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RO1 In Game Rules and Guidelines

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#51 Themes


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Posted 06 October 2016 - 03:43 PM

I still believe you shouldnt allow client edits if you are not going to make them somewhat available to players. Not everyone may want or need anything, but they should have the option. It doesn't need to be pinned on the forums with flashing gifs and trumpets. But giving them a way to download the big card sprite (or whatever minor/cosmetic edit) that doesnt install any actual illegal edits is important.
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#52 rabidMAGE


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Posted 06 October 2016 - 03:52 PM




  • Intentionally Portal Casting is prohibited

you guys should've just fix it  :p_sad:

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#53 needmorezleep


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Posted 06 October 2016 - 04:20 PM

you should make the emblem thing at least 30% since some emblems only look good that way

client buff timers should prob not be allowed during woe or at least not in classic

also what does this count as? some people will vend npc items at higher prices in places like turn ins since people don't want to waste warp scrolls to go back and forth

  • Scamming players with NPC bought goods is prohibited

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#54 Ashuckel


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Posted 06 October 2016 - 04:26 PM

Selling Spirit Liquor as Poison Bottles and so on
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#55 Boyeteers


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Posted 06 October 2016 - 05:01 PM

So portal casting like Stasis is bannable now? Interesting to see how players def/attack castles now especially on woe 1.

The majority of woe would be like more members and allies = win

Edited by Boyeteers, 06 October 2016 - 05:06 PM.

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#56 Toxn


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Posted 06 October 2016 - 05:03 PM

Portal casting has been illegal for ages, it's just literally no one has ever been punished for it, and no one ever will be.


Like pretty much every other "rule". Unenforced rules aren't really rules at all.

Edited by Toxn, 06 October 2016 - 05:04 PM.

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#57 Xellie



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Posted 06 October 2016 - 05:05 PM

The number of falsified reports regarding portal casting now that it's "official" is going to be epic.




it's stupid because it gives them more work and players have ways to deal with it.


The number of falsified reports that is possible from such rules is huge. many people use skills immediately on entering a portal, many start spamming it before they finish loading. I often recall on the spawn because other players spawn in and stack with me. I actually do this a lot (portal recalling into a hibram precast is dumb, so its an awareness thing). Scholars often ME on the spawn... paladins spam sac on the spawn.... how can you prove this stuff unless there's a CP?


and all it takes is one dumb screenshot to get those legit players banned, because the staff DO NOT INVESTIGATE. Why the hell would the GM team put themselves through this?

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#58 EveGenesis


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Posted 06 October 2016 - 06:18 PM

is intentionally bugging yourself (to get position bug) and then recalling (in WoE) a bannable offense? Just wondering.

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#59 Ashuckel


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Posted 06 October 2016 - 06:23 PM

is intentionally bugging yourself (to get position bug) and then recalling (in WoE) a bannable offense? Just wondering.


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#60 WhiteWizard0


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Posted 06 October 2016 - 06:45 PM

FOR THE 1000th TIME. Make a bloody stand PENUMA TIMER LEGAL/ILLEGAL?


Easy question unanswered for the past 4 weeks?

Either Camp and Oda have difficulty reading. Or are blatantly ignorant to simple questions posted by noob people.


Edited by WhiteWizard0, 07 October 2016 - 01:01 AM.

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#61 Diskence


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Posted 06 October 2016 - 08:25 PM

Yo you didn't thank em for that great avatar. 

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#62 Xellie



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Posted 06 October 2016 - 08:27 PM

to be fair tho, I'm confused on whether its allowed or not

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#63 WhiteWizard0


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Posted 06 October 2016 - 08:45 PM

to be fair tho, I'm confused on whether its allowed or not

According to the current standard of rules it isnt AFAIK. But then again it goes against a BIG guild Leader and for the past 1 month GM have been trying to not give me any response on it, except ignore?


So 99.999999999999999999999999% it is allowed for them at least. RIP others?


I say i wanna know buff timers of my enemies too. I wanna know how much their hp/sp is. I also wanna know how long stais has been used by my enemy. And all other buff timers of my enemy. Wanna know if the enemy got FCP on/not. Wanna know if my divest went through/not. Wanna know if masq worked/not. 


All this should be legal if penuma timer is legal. Because it only gives information of buffs/skills?

