Garden of Eden [1]
Upper headgear, Def 5, required level : 100, 40 weight, all jobs
(1) Int + 5, Dex + 5.
(2) Increases magical damage dealt to enemy for all spells by 10%.
(3) Bypasses 20% Mdef to all races.
(4) If refine level is +7 or higher,
- Additional 15% magical damage for all spells.
- Additional 30% Mdef bypassing to all races.
(5) If refine level is +9 or higher,
- Reduces cast time by 15%.
- Additional 50% Mdef bypassing to all races.
(6) Set bonus with Kathryne Keyron (MVP) Card,
- Cast time -100%.
- Telekinesis Intense’ cooldown -120 seconds.
- When this headgear is taken off, remove the effect of “Telekinesis Intense” from the user.

Possible enchantment for this headgear :
First slot (require +6 or above) and Second slot (require +8) : High Level, Player resistance5, SP consumption -6%, Skill Delay -6%, Uninterruptible cast, Spell1, Spell2, Attack Speed1, Attack Speed2, Perfect Dodge +5, MaxHP5 and Fixed Cast Time -50%.
Third slot (require +10) : Unleashing of true power
* These have 100% success rate, player is able to choose.
Gemini-S58’s Eye (Red) [0]

Middle headgear, Unable to be refined, Required level : 100, 10 weight, all jobs
(1) Increases resistance to Stone and Sleep ailments by 10%.
(2) If user’s base Vit is 90 or higher, additional resistance to Stone and Sleep by 40%.

Possible enchantment for this headgear :
First and Second slot : Sharp1, Fatal1, Fighting Spirit1, Expert Archer1, Spell1, Sharp2, Fatal2, Fighting Spirit2, Expert Archer2, Spell2 and High Level.
Third slot : Def+18, Mdef+7, Critical+10, Flee+10, Hit+10, Perfect dodge+3, Aspd+1, MaxHP5, SP+100, Skill delay -15% and SP consumption -15%.
* Choosable. Each name has different success rate. Headgear is destroyed if failed.
Open Air Headphone [0]

Lower headgear, required level : 90, 10 weight, all jobs
(1) Skill delay -5%.
(2) SP consumption of skill -5%.
(3) Recovers 5 SP when defeat a monster.
The effect of it is similar to Bard’s Magic String.

(author made it up.)

Possible enchantment for this headgear :
First slot : Str+2, Int+2, Dex+2, Agi+2, Vit+2, Luk+2 and High Level.
Second slot : Def+9, Mdef+6, Flee+5, Hit+5, Critical+5, Perfect dodge+2 and High Level.
Third slot : MaxHP3, SP+100, High Level, Aspd+1, Atk3 and Matk+3%.
* Choosable. Each name has different success rate. Headgear is destroyed if failed.
Medic Cape [1]

Garment, Def 12, Required level : 10, 60 weight, all jobs
(1) Recovers 100 HP and 10 SP for any monster defeated.
(2) If user defeats Animal or Fish race monster, has a chance of dropping “RB Muscle 15mg”.
(3) If user defeats Formless or Dragon race monster, has a chance of dropping “Anti-toxin serum”.
(4) If user defeats Plant or Insect race monster, has a chance of dropping “Combat Medicine”.
(5) If user defeats Demon or Demi-human race monster, has a chance of dropping “Movement speed increasing potion”.
(6) If user defeats Undead or Angel race monster, has a chance of dropping “Poison Bottle”.
(7) If refine level is +7 or higher, increases chance of dropping for all medicine written above.
(8) If refine level is +9 or higher, further increases chance of dropping for all medicine written above.

(Smosh - If video games were real 2)

Possible enchantment for this garment :
First slot (+6 or more) and Second slot (+8 or more) : High Level, SP Consumption -4%, Skill delay -4%, Burn, Gale, Flood, Clay, Grudge, Ur (ウーア), Venom, Desperia (デスペリア) and Sacred.
* Choosable, 100% success rate.
Drake Coat [1]

Armor, Def 60, Mdef 10, required level : 100, 120 weight, all jobs
(1) MaxHP +500 and MaxSP +50.
(2) Deals 3% more physical damage.
(3) If refine level is +7 or higher,
- MaxHP +1000 and MaxSP +100.
- Additional 3% more physical damage.
(4) If refine level is +9 or higher,
- MaxHP +1500 and MaxSP +150.
- Additional 4% more physical damage.
- Remove size-penalty for all monster sizes.

Possible enchantment for this armor :
First slot (+6 or higher) and Second slot (+8 or higher) : High Level, Player resistance3, SP Consumption -6%, Unbreakable (Armor), Sharp1, Fatal1, Fighting Spirit1, Expert Archer1, Spell1, Attack Speed1 and MaxHP5.