Since I have been going through the cleric stuff and already comment on it.
So now, I am going to mention all deep detail about these improvement of axe champ that is going overboard. These change to axe is made Axe champ being good in every way. cale of Dodge/Crit down along with Bleeding effect and Burn Aoe
Overhead Attack
- Increased Dodge Down base to 20/40/60/80, from 10/15/20/25/30
The change of debuff of dodge down as axe champ is too strong according to the damage of axe champ can make with 100% crit damage. This increase of number almost equal to PvP Geon from 2h champ .This is too obvious.
The change should be going by half:
- Increased Dodge Down base to 15/30/45/60, from 10/15/20/25/30
Weapon Toss
- Increased Movement Speed Down base to 20/40/60/80, from 10/15/20/25/30
This should not be changed from Live Server because PvP Weapon Launcher is decided for most axe to have and catch the runner. And if this amount of mspd down would make axe full of danger, range stun, and big mspd down.
Champion Hit
- Increased Critical Down base to 30/60/90/120/150, from 10/15/20/25/30
- Increased cooldown to 7 seconds, from 6.
- Critical Down effect reduced to 5 seconds, from 20.
This is definitely going too much. with 150 charm on my axe I have 5%+655 Crit down that is equal to 5%+26.2% = 31.2% crit down in one skill and crit down effect still 20 secs. While Crit katar raider have to earn stack for 20% cri down and they won't have enough sp to reach PvP Screw attack. So basically, Katar raider can reach only about 30% crit down with a bit charm build. Nothing compare to Axe Champion Hit that can keep enemy like 30% crit down all the time.
Change should be:
- Increased Critical Down base to 15/30/45/60/75, from 10/15/20/25/30
Along with Sen/con passive for Crit stat already make Axe goes over every classes on Critical
Champion Strike
- Increased cast speed.
- Now converts 20%/40%/60%/80%/100% of damage to healing yourself.
- Also applies to unique version as well.
This definitely should not be added. Are you seriously to make 100% absorb? Axe almost be able to crit every classes with 100% Crit damage. They going to add up like 5k HP + if they crit.
Final Strike
- Increased cast speed significantly.
- Added Bleed effect for 2/3/4/5/6 seconds.
This is fine to be adding since Axe champ is decided for strong single hit damage
Axe Wrath
- Increased cast speed significantly.
- Added Burn effect dealing 1000/1500/1500/1800/2000 damage over time.
- This should not be added while axe are not made for doing better in AOE type. And another aoe from Soldier tab on axe skill tree already made 200 burn dmg per sec for 5 Secs
These improvement on axe is going to be too much while Spear champ has not been improved and 2h champ's soul wreck getting mute down to 80% chance
Note - GM, You should take a look on other axe type in the server. There are a lot of better axe players in the live server. You guys better listen to them as well. Not just to decide by testing and listening by one person who play Axe type. His idea to improve his own Axe is definitely too much.
Edited by FireJin, 28 April 2014 - 04:06 PM.