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#64 WhiteWizard0


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Posted 07 October 2016 - 02:33 AM




  • Do not debuff other players without their permission.
  • Use of packet injection to heal, or target monsters, or use skills is prohibited.



  • Do not debuff other players Outside the castles without their permission. 
  • Use of packet injection to heal, or target other players, or use skills is prohibited.




Client Edits

  • Graphical Edits that are purely Cosmetic in Nature
    • Ex. Big Card Edits (Please note replacing monster or player sprites can be viewed as giving players an unfair advantage and may result in account suspension)
    • Informational Client Edits that help with tracking buff timers
    • Creation of Mini Map files for maps that do not have them.
    • Certain Edits that help with client performance
      • Ex. Remove Shake, Remove Hallucination
    • Removal of Camera Restrictions on Maps
    • Use of Keyboard/AHK Macros that Do Not Automate Play
  • ​​If you believe that something should be allowed please let Oda know and we will consider it.


First You havent clearly allowed/denied if penuma timer is allowed. But from ur posts and repeatedly question and the complete ignorance to my question goes to explain you allow it for said player.


Hence these questions.

Debuffing players is not legal. But tracking timer of enemy skills/ buffs is legal?

I wanna penuma and save my guild from an arrow strom. But wait. My non allied guild is elite and know exactly how long penuma is gonna be on and will kill me at the exact time.


Fine you wanna make penuma timers legal. How about make other useful stuff legal? Stuff like stun/sleep/status effects message on head? But wait thats not legal. Cause it gives unfair advantage to non allied players.



WHY are you so hell bent on tolerating it? When there is tons of other stuff that should be considered legal instead of this. Rather than imposing sanctions, you provide them full support and show the entire RO community. Special set of rules apply for some ro folks who visit the California office regularly to butter up you folks. Well, i could walk down to the office every weekend..... But wait, i got better things in life to do than visit them.

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#65 needmorezleep


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Posted 07 October 2016 - 03:16 AM

the stun/freeze grf effects are legal since they are purely a cosmetic choice

you can just do what most good priests/champs would do in classic/other renewal servers and spam pneuma in the downtime of debuff clearers

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#66 soudou


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Posted 07 October 2016 - 05:20 AM

Mob train as in tanking mobs so another player can kill them to train their exp?? Or Mob train as in a trail of mobs behind you that you drop onto another player? Might need a little rewording on this one.

The latter one. Back in beta days GODPOING (Korean GM for iRO) would do server wide announcements telling people off for doing so. That was also back before so many skills were geared towards mass destruction, so accidents can happen nowadays, but still a case for harassment when it's done repeatedly with clear intention.

Edited by soudou, 07 October 2016 - 05:24 AM.

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#67 Campitor


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Posted 07 October 2016 - 08:40 AM

Hence these questions.
Debuffing players is not legal. But tracking timer of enemy skills/ buffs is legal?

PVP maps are defined as maps where you can stab and cause damage to other player characters without the use of an exploit.

Debuffing players outside pvp maps can result in account suspension (PvE Maps). Debuffing players inside the pvp maps is encouraged.

I wanna penuma and save my guild from an arrow strom. But wait. My non allied guild is elite and know exactly how long penuma is gonna be on and will kill me at the exact time.

It is my understanding that the server does not transmit a count down on the skill. This means that any timer a player creates is guessing time left based upon the standard duration of the skill.

Fine you wanna make penuma timers legal. How about make other useful stuff legal? Stuff like stun/sleep/status effects message on head? But wait thats not legal. Cause it gives unfair advantage to non allied players.

The problem isn't the stun/sleep/status effect messages themselves its that they touch player sprites. Editing player sprites has historically lead to some very bad cheats which is why we will suspend for that.


WHY are you so hell bent on tolerating it? When there is tons of other stuff that should be considered legal instead of this. Rather than imposing sanctions, you provide them full support and show the entire RO community. Special set of rules apply for some ro folks who visit the California office regularly to butter up you folks. Well, i could walk down to the office every weekend..... But wait, i got better things in life to do than visit them.

