after i reading this I think they will not answered or move on our suggestion if the studio are not interested on what we say so im gonna go with the flow what ever the studio decides (whether its our suggestions or not) and thats that...

Improving Ragnarok Online
Posted 14 May 2019 - 03:36 PM
Posted 14 May 2019 - 03:56 PM
When I said “fair”. What I meant was, disable MvPs, disable OCPs, and many Bio 5 headgears. Most important ban cheaters lol
WoE times are quite tricky. In the past, I actually suggest to have WoE times move 1 hrs later every week. This means everyone around the world should have the opportunity to WoE, to explore and enjoy this aspect of end game. As WoE times weekly change, defending guild(s) can’t always log in jus to defend and enjoy free easy Econ unless their dedicated players always want to change their weekly schedules to suit WoE times.
Being said, OCPs won’t be monopolized by defending and/or big bullying guilds. And everyone who wants to participate in a very fair WoE (no OCPs, n MvPs, cheaters get banned (hopefully lol)), should have their rights to WoE.
One can dreammmmmmm ~
Having never done WoE, I can't relate to how bad the issue is with the OCP equipment and cheaters is. I'll have to trust you on that.
The problem is, I'm not sure how you would go about limiting the use of such items in the WoE environment. Since there are restrictions to items in WoE TE, that shows that there is a way to make it happen, but I would worry that disabling the items would require someone to maintain a list of what can or can't be used.
It might be better to run an approved item list instead of a denied item list - meaning that the system starts out with all items denied in WoE unless the item is specifically authorized. That way as new items are brought into the game through content updates or OCPs, an argument would have to be made for adding the items to the allow list authorizing them in WoE without worry about the items showing up in matches.
Whether something like this is possible though is something we would need to wait for an answer about.
Posted 14 May 2019 - 06:05 PM
1. Option to Autoloot
2. New Items/Equipment in Kafra Shop that are not gambling boxes
3. Permanent Halter Lead (like the one i bought in my pRO days), everyone deserves a trusty steed
4. Monthly Free Stat/Skill Reset
Posted 14 May 2019 - 06:07 PM
+ remove an outdated useless cash shop items, update it with the new one! Update/change it monthly, pls dun be lazy cat
+ more benefit for vip user (this will make ppls want vip his/her acc continously)
+ whatever we as player alrdy told you about update content, there is specific thread for suggest, but you all do nothing. Now why you still asking us like we never told ya

Posted 14 May 2019 - 06:39 PM
- The Classic server has on average 150 players, and 5 castles per feud. Already the renewal server, has 4 castles per feud, and 1000 players playing. That is, we need to decrease the amount of castles of the CLASSIC server so that BATTLES exist. People are just coming in the last minutes of WOE and fleeing battles like little women!
- There are several players of different nationalities in CLASSIC. You should change WOE's schedules, so people can play again, take a VOTE open on the forum, for people to choose the best times, and TEST to see if it gets any better!
Suggestion 5______Disable all pvp-rooms and Enable 1 pvp-rom.
Suggestion 6______fix the reflected damage inside the castles/woe
Posted 14 May 2019 - 07:03 PM
[idk if it is too late or not..but let see]
>Complete Overhaul of the class. the class design is pretty dumb (or should i say..lazy). like almost 80% of the class skills are not worth trying. just remake it the class and you will have a good rework on this (not just another dumb nerf that will make the class unplayable)
>End the OCP Era if you really want to rebalance everything. OCP already affected negatively the game play of each players. the end game items that should be hard to get became easy because who needs to grind for those end game items if the OCP is the end game items. another thing is that the instances, dungeons and so on that supposedly a party recommended gameplay became soloable due to OCP. which leads us to another thing:
>Rebalancing the monsters especially the bosses to adapt to the OCP Meta. this will make the game slightly difficult even for OCP users...yah..just reference the JP's PVM.
>Make most of the "useful" items craftable instead of droppable. in the games i played. DNM and ROM will let you craft a certain items. this thing made useless items like jellopy useful. by this. it will make the game more engaging and more fair to everyone especially those guys that are not blessed by RNGesus.
