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Anyone for Pegasus?

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#101 MidnightSmurf


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Posted 28 April 2014 - 03:32 PM

Skillbooks: Then we'll make the following suggestion in order to fix this obvious flaw; When you use a unique skill reset it gives you the option to mark the skills you wanna get rid out rather then it takes away all of them. Or the skill stays but it becomes grey until you activate it again.


Suggestion: Being as wise as you show there I'll present you with a wonderful option. Discuss with friends and people you meet in GA games. People you level with. New players, old players. Get some different perspective before you come up with ideas. You'd be less likely to suggest something that would foremost satisfy your own needs and look more toward what the community as a whole wants.

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#102 Phish


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Posted 28 April 2014 - 03:43 PM

Being able to reset a single unique skill would be a great option if it's possible. It's a huge inconvenience to lose all of your unique skills considering their price/rarity to remove one.

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#103 FireJin


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Posted 28 April 2014 - 03:58 PM

Since I have been going through the cleric stuff and already comment on it.

So now, I am going to mention all deep detail about these improvement of axe champ that is going overboard. These change to axe is made Axe champ being good in every way. cale of Dodge/Crit down along with Bleeding effect and Burn Aoe



Overhead Attack

  • Increased Dodge Down base to 20/40/60/80, from 10/15/20/25/30



The change of debuff of dodge down as axe champ is too strong according to the damage of axe champ can make with 100% crit damage. This increase of number almost equal to PvP Geon from 2h champ .This is too obvious.


The change should be going by half:

  • Increased Dodge Down base to 15/30/45/60, from 10/15/20/25/30


Weapon Toss

  • Increased Movement Speed Down base to 20/40/60/80, from 10/15/20/25/30



This should not be changed from Live Server because PvP Weapon Launcher is decided for most axe to have and catch the runner. And if this amount of mspd down would make axe full of danger, range stun, and big mspd down.




Champion Hit

  • Increased Critical Down base to 30/60/90/120/150, from 10/15/20/25/30
  • Increased cooldown to 7 seconds, from 6.
  • Critical Down effect reduced to 5 seconds, from 20.



This is definitely going too much. with 150 charm on my axe I have 5%+655 Crit down that is equal to 5%+26.2% = 31.2% crit down in one skill and crit down effect still 20 secs. While Crit katar raider have to earn stack for 20% cri down and they won't have enough sp to reach PvP Screw attack. So basically, Katar raider can reach only about 30% crit down with  a bit charm build. Nothing compare to Axe Champion Hit that can keep enemy like 30% crit down all the time.


Change should be:

- Increased Critical Down base to 15/30/45/60/75, from 10/15/20/25/30


Along with Sen/con passive for Crit stat already make Axe goes over every classes on Critical



Champion Strike

  • Increased cast speed.
  • Now converts 20%/40%/60%/80%/100% of damage to healing yourself.
  • Also applies to unique version as well.



This definitely should not be added. Are you seriously to make 100% absorb? Axe almost be able to crit every classes with 100% Crit damage. They going to add up like 5k HP + if they crit.


Final Strike

  • Increased cast speed significantly.
  • Added Bleed effect for 2/3/4/5/6 seconds.



This is fine to be adding since Axe champ is decided for strong single hit damage



Axe Wrath

  • Increased cast speed significantly.
  • Added Burn effect dealing 1000/1500/1500/1800/2000 damage over time.



- This should not be added while axe are not made for doing better in AOE type. And another aoe from Soldier tab on axe skill tree already made 200 burn dmg per sec for 5 Secs


These improvement on axe is going to be too much while Spear champ has not been improved and 2h champ's soul wreck getting mute down to 80% chance



Note - GM, You should take a look on other axe type in the server. There are a lot of better axe players in the live server. You guys better listen to them as well. Not just to decide by testing and listening by one person who play Axe type. His idea to improve his own Axe is definitely too much.



Edited by FireJin, 28 April 2014 - 04:06 PM.

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#104 Ahya


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Posted 28 April 2014 - 05:15 PM

To dispel a buff, from a knight or a mage's point of view, is a completely fair and valid skill befitting them given their roles, class, and other things that happen to relate to them much more than other classes.


To dispel a buff, from other classes' point of view, is a dangerous skill worth the effort to effectively counter.

