, wen i hited like 1m healing damaged or w/e i always got 100 points/200 points (with premium) wich was gd, but since is all changed is like need 4/7m of healing damage for get all the points :\



Ironic thing is,there are some people who complained that he doesnt do CD enough to qualify to comment while these people themselves wasnt very active in CD as well . They are not even active enough in the forums , they just came to flame the topic by degrading whatever discussion effort we are trying to have here. 

Dats ultra true my friend valakas, most of ppl just come here for complain + nerf wole classes for better CD, but as we see, dats such a big lie wat i can say is

more nerf in classes = less CD n more sucks is becoming the game (i didnt wanted to say sucks but is being true, many ppl leaving the game n here's already less FS clerics wich made CD unplayable or w/e <--- dont know if this word exist LOL) and i already told in one of my posts, we should all acept the classes as they are, ofc there need to be changed somethings but totally nerf classes is weak, how can i explain, mades players more upset about they know they nerfed the class

Players who dont are active in forum should know about that, not ignoring most of posts, if they just care about them fine, than the active players in forum should ignore the non-active players

Last few days wen was focus in dgs for get pvm skills (will spend the points i have in a valor set for my pvm mage), i always made an group with my friend/friends, wich we could do clearly the DG n was more fun than we all rage/call names to others/leave DG in others :\

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#127 Feuer


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 10:28 AM

I'm trying very hard to keep up with your posts Filip, it's also hard for me to understand >< so I'll do my best.


Yes, most only come to the forums to complain. Unless something is wrong, or they even hear about something they don't like, they flip the rage switch and go banana sand-which over something that's being tested or a rumor. 


Another thing that really bothers me, is how many people here say they're for change, and say they're knowledgeable about the game and systems and balance. But honestly I see NONE! of those people making proposals or any effort at all to project new/creative things to the game. There are a few sketches here n there. Maybe the odd-ball quest or proposal in a response, but no-one ever takes the extra effort to fully conceive, post and promote their creative idea. Those people to me are just as useless as they proclaim others are. 


I'll be watching our senate/Rep's closely, keeping track of how often they actually take that extra step, go the extra minute and put in that extra effort. I'm hoping they will, and they'll take it seriously, ON ALL FRONTS, not just PvP, but the game, and all of it's features. If they fall short, I'll try giving them a positive nudge. 

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#128 Filipito98


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 11:06 AM

>.< i already told in last 2 posts if u guys dont understand i try to understand :C, just tell me wich part u dont understand ._., and yah ik all my posts are like this but i cant change lol =.=, i learned english in games hahahah :), soo yah my english isnt like perfect but sometimes it can be understanded

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#129 Bendersmom


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 11:23 AM

I don't think anyone knows how much a player plays or not on both servers and definitely not when you are off.  I don't think the number of hours a day that someone plays makes someone that much more knowledgeable about the game really either.  I know a lot of people who play a lot and have for a long time that still don't understand how their characters/class works.  And whether people make quests, draw cool things, or post other proposals does not indicate that they will be a good class representative or not.  Some people are very passionate and knowledgeable about the game and their classes, but very reserved or shy or hesitant to speak on forums because English is not their first language.  In addition some people have full time jobs, family, going to school, etc. that makes it difficult for them to be on as often as others, but that does not mean they don't understand the game.


And because people don't all agree does not indicate that they are not knowledgeable about the game and systems and balances.  Actually I have seen a lot of newish people posting over the last 6 months or so that we have not seen on forums much and who have great insight into their class and game play.  And to me differing opinions help make the discussions interesting as long as people can keep the trash talking to a minimum and not come off like know-it-alls.  Sometimes new things come out of those discussions that are a benefit to the game.


Most of the people that volunteered to be class representatives know that the class has to be represented as a whole which would include PVP, PVM, leveling, farming and questing and I am assuming if the representatives do not function as Leo sees the role as they will be asked to step down.  And there is no requirement in the descriptions that I have seen that the representatives have to also post quests, cute drawings, etc.  Unless I missed that part.

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#130 Feuer


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 11:41 AM

OH no Filip I normally have a good idea what you're trying to say, I was just letting you know you're not being ignored :P 


@Mom, I unblocked you for a moment just to see what you had posted, tbh time being involved with the community is EXACTLY what they want from reps. Stating that essentially everything you can do inside a community [posting feedback, questions, helping with others, designing or making up fun new content, reporting bugs etc] doesn't matter / isn't relevant, is kinda contradictory to what they're asking. They want people who walk all mixes of life in the game, and are interested in every aspect and who hear the opinions of each person who voices them. The reps duty, is to summarize the class community as a whole, and present that aspect to the staff. It doesn't boil down to knowledge over time. It comes down to interactions with people and players. You don't represent your own ideas, you represent the community's, which means you need to have a high level of interaction with that class.