>Rewarding system for the guys who pvp a lot
>fix the damn cell bug and actually banning people who uses 3rd party programs like autopots because i already caught one several times and i make a meme out of it because why not. i'm insulting the incompetency of the company for not having the guts to ban these kinds of idiots in the server
>Remember the Issue regarding the guardian stone? Cinnamon and Campitor...i think its time to find out how it was triggered so that you guys knows how to fix the damn bug
>Other than that. WOE set will be "useless" in OCP meta. so if you are still willing to put the WOE set. then start thinking what OCP shouldn't be working inside the WOE Area
Posted 14 May 2019 - 07:38 PM
Lots of other mmorpgs do this thing where they reward players for logging in "attendance" or "calendar" rewards. If anything this will motivate me more to log in everyday no offense to friends and other RO content.
Posted 14 May 2019 - 08:34 PM
Spawn MVP on WOE castle, make them 3rd party (they role just kill player who defend and attack), and please please update castle treasure loot, its doesnt make sense since all loots is useless, even the god items pieces is crap, compare with OCP.
hopefully GM will take action instead only asking ppl wht can we do to improve ragnarok.
Posted 14 May 2019 - 09:13 PM
Me trying to improve RO.
Posted 15 May 2019 - 12:31 AM
My Recommendations:
1. Log-In rewards (Similar to Daily Quen)
2. Better custom content
3. Stop recycling quest from years Ago
4. Updates that players want (NOGH for example)
5. Events that players need to work around that it will require a party to finish (2018 TLAP for example)
Posted 15 May 2019 - 01:25 AM
Daily login rewards system but for the same IP address only.
Class vs Class Tournament With Restrictions.
Guild vs Guild But With Item Restrictions.
End OCP Items
More monthly events like shadow gears and free refine ores.
Posted 15 May 2019 - 02:02 AM
It would be cool to have another NPC sort of like Curious Catto in which players can throw zeny at it to control rates, but with a bit of a different system. For starters, let VIP people choose if they want to all base/all job/all drops, the same as we'd pick monster exp for turning in a signboard but with drops feature too. But what would really be much cooler is if there were other tiers of packages to buy from, but with cooldowns so the usage of the NPC's rates isnt abused.
For example, the standard rate increase with no cooldown timers could be set to +25%base / 25%job / 15%drops, or maybe 60% all base/60% all job/ 30% all drops, for 2 hours.
Then you could maybe have a mid-tier package that does something like +50%base / +50%job / +30%drops, or 100% all base/100% all job/60% all drops, for 3 hours at 500-700m with a 24hour cooldown.
And you could even do something like a grandmaster third tier for 1b+ that does 100%exp/drops or doubled of any individual rate for 4 hours with a 3 day cooldown.
I think this could be good because there are very wealthy players who are probably bored enough to want to utilize that, and plenty of people would ride that wave once saw they somebody else had popped the rates
Posted 15 May 2019 - 02:37 AM
Posted 15 May 2019 - 02:49 AM
A lot of people have took the time to write long paragraphs here on how to improve the game. I really hope the team doesn't waste it this time. Looking forward to any new plans coming from this.
Posted 15 May 2019 - 02:57 AM
What is discouraging is knowing that any changes suggested here will be evaluated for several months until they finally decide that the studio does not agree with them. That's why I do not bother to suggest anything.
Posted 15 May 2019 - 03:29 AM
How many times have they asked and nothing happened lol
Posted 15 May 2019 - 05:22 AM
Lol you guys do know that this is just another bait thread dont ye?
How many times have they asked and nothing happened lol
I am optimistic. I feel it. In my jellies.
Posted 15 May 2019 - 05:31 AM
Dad, is that you?
Posted 15 May 2019 - 05:38 AM

Posted 15 May 2019 - 06:23 AM
Might as well drop some suggestions in case they actually get to work on these:
Enhance Party Play
I can't stress this enough. The multiplayer aspect brings out some of the most fun from this game and can give people more reason to keep playing. Personally speaking it's why I still go online even though the rate of updates are not so satisfactory. I think players should be also be rewarded when they work together with other players just as much as they are rewarded when they solo play too.
> Party-oriented quest rewards. What usually happens with instances is that the rewards only end up going to one person which is usually the dps or party leader. But this doesn't really benefit people who fullfill other roles like tanks and supporters. It would be nice if everyone got something, even if it's just simple stuff like recovery supplies or catalysts to make up for those used in the quest, with the bonus being they end up with more supplies than they started with for more efficient runs.
