People also can post links of the old Feedback & Suggestions and i will add them to the list.
Dont make suggestions here, other than change the categories in wich the links are listed, or changes in the comments of each thread.
I will try to update it often (once a weak) but that will depend on the growing speed of this section.
Community List of Suggestions and Improvements II (8/28/'08) (Old Forum)
Feedback & Suggestions (Old Forum)
Part 1
General Ideas
Proposal for the game
A few suggestions here and there (A compilation of my thoughts on the game so far)
List of Generic Suggestions
making a better game for all (suggestions for a better game)
Future Maintenance (only another idea)
A possible solution to avoid Scammers (And Get More money for Gravity)
Suggestions to balance the game (Post your opinions)
Fresh Start!
Just some ideas that i and others kicked around (Use or not up to GM's.)
S3 Suggestions (I suggest at least looking at the Mini-Games)
Suggestion for improvement
Repeatable quests and how to make a better use of the open world map
Ideas to make new players stay (Some ways to solve this)
More Suggestions

Suggestion: Fire someone
S3 Suggestions (I suggest at least looking at the Mini-Games)
Game ideas and Problems (Requiem Bloodymare, game suggestions, game problems, ideas)
i got a great idea
Updated List Of Suggestions (Gravity needs To Get A Life)
My giant suggestions, cool ideas. (Please don't move this untill atleast someone has seen it )
My 5 enchancements I wish: lock items in the hotbar, totem colors, increase guild size, all unique mobs drop quest items, and all customes should be usable for all races.
Suggestions to make a more challenging & fun game (List of suggestions that I think should be made to enhance gameplay)
Game Ideas (What Gravity should add and fix.): about guilds ranks and confirmation windows, advertisment for the game, better support and bugs.
Hey Gravity (old forum): fix the error 06, update the main page and balance the tb battles.
Perfect suggestion: Refer a friend system. (old forum)
my Feedback & Suggestions (old forum): fix the TB tree map and other ideas.
The Future and some other things...(old forum): factions, siege map and guild strongholds, and other game changes.
Game lacks focus. (old forum)
Fix your game already. (old forum): fix the stealth bug, prevent the hacks, and other things.
ATTN: Staff of Gravity!!!!! PLEASE READ... (old forum): increase the pet lvl cap and improve the mini game rewards.
Grind till you bleed (old forum): random stats on items, compoundable mob drops, and more grey item drops.
Issues? post a few here for ur ideas on a game (old forum): more dna points, fix the stealth bug, new quests and other things.
a couple suggestions (old forum)
Added Horror Element and Difficulty. (old forum)
How to resurrect the game!!! (old forum)
Player Customization & other stuff (old forum)
Suggestion: Fire someone
New Maps
Traduction to spanish
How about some plugins etc. ? (Think it would really enhance te game experience.)
About download manager, (Make a Download Manager that have a Pause button on it.)
64Bit client.
Razer Naga Addon for Requiem
Optical Effects on/off (mby a help2 reduce some lag)
Installation Through Torrent Like Client
SvS, when DC a solution to score (Solution to lost score.)
Progressive Macro System
Suggestion Regarding Development of Requiem
fullscreen Wide screen problems when play in full screen.
Bring back weather effects and all the other efects that were removed (Because they were removed and nothing was improved

Suggestion: Failed Patch Download (about constant patchs downloads): just create a button on launcher to retry patch download.
New Patcher (Title says it all

IRC-MIRC, Vent, TS... (????): add some kind of TS to the game.
Ideal installer (old forum)
Cannot connect to server -> Login Screen (old forum)
Hackshield PLEASE (old forum)
Magic Buff Not Shown (Possible Bug)
Alliance HP/MP Bars
Counterattack skill (annoying)
I have a suggestion... Fix your damn game!
easy way to escape when u get stuck! FOR GM!