If people have reservations and aren't available for the time to dedicate to the role, then they should not be running. It was specifically stated that players should be active. Of course people have lives, I love it when people get out and explore. But if you have too many commitments outside of the game, then you shouldn't be volunteering for it. 

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#131 Filipito98


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 12:32 PM

i dont mind be ignored lol (cause well even in school sometimes i get ignored im like half abituated), but anleast i wana the players know wat they rlly do, if they thing nerfing classes is good or no, there sometimes it is good but there's others times wich isnt good, made players upset, we like, should maybe made players happy with the classes not upsets, we dont need to made op classes, but yes recommend classes wich we all can play :), not an class wich we all chosed cause is the op one and cause is the most used, i wana say i like raiders cause i rlly love to use dual or katars n i like atack speed and good crits but exagerated crits n atack speed is kinda well unfair :\, im not saying for nerf more the class/classes but like ppl should maybe know them fav classes n have a reason for the player chose that class (saying cause is the op one isnt an reason, those who say dat means they dont know how to play with classes than ;c)

soo yah my conclusion is like, no more nerf to classes but yes doing recommend skill stats or w/e and also ppl play the classe for an reason but not cause is the op

cause atm ppl say raider is the op cause them atack speed n etc, i just see like many players creating raider (some are players wich have others chars that i agree n maybe they should test n have a lil fun) but most of them are newbs, new players wich just got into class n start as an raider :\

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#132 pdfisher


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 12:43 PM

OH no Filip I normally have a good idea what you're trying to say, I was just letting you know you're not being ignored :P


@Mom, I unblocked you for a moment just to see what you had posted, tbh time being involved with the community is EXACTLY what they want from reps. Stating that essentially everything you can do inside a community [posting feedback, questions, helping with others, designing or making up fun new content, reporting bugs etc] doesn't matter / isn't relevant, is kinda contradictory to what they're asking. They want people who walk all mixes of life in the game, and are interested in every aspect and who hear the opinions of each person who voices them. The reps duty, is to summarize the class community as a whole, and present that aspect to the staff. It doesn't boil down to knowledge over time. It comes down to interactions with people and players. You don't represent your own ideas, you represent the community's, which means you need to have a high level of interaction with that class.


If people have reservations and aren't available for the time to dedicate to the role, then they should not be running. It was specifically stated that players should be active. Of course people have lives, I love it when people get out and explore. But if you have too many commitments outside of the game, then you shouldn't be volunteering for it. 


Ok Feuer, I am curious now. I was one of the people running for class rep for champs. I do not submit drawings, ( you wouldn't be able to make them out anyway), nor write quests (tried once, just don't have the creativity for it), I do not understand a lot of the mechanics of the game, and I don't pvp (except to kill a certain mage in DoD, and CD). Are you saying I would make a bad class rep because of this? I am a bit confused with what you're saying here.

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#133 FireJin


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 12:51 PM

So about cleric on the change, I have posted one solution i can think of


First solution:

If your idea is to make the selfbuff stronger than cleric, I suggest to leave cleric's buff to be as it is right now in live server, and make other classes' selfbuff stronger to buff himself only, not to pt. So if they want their stat better, they will just invest some charm and waste some skill point for their own. For who don't want to invest SP for selfbuff and rely on cleric's buff, they can spend their sp in some other thing that can help to protect clerics.





So Second solution I can think of if GM want to improve the selfbuff on each classes. You can also do in this way.


1. Keep Cleric's buff number as the same in Live server or less it really a bit if you think it is OP.


2. Then Rescale on each class selfbuff to make them about 450-500 charm equal to cleric's 1084 charm buff. It could not be acceptable if their selbuff lvl 5 with no charm can be higher than cleric's buff with max charm. Even other classes with 100 base charm, they still can reach 500 charm with charm gear like cleric to buff team. So the most classes that maybe able to surpass cleric buff can be spear champ and dual raider that they already have high charm base stat. They could reach over 600 charm with some charm gear to surpass cleric's buff




1. This will still keep the role of cleric to buff+heal for the team. To me Suppor Cleric is not decided only to Heal the team, they gave 60 sp for full buff that about 30% of their total Skill point. Spend money for another 6 dual skill book buff to make faster buff for team. That mean their roles are not to heal the team.


2.  This will make other classes except cleric know the feeling of cleric while they have to buff team with buff gear and use their own buff on fight gear. This will also make demand in the market for other classes getting charm gear to buff team, not only cleric. So according to the market when every classes can be getting charm gear will be having more demand, then more sellers, then charm gear would be cheaper as it is now



Just my opinion to for some change. Accept or not, up to you guys. I have every classes to play anyway. I will play the classes that acceptable to play after changing.