- For some chosen instances, maybe give additional rewards to each player or to the whole party by ?n(value that scales depending on party size). Like extra temp crystals or coags for larger parties, or extra gfss per miniboss for every 2-3 additional players.
- Of course, some mechanics will also need to be made to reward actual participation and not just bringing in alts.
> Improve the viability of partner skills. Add some shine for actual partner skills to make people actively seek them. There's already stuff like Cross Slash from Kagerou/Oboro, SLS Team Up from Tae-Kwon/Monks, and those ensemble songs from performers. Maybe find a way to make it easier and more rewarding to activate them.
> Increase Bonus XP for parties. Add another +10% to the bonus xp so the new bonus will be +30% bonus xp per additional person in the party. Here's a sample table to show the difference:
Looking to the future I can see this yielding some unlikely benefits:
These parties will eventually become friends, friends will become guilds, and guilds will cry when gioia is added to clab. Kidding lol I mean guilds will probably engage in woe too and possibly breath life into that part of the game.
More Community-Oriented Custom Content
Want to aim for more active participation from the playerbase and the production team.
> Community Headgears 2.0 boi. Especially those alternative build hats that will finally let people play the with the style that they prefer and not be forcefully shaped into someone else's cookie-cutter builds.
> More Community Events. We need largescale fun stuff like those 'Whole server Vs. Monsters' stuff that other official servers have. TLAP day event was a really good move. But we can go even further with stuff that some people want to propose (Prontera Undead Siege. Payon Faceworm Invasion featuring Eddga vs. Faceworm King lol).
> Allow Heal amount from skills to register in chat messages log. This is to make it easier to keep track of heals and easily see the difference when comparing healing-related equipment.
> Training Dummies in all major towns. To eliminate the need for going all the way back to izlude criatura academy to test equipment.
> Change Gear Swap System to recognize more sets. For scenarios where I only want to switch either accessories sets, just headgear sets, or weapon+ammo+shield combos.
> Pet Tamers & other consumables to not disappear unless successfully casted. There are items that require you to target stuff just like ygg leaves, spell scrolls, and pet tamers. However these items get wasted if you accidentally right click or misclick on the ground.
Visuals adjustments
Graphics are a big aspect to the game too
> Add an option to increase/decrease displayed numbers sizes. Mostly to make it easier to actively track damage when there are lots of numbers flying around in combat.
> Option to set font color for UI Customization. Currently all texts are set to black by default.
> Make User Interface skins switch to .png from .bmp. Can't seem to ask for better publisher's transparency so I'll ask for better UI transparency instead haha
> Status Effects icons to show while /effect is toggled. There are some icons that don't show up when /effect is turned on like Burning status and Freezing status icons which makes it harder to notice if those status were successfully inflicted.
Bug Fixing
Make use of a "Temporary Bug Fix System". Whenever possible, apply a temporary fix in-house while waiting for official bug fix patches from the Studio. This is to minimize the drawbacks in gameplay quality from bugs like corrupted quest entries, etc.
Edited by ninJedi, 17 May 2019 - 06:10 PM.
Posted 15 May 2019 - 06:39 AM
A lot of people have took the time to write long paragraphs here on how to improve the game. I really hope the team doesn't waste it this time. Looking forward to any new plans coming from this.
i hope so because this is already the 3rd time they said "they wanna improve the game" for every wave of "the game is dying" threads and discussion. the last time is the woe improvement board which goes nowwhere thanks to some guilds from thor who wants drama (as usual)
Posted 15 May 2019 - 08:14 AM
ye if this is just another smokebomb cuz of the server population thread you can really just close the server as nothing will ever improve then, people (me included) feel like a good old friend is slowly dying, not week or month slowly, rather a year long suffering, no matter with how many excuses GM team comes up. (ROM ^_____^!!!). They didnt improve the OCP system out of altruism, sales go down, thats all theres to it.