Nobody ever targets a knight first, unless that knight has a very low mdef and the mage chooses to hit him first to take out the enemy's taunts. They are a supportive and protective class whose roles are not to kill. Knights are intended for group fights and for protecting the mage, cleric, and other squishy people in their team. Many of their AoE's have a % chance to taunt. And since nobody targets them, and they do not have the firepower, why deprive the dispels?

As of the mage, their 100% chance to dispel 2 buffs at level 5 of Fierce Cudgeling, is a very fair skill in my opinion. No mage can dispel randomly. And no mage can dispel as easily as the knights in group fights because they are always the first targets. Fight a mage who dispels out of the timing and you will win, unless you are playing a class that is by design, going to lose to the mage, or if you have failed to kill him before getting fully stripped of buffs.

It's not a reason that your buffs are being stripped of that you will lose. Dispels take time to master, and they take effort and practice to effectively pull off. There are players out there who can kill mages who know how to dispel. There are also some players who accept the mage's dispels.

A mage is a ranged class for a reason, and they aren't meant to be in the front lines. If they ever will be, they will be in grave danger, but longer that they survive in the front lines, you will be gradually stripped of buffs, something which is a reason for you to kill the mage with your team's cooperation.

Dispels are powerful, yet dangerous skills to execute. Shouldn't complain for it's effectiveness when it's not just being properly countered.


And as of the champ's powerful crit down, and of all other champ changes. I suggest they be taken step by step.

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Posted 28 April 2014 - 06:48 PM

Hi All,


Hope this is not Off the Topic question. But I really want to test new changes in skill and character in Pegasus Server. Can anyone help me I have problem on patching. I always got error, cant finsih patching it up to new version. Is there any Manual Patch Data for it?


Please help thanks. ^^

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#106 kumpiakot


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Posted 28 April 2014 - 07:56 PM

Hi All,


Hope this is not Off the Topic question. But I really want to test new changes in skill and character in Pegasus Server. Can anyone help me I have problem on patching. I always got error, cant finsih patching it up to new version. Is there any Manual Patch Data for it?


Please help thanks. ^^


Here's a mirror of the Pegasus client installer if the official site is acting a little slow (as it generally seems to be).from Genesis this might help....

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#107 MidnightSmurf


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 12:31 AM

To dispel a buff, from a knight or a mage's point of view, is a completely fair and valid skill befitting them given their roles, class, and other things that happen to relate to them much more than other classes.


To dispel a buff, from other classes' point of view, is a dangerous skill worth the effort to effectively counter.

Nobody ever targets a knight first, unless that knight has a very low mdef and the mage chooses to hit him first to take out the enemy's taunts. They are a supportive and protective class whose roles are not to kill. Knights are intended for group fights and for protecting the mage, cleric, and other squishy people in their team. Many of their AoE's have a % chance to taunt. And since nobody targets them, and they do not have the firepower, why deprive the dispels?

As of the mage, their 100% chance to dispel 2 buffs at level 5 of Fierce Cudgeling, is a very fair skill in my opinion. No mage can dispel randomly. And no mage can dispel as easily as the knights in group fights because they are always the first targets. Fight a mage who dispels out of the timing and you will win, unless you are playing a class that is by design, going to lose to the mage, or if you have failed to kill him before getting fully stripped of buffs.

It's not a reason that your buffs are being stripped of that you will lose. Dispels take time to master, and they take effort and practice to effectively pull off. There are players out there who can kill mages who know how to dispel. There are also some players who accept the mage's dispels.

A mage is a ranged class for a reason, and they aren't meant to be in the front lines. If they ever will be, they will be in grave danger, but longer that they survive in the front lines, you will be gradually stripped of buffs, something which is a reason for you to kill the mage with your team's cooperation.

Dispels are powerful, yet dangerous skills to execute. Shouldn't complain for it's effectiveness when it's not just being properly countered.


And as of the champ's powerful crit down, and of all other champ changes. I suggest they be taken step by step.


First of that skill description says it all to me. It's like a duals swords slow but can affect any 2 buffs at the same time. And it can't be purified away as the dual swords debuff can be.

Dispels are indeed very powerful but I fail to see how it's any more dangerous then other skills to execute as I always see Mages in the middle of the battle in CD, staying close to the cleric most often. Melee range is easy to find.