Useful updates (They are really needed)
Priority of word (A way of working for the dev team)
Reset key (about the

NURFING REPEATED SUGGESTIONS (better way to get things done)
Event Golem (for those who have no quest or tired of grinding)
Happy Hours
Happy Hour Icon
Compound Happy Hour (suggestion)
S1 Drop Event (awesome)
Current Event Mobs
Bread, Dough, Dosh, Moolah and the lack of
New Happy Hours: A few additions
Weekly Reinforcement or Enchantment HH (this should be the way)
[Event] April Fools Day Celebration: Related Suggestions
Halloween Costume
Drawing contest (Dominator summons)
New HH types.
think about Europe players too please happy hours, theme battle and server vs server hours.
About events~: battlefield events.
Happy Halloween Boxes: make the costumes that come with them, sealled instead of directly bounded.
GREAT REQUEIM PVP 5/5 EVENT (Fast and easy)
Springtime Bunny - Requiem Style
T-Shirt Contest? (Maybe? Just one?)
Halloween (Ideas for future holyday events)
Xmas/Halloween/New Year event idea (old forum): Halloween minipets!!!
Satan's Reindeer on Christmas.(old forum): summon them during xmas
Player Run Events! (old forum)
Ideas for New Events (old forum)
Ingame lant for exp event (old forum)
Idea for Event(s) (old forum)
Monster Invasion! :OOO!!!!!! (old forum)
Halloween NM (old forum)
Lottery XP (another type of HH) (old forum)
I have an awesome event idea (old forum): a week in wich the characters dont get the bound to dungeon status.
Events (old forum)
Ingame Shcedule & Time (Gimme)
Server Trading
Splitting up Requiem seasons
Server Status Request
Volunteer Game Master Suggestion VGM (Community/Admin Replies Encouraged)
Big RED/GREEN button for server up/down
Server Character Trade Request (old forum)
Legit request - Make players play on their countries server. (old forum)
Main Page
Item List and what stats increase with each +1 (You have the items in game and a list would help)
Information on Skills (Please keep us informed)
Age verification
Update Website (Skills and DNA)
Transfer Characters to other accounts
Forgotten Mail (Problems and solutions)
My Proposal (Get with the program gravity): make it more simple.
[Wand of Bright Oceans] Contest Poll
Wand of Bright Oceans Contest (Submit your suggestions)
Addition to Forum Rules (considering language)
Old Forum Tech Support Threads (should be moved here)
Tables (lil used by many but please!): add tables in the new forum.
Forum Contests and Events/ Player Run Events!: asks for those 2 sections in the new forum and suggest a few forum events.
About Old Forums (Getting old topics back): bring some of the old forum topics to the new one.
Theme: give the option to change the themes in the forum.
Forum Access Restrictions
Signature Image Limitations: suggestion to reduce the size of the signatures.
Forum Contests and Events (old forum)
+5% enchanting/reinforcement for premium players (old forum)
Game System
Loot Box's Shape
Sound effects (Music plays a major role)
Achievements? (They might be cool)
Starting Game: a few ideas
Item Drop Rate (Reduction Tool Pointless)
Rage Raid (or How to make money on people)
Physical Upgrades (Skills and DNA arnt enough to face the new horrors)
Party buffs (just a proposal): bonuses for add specific classes to the parties.
A few suggestions......
Continous Bonus Suggestion (old forum)
2nd set of weapons (old forum)
Alternate gear setup (old forum)
S2 Partys (old forum)
AoE crits - no crit color (old forum)
Reimplementation (old forum): reimplement the targeting circles, hammerine tree and old death effects.
Most damage = Kill count (old forum)
I want new animations! (old forum): new animations for some of the skills.
teleporting to a friend or guild (old forum)
Can I get weapon switch plz? (old forum)
Damage and Verifivation (old forum)
MP Recovery (old forum): keep the mp recovery effects with the hot heals.
Ehancement (on existing specifics) (old forum): remove skill cd after respawn, remove line of sight of skills that dont need to target, and other things.
[Enhancement] Facing Position after respawn/warp (old forum)
Modern Screen Capture Utility (old forum)
Game Settings
"Show Shoulder" Option
Polygon Option
Bring back weather effects and all the other efects that were removed (Because they were removed and nothing was improved

Settings- Tab distance slider: under game settings, make a slider for tab distance (0m-50m)
Character Creation Screen
Character ID number (removal of same name restriction)
Deleting a character (Order should be different)
Character Selection and other important stuff (Concerning extra character slots and quest text fix)
Hair Color
Lintra Merge Solution (Char deletion is a joke....): implement a scroll bar in the char selection screen so ppl dont have to delete their chars.