Posted 15 May 2019 - 08:26 AM

Posted 15 May 2019 - 09:59 AM
How about updating Instance and WOE rewards with OCP gears? Put Semi-rare and Common gears into instances(ie. Magician Gloves in GMT), and Rare OP gears as WOE rewards. No need to do this for the most recent OCP boxes, but for the OCP gears that are already 3 months old? Is this impossible?
Posted 15 May 2019 - 11:50 AM
What I would like to see in the game:
- An improvement in the availability of healing items: woe white & blue potions and unripe & dried yggdrasilberries. i.e.Through daily quests or letting me choose to exchange all my tickets for those potions in the Thanks Ticket Machine, and customize the amount of tickets I can exchange, instead of only 5, let me trade 50 or 500 for the equivalent of woe potions or yggdrasil berries taxing me 20% to 100% the price for saving me time and giving me the freedom of choicing only healing items .
Or somehow improve and help healer/support classes make their heal equal or better than potting(you may detect them based on their stats or skills). i.e. priests do not lose experience when dying if they are with another player in a party in the same screen 24x24 and they spend less SP, also, only priest classes can get 3~10 token of siegfried with eden merit badges :u and they get no exp penalty gaining from killing monsters in the party:u (I used to main this class, but not anymore and I do not have problems getting healing items, but that is obviously not the case for newcomers) - An improvement in the availability of item requirement skills: elder branch, mermaid heart, witch starsand, etc. By increasing the triple the amount of monster on all or some maps, if you do this I would like the monsters on turn in maps to not drop anything but only base/job exp). An increase of the amount of monsters would make me want to farm those items from time to time, as I use to do when I started with nothing. Or another way I can not think of right now, but it should not make me spend more than an hour per day, but you may know better the average of hours players spend in this game, it could be accumulable through a week, such as another quest that exchange not desired items from the desired ones and getting bonus items for making exchanges for consecutive days.
- As some people already mentioned, enhancing party sytem. Increase the amount of experience members of a party get. For example, a vague one, each member of a 12 members party gets 50% or 100% more exp from monsters, so it would be more attractive to level up and fill parties instead of leveling alone, but you my come up with better and more elaborated idea. Also, I would like a default option of no count if the gap of 15 levels is broken as in no share exp/drop. I think this may make consider those players with high level characters alts, like me, to go with parties.
- As cinnamon said, 27 unlocked character slots acounts. why not??
- Make use of the Antagonist option bellow Alliances in the guild window. I always wanted it to work as if you could pvp with any member of the guild in this section in any place you encounter him, with no lose of experience of course, but with a function of kill count that can be used for another type of quest or reward carefully planned so it cannot be exploited or abused, like putting cooldown and not counting the same character you killed from that guild.I suggest the implementation of this: with some modifications.
- Increase the amount of exp received from quests, make the expierence amount fixed and not affected by battle manuals nor exp events. It would be great if there were a bigger amount of only talking/lore quest available to level up only by reading.The exp received should be equal or similar to the time spent killing monsters. The sign quest giving 3~5 fixed levels at 160-170, maybe??
- Kafra Shop. More rental items, rental costume items, rental disguise items (Fulll server disguise event :u someday maybe), ocp rental items or rental full gear sets for different jobs and builds, adjust the price of consumables, more options for color clothing, hair styles and skins (if available someday) at the level of an official server, rental characters only to test if we like a full maxed job and their skills. Prices attractive enough to buy frequently. Availability and safety to buy warpportal points with zeny to other players (an item/envelope with a code when you open it, maybe?).
- Improve the Friends with Benefits system: EXCLUSIVE, new and original rewards: costumes, visual effects, auras, titles, mounts, pets, clothing colors and hairstyles for recruiters, or anything else you think fit.
- WOE/PVP. People have already gave you a lot of input in the forums: A balance of skills/classes/damage in woe and pvp, better rewards for winning castles and a better supply of consumables for guild members. (Reduce even more the damage received from players in woe until it gets balanced and the roles of each class stands out like before as the easiest and first attempt to fix woe so damage dealers are damage dealers again and supporters become supporters and not -always- just punchbags one shoted by another not full damage dealer class/build/skill?). I suggest : Elemental lv 4 WOE only armors of each type with unequipping/equipping balanced drawback/cooldown.
My two cents as well.
Edited by Domo6oy, 03 July 2019 - 10:29 PM.
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