And for the running mages that we used to have a way back in Draconis who pretty much only used their mage to dispel people, read mess with with people, are still there. Now why is it that mages dispel was used to mess with people? They could clear a whole TG even if they died and died. People just hate being dispeled cause it requires rebuffing. It's not like a debuff that goes away after a few seconds.

Properly countered.. I can't really hope for a aoe Purify from the cleric to give me my buffs back or hope I don't die while the debuff goes away. That cleric have to notice it and rebuff you. Hell, sometimes you don't even notice it yourself cause it's alot harder to spot then a debuff in the mids of a big fight.
Let's say there's more then 1 reason why mages are being the 1st target in most fights. They do a crap ton of dmg and they can dispel, they recieved a good survivability buff with the Mana Shield.

I was dispeled yesterday in TG by a random mage I'd never seen before, took away my HP buff and I had to go out again as I knew that if I decided to fight someone I'd have a much much smaller chance of winning. Especially if I were gonna pvp someone in orderly fashion. I were forced to leave cause being without even 1 single buffs renders a character that much weaker than a character with all buffs.
Imagine a Raider without accu. A champ without AP. A knight without HP. A Artisan without crit. Another mage without Def. A Scout without dodge.

I can't see how these dispel effects are fair as it is to me just a very extreme version of debuffs.

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#108 Feuer


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 01:09 AM

First of that skill description says it all to me. It's like a duals swords slow but can affect any 2 buffs at the same time. And it can't be purified away as the dual swords debuff can be.


Buffs can also be re-applied. 

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#109 Infinity49


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 01:09 AM

Why u keep reasoning in 1 v 1 situation? This is a non sense. You can't build a fair game with balanced class in 1 v 1 PvP.

Yes dispell is powerfull, yet it's not spammable. It is not the ultimate skill to survive, it's just give a little more chance to survive for a mage when he got attacked in a closed fight and help knight to do their role which is protect their mates.

Should we remove the debuff of aspd from the raider because it's too powerfull in 1c1? Should we remove heal from BC because he can deal damages AND heal himself? Please, we just can't arguee like that.


I really do not understand why you want dispell to be removed and think that is perfectly normal to get buffs and always keeping them. Hell no, in PvP or PvM you can get dispelled, it is a part of the game to see this and react to this (cleric has the time to rebuff? Should i back? should i disrupt them?).

Damn it, if you remove dispell, just remove all skills which can clean debuffs. And why not buff aswell, we will be all equal like that.

Edited by Infinity49, 29 April 2014 - 01:12 AM.

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#110 Ahya


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 01:48 AM

First of that skill description says it all to me. It's like a duals swords slow but can affect any 2 buffs at the same time. And it can't be purified away as the dual swords debuff can be.

Dispels are indeed very powerful but I fail to see how it's any more dangerous then other skills to execute as I always see Mages in the middle of the battle in CD, staying close to the cleric most often. Melee range is easy to find.

And for the running mages that we used to have a way back in Draconis who pretty much only used their mage to dispel people, read mess with with people, are still there. Now why is it that mages dispel was used to mess with people? They could clear a whole TG even if they died and died. People just hate being dispeled cause it requires rebuffing. It's not like a debuff that goes away after a few seconds.

Properly countered.. I can't really hope for a aoe Purify from the cleric to give me my buffs back or hope I don't die while the debuff goes away. That cleric have to notice it and rebuff you. Hell, sometimes you don't even notice it yourself cause it's alot harder to spot then a debuff in the mids of a big fight.
Let's say there's more then 1 reason why mages are being the 1st target in most fights. They do a crap ton of dmg and they can dispel, they recieved a good survivability buff with the Mana Shield.

I was dispeled yesterday in TG by a random mage I'd never seen before, took away my HP buff and I had to go out again as I knew that if I decided to fight someone I'd have a much much smaller chance of winning. Especially if I were gonna pvp someone in orderly fashion. I were forced to leave cause being without even 1 single buffs renders a character that much weaker than a character with all buffs.
Imagine a Raider without accu. A champ without AP. A knight without HP. A Artisan without crit. Another mage without Def. A Scout without dodge.

I can't see how these dispel effects are fair as it is to me just a very extreme version of debuffs.