Turn around
Easier leveling
Early Capping (No more leveling)
Leveling to 85 (Grind Hell)
Mouse Clicks (Selection)
Able to select Others using Character Tag
Ways to cancel the skill's are of effect circle
Skill Web (Proposal for Open Ended skill system)
Display Character Name
Overkill on Line of Sight for casters
Revamp Requiem: melees are in disadventage, suggestions to make it more balanced.
Still no auto-sheath off?
Suggestions for lazy people 2: suggestions to make the game easier to play.
Charging Attacks (old forum): hold the key and charge the skill to make it stronger.
Skill Reset at Second Job (old forum)
Push and Pull (old forum)
More attack SFX (old forum)
The leveling system (old forum)
Suggestions for lazy people (old forum): suggestions to make the game easier to play.
Exp Award System (old forum)
So when do we see Crit chance capped at 80%?
Balance the SCAD nerf
A suggestion (About the cad/scad nerf)
How to nerf the game again (people do too much damage)
stats=resist: some stats should make the character able to resist debuffs.
accuracy/evasion: revamp and make acc work on skills.
Why a defense cap?
Constitution > Defense (Suggestions to balance the dmg a little): the con stat should rise the defense.
HP Rec stat (old forum): make this stat useful.
Dmg or Crit? (old forum): how to fix the problem with the crit builds.
Hit Rate that works. (old forum)
Melee acc/eva/lvl mess (old forum)
Resistance (old forum)
Skill descrpition as Gear description
Confirmation Dialog: like the dna but for the skills
graphic (feo)
Throw Weapon Skill
Stuns: remove the success chance changes according to the level gap on battlefields
Animation with weapons
A burrow skill like Zergs have in Starcraft
Skill Confirmation & Information
easy way to escape when u get stuck! FOR GM!
skill points +10 (permanent)
Fix melee skill miss rate
Idea: Finishers (FINISH HIM!)
Critical DoT (If HoT's can have em, why not?)
DOT Debuff Damange Changes
hp rec buff fix (templar & prot buffs)
Totem Colors
Melee Classes Skill Accuracy (old forum)
[Enhancement] Instant cool down on all skills after death (old forum)
Stealth detections skills changes (old forum)
Werinuman's Innards
DNA: Full Potential Unlocked (Temperions Unlocked their Full Potential)
DNA Distribution
DNA Sequencer (A complete revamp of the DNA system.)
S3 idea (quest): add more dna points with quest rewards.
Quest for extra skill points/DNA (old forum)
suggestions: more than 25 dna points (old forum)
Buff Icons
Quest UI: Small Changes
Character Info UI Suggestion (About how to fix it)
New Interface (Takes up too much space)
Loot Pick up options...
UI (user interface) (Suggestive modification)
Auto Buff Removal Function (For those useless buffs in raids ^.^)
More Quickbars
Party Skill ON/OFF
In-Game Calendar
Suggestion: Remove Players in Town
Find Party and other UI ideas
More skill bars! (3 isn't enough)
Skills on Equipment: it would be nice if we had a separate quickbar with auto-hide functionality that always lists all the equipment skills if any.
Lock/unlock items in bags (Do it!)
Mark in the quick bar wich items are equiped
Placement of elements on screen (Improve the distribution of the objects in the screen)
hp bar on/off: switchable hp bars that allows to show when all hud hidden.
Short-cut Lock (It should be ON by default)
GUI Movement (Moving the GUI Blocks)
Skill Window Suggestion (old forum)
For the love of god, put a lock on the skill bar! (old forum)
Suggestion for Keyboard Zoom shortcuts (old forum)
2 small suggestions (old forum): show the server time in the game chat.
Short-cut Lock: On / Off (old forum)
Hackers/cheaters reporting system (old forum): add a way to report players directly from the game.