Edited by FireJin, 29 April 2014 - 12:57 PM.

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#134 jerremy


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 12:54 PM

Can't say so for all buffs, but the aspd one was rightfully OP and needed a nerf.

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#135 Feuer


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 12:58 PM

Ok Feuer, I am curious now. I was one of the people running for class rep for champs. I do not submit drawings, ( you wouldn't be able to make them out anyway), nor write quests (tried once, just don't have the creativity for it), I do not understand a lot of the mechanics of the game, and I don't pvp (except to kill a certain mage in DoD, and CD). Are you saying I would make a bad class rep because of this? I am a bit confused with what you're saying here.


This is a loaded question fisher. I know you know better


but to help clarify what is expected of a rep, perhaps Leonis will be able to post something on it.


My perspective -just my own- is


A Representative should have a good / experienced view of the class that they are representing.

The should be active within the class community, often discussing builds, changes to skills from patches, stats EQ, and how those all correlate to the class they represent.

They should also be active in the forums, as that is where the direct connection to the staff takes place majority of the time, and is also the only place where both servers can converge on topics.

Tell tale signs that a person is active is either Posting or Commenting on all aspects of the game + community. examples

Someone posts an idea for a new dungeon. < Actively being creative in the community.

Someone responds to the idea for a new dungeon with input, constructive thoughts or proposals. < Actively participating in the community.

another one

Someone posts a bug report. < Actively giving feedback / reports. Active member.

Someone reads the bug report, but doesn't reply. <Semi Active person. may be knowledgeable but isn't participating in an outward approach.

Someone never reads any sections except general chat / guild chat. < Very selective, not open to all aspect. Not a good candidate.


So to me, being a good candidate would be 

Either posting, or responding to [in positive ways] to new content, bug reports or questions.

Actively spends time investigating and bettering the class they're representing. 

Actively provides feedback in posts, and often communicates with others of the same class, for a more broadened point of view.


If that itself doesn't kinda clear it up well... then we should just wait until someone from the staff can give a definitive answer. 

Edited by Feuer, 29 April 2014 - 01:02 PM.

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#136 pdfisher


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 01:22 PM

This is a loaded question fisher. I know you know better


but to help clarify what is expected of a rep, perhaps Leonis will be able to post something on it.


My perspective -just my own- is


A Representative should have a good / experienced view of the class that they are representing.

The should be active within the class community, often discussing builds, changes to skills from patches, stats EQ, and how those all correlate to the class they represent.

They should also be active in the forums, as that is where the direct connection to the staff takes place majority of the time, and is also the only place where both servers can converge on topics.

Tell tale signs that a person is active is either Posting or Commenting on all aspects of the game + community. examples

Someone posts an idea for a new dungeon. < Actively being creative in the community.

Someone responds to the idea for a new dungeon with input, constructive thoughts or proposals. < Actively participating in the community.

another one

Someone posts a bug report. < Actively giving feedback / reports. Active member.

Someone reads the bug report, but doesn't reply. <Semi Active person. may be knowledgeable but isn't participating in an outward approach.

Someone never reads any sections except general chat / guild chat. < Very selective, not open to all aspect. Not a good candidate.


So to me, being a good candidate would be 

Either posting, or responding to [in positive ways] to new content, bug reports or questions.

Actively spends time investigating and bettering the class they're representing. 

Actively provides feedback in posts, and often communicates with others of the same class, for a more broadened point of view.


If that itself doesn't kinda clear it up well... then we should just wait until someone from the staff can give a definitive answer. 


Thank you very much Feuer. That cleared things up for me.

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#137 Leonis


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 02:30 PM

Just so you all are aware. Leonis server data is now loaded to Pegasus. For those of you who were unable to test and have not provided your play test experience and feedback, please do :) Thank you.


And no, I'm not ignoring any of the posted feedback thus far, I've been reading it all, but I'm letting you all continue your discussions as there's been no conclusion majority seems to agree on. (or single topic :heh: )

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#138 Bendersmom


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 02:44 PM

I would think the class representative should represent the others of that class and voice their opinions, get a consensus of what they think and voice that to the Dev team, help new players of that class with ideas on builds, help the Dev team understand various views of the class, give all sides of the class from leveling, to farming to PVM to PVP, give the devs someone to bounce ideas off of for that class, etc.


To me there are much more creative people out there then me for quest designs, new gear, etc.  In addition, we have Community Moderators and the Gravity team to help people with bugs in game ( I can't fix them or usually help with it), help with problems and accounts (nope not me), etc. 


And you can have a very active life and still find time to interact with other players and have fun in the game.