A mage will find it hard to defend themselves in melee. Melee range indeed is easy to find. Some mages are like me, preferring to run around melee range to hit everyone with my self aoes, most of which I find more useful than targeted ones. They may stay with the cleric most often, but they will always, always, always be the first target. It's dangerous to execute, both in a 1v1 situation and in a group fight situation. Dispelling in a 1v1, for example, needs every single skill to be arranged to dispel while they are disabled and have ample time to keep them disabled after such action. It will kill the mage if done incorrectly, especially if fighting capable enemies.



Buffs can also be re-applied. 



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#111 MidnightSmurf


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 02:19 AM

Buffs can also be re-applied. 


And I have explained why that is so much harder then a purify. Play your Cleric.

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#112 Feuer


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 02:26 AM

Buffs dont only come from Cleric midnight. Any class can reapply buffs if dispelled. Buffpots / Self buffs, Cleric buffs. there's more ways around dispells then there are way to dispell, knight = 1. mages = 1-2. I fail to see where this agression towards dispells suddenly came from

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#113 Bendersmom


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 02:32 AM

I think part of the problem is the concept of dispell and to me mana burn and the way it is conceived.  Most people have no issue with being attacked, or the mspd down, etc. because there are something you can try to recover from or fight back.  But taking away buffs or mana are an inconvenience and to a lot of people seem like the chicken way out. A lot of people take it more as an insult.  Especially debuff in TG, where people buff up outside to pvp and then have to go back out to get rebuffed.  


Part of the problem is due to so many mages and knights doing the skills just to make people angry.  There are many high charm mages that just run around TG and even hide with cleric in CD just to take away buffs and mana.  They don't really fight much or anything. So when there are fighting mages in a CD they do a lot of damage and are a great part of the team.  But when there are mana burn/dispelling mages in the CD they do very little damage but can still cripple the other team with debuffs and mana burns.  I guess it is a different playing style, but I don't think that most classes understand that type of game play.  Most are supporters like clerics or out right fighters.  People rage about not having mana and about buffs being taken away.


I would say it is kind of like that little short kid in school that constantly pokes at people and annoys the hell out of them, then runs to the big guy to protect them,  People just want to punch them in the nose.  Hope that makes sense. 

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#114 Infinity49


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 03:18 AM

I think part of the problem is the concept of dispell and to me mana burn and the way it is conceived.  Most people have no issue with being attacked, or the mspd down, etc. because there are something you can try to recover from or fight back.  But taking away buffs or mana are an inconvenience and to a lot of people seem like the chicken way out. A lot of people take it more as an insult.  Especially debuff in TG, where people buff up outside to pvp and then have to go back out to get rebuffed.  


Part of the problem is due to so many mages and knights doing the skills just to make people angry.  There are many high charm mages that just run around TG and even hide with cleric in CD just to take away buffs and mana.  They don't really fight much or anything. So when there are fighting mages in a CD they do a lot of damage and are a great part of the team.  But when there are mana burn/dispelling mages in the CD they do very little damage but can still cripple the other team with debuffs and mana burns.  I guess it is a different playing style, but I don't think that most classes understand that type of game play.  Most are supporters like clerics or out right fighters.  People rage about not having mana and about buffs being taken away.


I would say it is kind of like that little short kid in school that constantly pokes at people and annoys the hell out of them, then runs to the big guy to protect them,  People just want to punch them in the nose.  Hope that makes sense. 


Well, being buffed in TG when you play a class different of cleric is not "normal". You are supposed to 1 v 1, if you want a fair fight, you should use the skills of your class and not take your raider, self-buff with your max charm cleric and then wipe people in TG (like targeting people with no buff or so on). The aspect of being buff outside then go in the TG is ridiculous, but well, that's easier to remove dispell than find fair people in TG i guess.

Yes, mana burn and dispell are an "inconvenience", like debuffs. This is the purpose of the skill.

Maybe people have fun dispell randomly guys in TG, well, kill him. Again and again, he will stop. Because someone boring/trolling you, we should remove a skill? So maybe we can remove raider class? When i'm on my cleric, these class always want to kill me that's boring. Heh.


In CD, people played offensive or defensive class. A knight can be Xbow or 1H and kick asses, or tanky and support his mate. Same for mage, you can be a badass and wipe entire team with your spells, or just be "evasive" and supportive with CC/dispell etc. Classes can have differents gameplay, you are yourself a cleric, you should know you can play it as FS, BC or hybrid or whatever. Why Mage or Knight could not and should see one of his supportive skill being removed?