Action (Social)
Emotes and Party Emotes
Possession Beast Dance
Action (General and Social) (New social options)
Guild Information
Guild Level
Guild War Auto Accept
houses (proposal for houses)
Sorting in Guild Window
Guild Manager Board
Confirmation Dialog on Expel
Guild bank
Guild windos should show where players are...
Guild Bulletin Board and other guild suggestions
House (what the title say... ) personal and guild house.
Own Guild Emblem: give us the option to create our own guild emblems.
Guild Blocs (basically an alliance of guilds)
Guilds max number of player (to get bigger guilds)
Helpful (minor) guild window feature pls (old forum)
Make the guild list sortable (old forum)
Guild Warehouse (old forum)
War Guild Alliance and Mercenary System (old forum)
Guild Member total = 100+ (old forum)
Guild Bank (old forum)
maybe add more guild signs? (old forum)
Selection of Friend & Foe
Party Tag for Summoned and Captured Monsters (The support rol of the Dominators)
Text colour on the pets
Party Loot box cycle
Make it easier to invit for alliance...
Invite Party (old forum)
Shared Friend List ..
Increase the size of the BlockList (there are too many deserving of a spot)
Cross-Server Character Blocking (me want:)
Blocking a User (Universal Block of User)
Player Status - add in game
The issues with Name Changing (these should be resloved)
Comunity (Friend List): suggestion to increase the amount of players in the friend list.
Chat Window: Changes
chatting system
Whisper Window Functions
Suggestion regarding chat box
In-game Chat (Ways to improve it)
Joint bank account. (free users should at least have a free one)
Market Watch
Auction House App (is such a thing possible?)
Auction House (should be able to cancel bids)
Auction House (Items You Placed A Bid On)
Auctioneer and Vendor searching (When there is nothing found.)
Entry to the Auction areas (Both Zakate and Nova Lux)
Buy and Sell for Mall Points
Cancel Bidding! (Please D;)
Suggestion regarding the Auctioneer (old forum): suggest to be able to sort the items
Enchants at the Auctioner (old forum): subdivitions of enchants types in the AH.
Personal Vendor
Auctioneer and Vendor searching (When there is nothing found.)
Return Mail
Sending Mail (Social Game?)
Transporter (Mail) (old forum): let us send more than 1 item per mail and/or keep the last mail text to be able to send another msg to the same character.
cant mail to orher avatars on your account? (old forum)
New Mount Models
mounts (mounts)
Mounts: give them a more important roll
Mounts that can carry more then one character....
Free Mount Upgrade
Mounts (All mounts for everyone!)
New pet's level cap
New pet (yep)
Pet Collect Add Option
PET Option Collect Items a good Idea
[Event] April Fools Day Celebration: Related Suggestions
Text on the pet box
Pet bag(s)
My Best Friend (Attacking Pet - Helpers): make pets able to attack.
Better Questing Interface using Sad Diagrams (Some Suggestions)
Scroll Quests: Nightmare, Dungeon and Raid
For Information on Quests (EXP Amount)
Quests for 70-72 (a little more)
Lvl 70, 71 and 73 (Quests)
PvP Daily Quests (Ways to encourage people to play more pvp)
Character Selection and other important stuff (Concerning extra character slots and quest text fix)
New Tag for Quest Window
Quest types
Possession Beast...reset?!
Numaren Rewards: make numaren quests give better item rewards (bigger amount of xeons, etc).
Daily Quests (Beacause grinding is boring sometimes)
Quest Reset (Item Mall) (Suggestion): item mall to reset quests and repeteable quests.
Exceptional Quest Rewards (Quests that reward special xeons and job change/ reset)
More Quests! (For higher levels!)
SCroll Quests (More):ask for more scroll quests slots, atm we only have 5.
Dear Hastur.... (Scroll Quests.....): ask for more scroll quests slots, atm we only have 5.
Giont (old forum)
Cleffy's Suggestion 3/3/2010 (old forum): the quests are not properly spanned out for levels and time investment.
Remove quest compass and give more exp for quests (old forum)
Turba - Quests (old forum)
Ladder Quests (old forum)
Edited by Nadesh, 14 February 2012 - 09:11 AM.