As far as I know no renewal guild leader or "Elite" has visited the office in the last 4 years. Most of them live and work hundreds of miles away. If you live close you are more then welcome to visit during the next game night. But we don't create some special set of rules for users, the gms should be banning everyone equally and if they are not then we have a problem that we need to address.
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#68 ShoLin


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Posted 07 October 2016 - 09:36 AM

If you're making portal cloaking illegal I'm done with this game lol


It's portal casting for lazy people lol.

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#69 Xellie



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Posted 07 October 2016 - 09:48 AM

It's portal casting for lazy people lol.


I'm just gonna go with the logic that hide/cloak don't have cast times you just "use" it. The wording doesn't say portal "skill" it just says portal "cast" which I guess is aimed at becoming immune during loading times to bypass long cast times so all is good. :)

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#70 DemliekCake


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Posted 07 October 2016 - 09:48 AM

portal casting =/= portal recalling.

Don't make a dumb rule that you know you can't enforce.

If you start to ban portal casting, then please be patience when people spam your ticket system just to ban someone from the other guild.

And the reason why portal recalling is illegit because you will need a 3rd party program to hotkey the guild recall button. Portal recall can be done with ingame feature, but you will be able to spam it way much faster with hotkeying the guild recall button.

Either fix it, or make sure what is really wrong here: the ability to portal casting or the use of 3rd party program.

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#71 Xellie



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Posted 07 October 2016 - 09:59 AM

portal casting =/= portal recalling.

Don't make a dumb rule that you know you can't enforce.

If you start to ban portal casting, then please be patience when people spam your ticket system just to ban someone from the other guild.

And the reason why portal recalling is illegit because you will need a 3rd party program to hotkey the guild recall button. Portal recall can be done with ingame feature, but you will be able to spam it way much faster with hotkeying the guild recall button.

Either fix it, or make sure what is really wrong here: the ability to portal casting or the use of 3rd party program.




Before Mandragora howling got nerfed it was the most obnoxious thing on the planet. Also stasis. It's not cool. But Classic skills, they're not so devastating. I remember making a video demonstrating how portal recall didn't require a 3pp and was broken by spellbreaker for these discussions.



There were two big arguments, both around recall:

the first one being that portal recall required recall to be hotkeyed (not true) which obviously involves a packet edit and optional client edit.


the second one was that it wasn't interruptible (not true), but spellbreak.


As a former serial portal ecaller - can I give some insight? I only really do it when my guild is pissing me off and I want to get them killed. (for some reason donating my guildies blood to the server makes people angry) - but it doesn't require a 3pp. 


Cloak, stealth and camo allow players to stand on the portal. You can line up the buttons and walk and click (its tricky but once you practice it's easy!) so there really is no need for a 3pp at all.


I personally don't give a damn if people portal ecall on my guild or not. It usually gets them kill and spellbreak works on it. I literally could not care less.

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#72 DemliekCake


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Posted 07 October 2016 - 10:10 AM

like i said, it is how much faster you can do it. I know you can do it without 3pp, but with it, you can do thing like snapping in and out of portal while spamming recall.

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#73 Xellie



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Posted 07 October 2016 - 10:14 AM

Oh yeah that's a cheat for sure lol

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#74 PervySageMarty


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Posted 07 October 2016 - 11:00 AM

According to the current standard of rules it isnt AFAIK. But then again it goes against a BIG guild Leader and for the past 1 month GM have been trying to not give me any response on it, except ignore?

So 99.999999999999999999999999% it is allowed for them at least. RIP others?

I say i wanna know buff timers of my enemies too. I wanna know how much their hp/sp is. I also wanna know how long stais has been used by my enemy. And all other buff timers of my enemy. Wanna know if the enemy got FCP on/not. Wanna know if my divest went through/not. Wanna know if masq worked/not.

All this should be legal if penuma timer is legal. Because it only gives information of buffs/skills?

Tell me why you need a pneuma timer? any seasoned WoE acolyte player would hhave grasped how to time their pneumas and duration periods in their heads far back during their priest stage.
Your incompetance brings shame to me as an elite Bishop player on the server.

Edited by PervySageMarty, 07 October 2016 - 11:01 AM.

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#75 AAEM


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Posted 07 October 2016 - 01:15 PM

is intentionally bugging yourself (to get position bug) and then recalling (in WoE) a bannable offense? Just wondering.


Hmm makes me wonder also, I think it is allowed in WOE TE tho.

Edited by AAEM, 07 October 2016 - 05:13 PM.

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