I would say it is kind of like that group of kids in school permantly buff themselves and constantly pokes at people and annoy the hell out of them, then whine because people in order to protect them dispell their buff so they leave, get buffed again and start poking again. People just want to punch them in the nose. Hope that makes sense. 


I agree with Feuer.

Edited by Infinity49, 29 April 2014 - 03:21 AM.

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#115 jerremy


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 03:20 AM

Skillbooks: Then we'll make the following suggestion in order to fix this obvious flaw; When you use a unique skill reset it gives you the option to mark the skills you wanna get rid out rather then it takes away all of them. Or the skill stays but it becomes grey until you activate it again.


Suggestion: Being as wise as you show there I'll present you with a wonderful option. Discuss with friends and people you meet in GA games. People you level with. New players, old players. Get some different perspective before you come up with ideas. You'd be less likely to suggest something that would foremost satisfy your own needs and look more toward what the community as a whole wants.

Why thanks.

I must say, I've tried that before, asking the community in game. I think I had to ignore about 95% of all ideas I got because they were outrageous (no offense to those people). But I'll see regardless if I can come up with any ideas to help with the dual raider mspd down issue.

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#116 3722121031200347517


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 03:28 AM

Buffs dont only come from Cleric midnight. Any class can reapply buffs if dispelled. Buffpots / Self buffs, Cleric buffs. there's more ways around dispells then there are way to dispell, knight = 1. mages = 1-2. I fail to see where this agression towards dispells suddenly came from


and how often do you see people use buffpots in cd? answer is only one or two in every 3 games so far(based on my playing experience) and mostly scouts, raiders and only one mage . and one more thing when people get resurrected, they get rebuffed immediately by most clerics(its actually the same as getting debuffed) people who REALLY PLAY understood what i meant 


how often do you go inside TG/CD? i see you only standing in junon for hours


yes, you have read the books about this game but are you really playing this game?

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#117 MidnightSmurf


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 03:38 AM

What Bender says Feuer pretty sums up my oppinion as well.

jerremy@ I meant no offense by my comment.

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#118 Bendersmom


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 04:01 AM

Infinity, I am not saying I am for or against dispell and mana burn in my post.  I was just trying to explain how a lot of people feel about them and why some feel so strongly.  I know there are counters to it all and everyone has different ideas about fair play in TG.  I know people play offensively and defensively and each has their own builds, etc.  That is the plus of the skill balancing.  But some people don't feel that debuffing is really a skill, more of an annoyance.  I think that if mages and knights did not do it just to annoy people (which a lot of them do) then maybe people would not be so against it, but who knows.

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#119 jerremy


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 04:07 AM

jerremy@ I meant no offense by my comment.

I did take it as a compliment~

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#120 Infinity49


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 04:30 AM

Infinity, I am not saying I am for or against dispell and mana burn in my post.  I was just trying to explain how a lot of people feel about them and why some feel so strongly.  I know there are counters to it all and everyone has different ideas about fair play in TG.  I know people play offensively and defensively and each has their own builds, etc.  That is the plus of the skill balancing.  But some people don't feel that debuffing is really a skill, more of an annoyance.  I think that if mages and knights did not do it just to annoy people (which a lot of them do) then maybe people would not be so against it, but who knows.

Can't stop people to troll unfortunately :/ I can understand they way people feel being dispell with no reason except annoying you. But in CD and as a part of teamplay, a dispell at the good time save lives (just by removing -by luck- aspd or ap buff on a raider when he attacks your cleric in CD just give a better survi to the cleric). Clerics in this situation are glad to see the dispell especially on this buff, but this situation can be reverse (like cleric losing hp or def when raider attacks him). That's kinda a lottery.

But most of all it's a teamplay spell. And i speak as a knight who just protect 95% of his time squishy classes in CD.

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#121 Feuer


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 04:43 AM

I'm not going to be changing my sleeping pattern just so you're online when I'm actually playing. If you want to get an opinion about what I do, and how Active I am, ask someone from VoraSyn. 

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#122 Valakas


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 05:07 AM

I'm not going to be changing my sleeping pattern just so you're online when I'm actually playing. If you want to get an opinion about what I do, and how Active I am, ask someone from VoraSyn. 

The nickname i gave him was 7-11  , nuff said. 