But this is not worth debating.  Leo will make his decisions and we will see what they want from us.  And Fisher would do a good job. 

Edited by Bendersmom, 29 April 2014 - 04:59 PM.

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#139 SpawN9999


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 03:13 PM

servers not up

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#140 Leonis


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 03:23 PM

servers not up

You are quite right, not sure why, it's been getting looked in to.

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#141 Leonis


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 04:47 PM

Pegasus should be up and online now, again with Leonis data. :)


I apparently lied. :(

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#142 SpawN9999


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 04:54 PM

its getting stuck at "downloading avatar list" for me

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#143 Leonis


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 05:16 PM

Indeed, it looks like we're having more problems than anticipated. Pegasus is going to be left offline until we can figure out what's going on. The change of server data may need some additional tweaking. For now, we need to find out what. But we'll get it up tomorrow soon as we can. Good thing it's a test server. :)

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#144 pdfisher


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 05:44 PM

Pegasus should be up and online now, again with Leonis data. :)


I apparently lied. :(


Shame on you Leo, 50 lashes with a wet noodle! :heh:

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#145 Valakas


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 05:48 PM

Edited : Wrong topic. I've been reading the other topic and then replied on this one  :heh:

Edited by Valakas, 29 April 2014 - 05:49 PM.

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#146 pdfisher


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 05:48 PM

Is the poll for the class rep still on-going ? 


No, it ended yesterday.

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#147 Valakas


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 05:49 PM

No, it ended yesterday.

Great , thanks for the answer  :heh:

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#148 Leonis


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Posted 30 April 2014 - 10:23 AM

Okay, Pegasus is online and running now. Complications addressed.

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#149 Nifa


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Posted 30 April 2014 - 01:21 PM

Welp, took me a while to get around to writing this. I was going to hop onto Pega yesterday to get some hard numbers (finally found the time to)...only to find it closed. Welp. So this is probably going to sound really general and blah.


I was discussing things with Jin, so anything I say is pretty much in line with what he has already said.


Cleric buffs reduction



Axe Champ changes



Regarding Possible Bow Scout changes, brought up by Axe champ changes



Regarding the role of a Full Support Cleric



[PvP] Mana Burn and Dispell Skills



Dual Raider debuffs


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#150 DestinyDeoxys


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Posted 30 April 2014 - 01:43 PM

I finished looking over the stuff on Pegasus, didn't get a chance to PvP since you won't get a CD start anyways, but here is my overview.


Soul Wreck

  • Reduced chance of Silence to 80%, from 100%. (I don't think this nerf is needed as there isn't much reason to play sword champion anymore if you buff the axe champion)

Champion Strike

  • Now converts 20%/40%/60%/80%/100% of damage to healing yourself. (I've tested, this seem to work in PvP only not PvM, is that a bug?)


  • Stun & Sleep resistance reduced to 50%, from 100% (perfect immunity was more powerful than anticipated) (The regular berserk has no cost besides MP,  so I would think you should keep the 100% immunity to enraged berserk because that skill is really a risky skill that cost you 30% def)




Regarding the cleric buffs nerf, I see that coming anyways, since clerics buff turn out to be a big game changer, the consequence is that overall PvM will be harder, and for PvP where serious business occur, you will need to get AP/Def/HP/STR from a soldier, you will need to get Acc/CON/SEN from a dealer, you need to get Attack speed/DEX from a hawker, you will need to get additional critical buff from bow hawker. This in my opinion might be a good change, because this motivates not only the cleric class but everyone to get CHA buff equipment for the team.

The text in green is where the best buff are given from.

Cleric 300INT 1052CHA

AP = 10% + 125
Acc = 10% + 187
Def/m-def = 10% + 626
HP/MP = 10% + 1252
Attack speed = 10% + 31.3%
Movement speed = 10% + 187
Critical = 5% + 187
Dodge = 10% + 187
Angelic Charm

Soldier 356STR 95CHA

AP = 15% + 94
Def = 15% + 250
HP = 15% + 470

STR buff

Dealer 554CON 35CHA

Acc = 15% + 159
CON/SEN buff

Hawker 380DEX 130CHA

Attack speed = 15% + 26.7%
DEX buff

Overall, we might see the demand of precious armor once again because currently with the 1080+ CHA buff, people do not even need to wear any movement speed substat equipment to obtain a sufficient war pace.

On a side note, why was the magic defense stat on the luminous armor reduced? The magic defense stat on these armor seems kinda insignificant to me considering the most effective way to reduce incoming damage is from shield block rather than bumping up your defense/magic defense stat? Shouldn't the magic defense stat from luminous armor be the same magnitude as the defense stat from chivalrous armor?

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