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#123 Filipito98


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 07:15 AM

Dam Feuer, seems u having many haters ;o


and how often do you see people use buffpots in cd? answer is only one or two in every 3 games so far(based on my playing experience) and mostly scouts, raiders and only one mage . and one more thing when people get resurrected, they get rebuffed immediately by most clerics(its actually the same as getting debuffed) people who REALLY PLAY understood what i meant 

i dont really play (In Terms of CD but yes i do DGs n etc n is almost the same problem) n still understanding, but wat just i see in most of posts is ppl dont have clerics for CD, or cause mostly is focus in themselfs wile the clerics always do the wole work (Buffs,Heal,Res,Etc) ppl just dont use buff pots cause like many ppl in forum already sayed, they always wait for an cleric for buff + heal (i would acept part of heal cause an team with cleric vs an team with no cleric is an huge disadvantage), ik this will be an stupid question but wat happened if an more or less FS type cleric got in but dont have any buffs but yes heals (more or less pvp FS cleric)? idk how's the situation of CD or w/e but i just saw like ppl blaming others for dont use FS clerics or w/e, who knows if im right or wrong, most of them already changed to BC as we saw, seems this is not the same as lasts times i went to CD with my cm with my cleric .... wich there was more clerics than now, but wat can we do? we cant like, force others players for get back to FS class lol

About Feur well, i mostly see him afk in vora spot (thats true) n maybe walking from maps but, dat doesnt mean we should blame him for like he dont play mutch CD maybe (i dont know him but already saw him some times in game, wich mean idk if he rlly play CD or not, or he do others stuff lol), just cause he say more or less random stuffs maybe (IDK soo dont blame me about this --") doesnt means we need to blame him n say like he isnt playing the game lol, most of u guys have an signification in playing rose than is pvp n CD n etc, others ppl have them ways, i see him as a normal player, not an like u say (Player who Really play the game or w/e), we all are players, wat does mean if we rlly play the game? nthing, is the same, we playing the game


p.s : if some of u guys dont understand some parts just quote or w/e than i can try maybe to explain better


p.p.s : idk if this post im mading do part of the post but oh well lolz, wanted to write smthing wen i saw dat post i quote  :hinthint:


Edited is in Blue

Edited by Filipito98, 29 April 2014 - 07:16 AM.

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#124 Valakas


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 07:57 AM



i dont really play (In Terms of CD but yes i do DGs n etc n is almost the same problem) n still understanding, but wat just i see in most of posts is ppl dont have clerics for CD, or cause mostly is focus in themselfs wile the clerics always do the wole work (Buffs,Heal,Res,Etc) ppl just dont use buff pots cause like many ppl in forum already sayed, they always wait for an cleric for buff + heal (i would acept part of heal cause an team with cleric vs an team with no cleric is an huge disadvantage), ik this will be an stupid question but wat happened if an more or less FS type cleric got in but dont have any buffs but yes heals (more or less pvp FS cleric)? idk how's the situation of CD or w/e but i just saw like ppl blaming others for dont use FS clerics or w/e, who knows if im right or wrong, most of them already changed to BC as we saw, seems this is not the same as lasts times i went to CD with my cm with my cleric .... wich there was more clerics than now, but wat can we do? we cant like, force others players for get back to FS class lol

About Feur well, i mostly see him afk in vora spot (thats true) n maybe walking from maps but, dat doesnt mean we should blame him for like he dont play mutch CD maybe (i dont know him but already saw him some times in game, wich mean idk if he rlly play CD or not, or he do others stuff lol), just cause he say more or less random stuffs maybe (IDK soo dont blame me about this --") doesnt means we need to blame him n say like he isnt playing the game lol, most of u guys have an signification in playing rose than is pvp n CD n etc, others ppl have them ways, i see him as a normal player, not an like u say (Player who Really play the game or w/e), we all are players, wat does mean if we rlly play the game? nthing, is the same, we playing the game



Ironic thing is,there are some people who complained that he doesnt do CD enough to qualify to comment while these people themselves wasnt very active in CD as well . They are not even active enough in the forums , they just came to flame the topic by degrading whatever discussion effort we are trying to have here. 

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#125 Feuer


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 09:01 AM

Tbh, i often get dissapointed at the lack of qeues, I'm constantly bugging my clan to join them... lol

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